How to overcome anxiety?

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-02-21 11:34:20
How to overcome anxiety?
20 February 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" by the school psychologist conducted a training "How to overcome anxiety?". 11 pupils took part.

Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылғанына 30 жыл

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2019-02-21 08:47:08
Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылғанына 30 жыл
Ауған соғысының ардақты ардагерлері! Құрметті қонақтар! Сіздерді Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылған 30 жылдық мерейлі  мерекесімен шын жүректен құттықтаймын! Бұл күн – Ауған соғысы аяқталған ардақты күн. Сондай-ақ ауғанда от кешкен ардагерлерге құрмет көрсетіп, майданда қаза болған ерлерді еске алатын ерекше күн. Елбасымыз өз сөзінде: «Күні кешеге дейін көпшілік...
Author: School №8

Drawing competition among students in grades 5-6 "Learning English" ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-02-20 21:26:17
Drawing competition among students in grades 5-6
 On February 20, a drawing competition “Learning English” was held among students in grades 5-6. Pupils not only painted pictures on free topics, but also presented translations of drawn objects into Kazakh, Russian and English. The purpose of the drawing contest: Support for modern policy of trilingualism. The younger generation should know three languages. Promotion of tri...

Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-02-20 21:21:43
Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...
19. 02. 2019 the teacher of biology and chemistry Khamitova S.K. within the framework of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds” held an open class on the optional course “Human biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases”. Objective: to acquaint with the types of skin diseases, to develop terminological vocabulary, to develop students' sel...

According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-02-20 21:18:08
According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...
 On February 18, computer science teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open optional lesson in computer science in the 8th grade on the topic “Export of sounds”. The lesson was conducted according to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education. Purpose: To give an idea about the sound installation devices. Development of self-education skills, thinkingskills; mastering t...

Congratulations on the victory in the city poetic competition ...

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2019-02-20 20:17:46
Congratulations on the victory in the city poetic competition ...
Within the framework of the "Modernization of kazakhstan’s identity" program, a city poetry contest was held to mark the 125th anniversary of the state and public figure Saken Seyfullin, one of the founders of Kazakh literature, with the goal of developing and promoting the art of poetry among the people, popularizing poetry among young talents and young people. History teacher Z...

The final information on the campaign "Happy Childhood"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-02-20 19:52:01
The final information on the campaign
From February 6 to 15, boarding school № 2 held the “Happy Childhood” campaign. Objective: to teach children to be kind, to be kind to their parents and to be attentive to the environment. Details uploaded to file

At the Weekend club continued informative hour "Seven faces of the great steppe"...

Category: library
Date: 2019-02-20 19:05:51
At the Weekend club continued informative hour
February 17 at the Weekend club continued informative hour "Seven faces of the great steppe". Golden man - the discovery, found by chance from the Mound was washed away in 1963 floods in from Issyk. This discovery is amazing news - the pride of the nation, it has turned into the charm of the viewer.... Golden man - today has become a symbol of freedom of Kazakhstan. His personality was...

"Мектеп формасын бекіту туралы" мектеп жарғысынан үзінді

Category: Положение о школьной форме
Date: 2019-02-20 15:33:30
"Мектеп формасын бекіту туралы" мектеп жарғысынан үзінді Орта білім беру ұйымдары үшін міндетті мектеп формасына қойылатын талаптарды сақтау. Мектеп формасын кию міндетті, мектеп формасы оқытудың зайырлы сипатына сәйкес келеді. Мектеп формасының фасоны, түсі классикалық стильде, бірыңғай түс гаммасында, үш түстен артық емес араластырыла отырып ұсталады. Мектеп формасы бас киім киюді...
Author: School №10


Category: The regional project "Aikyn" to determine the quality of students ' knowledge
Date: 2019-02-20 15:04:10
In order to improve the quality of knowledge of students in grades 5 – 9, on the implementation of the regional project "Aikyn" conducted subject diagnostics in the period 30.01.2019-05.02.2009 in our boarding school was tested. A total of 5-9 grade tested 99 students.   The project "Aikyn" is carried out to monitor the quality of students ' knowledge and m...

"Mauta yz ben capes"

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2019-02-20 14:37:08
       "Mauta yz ben capes" Remembering the fairy tale "Mauta Kyz ben capes", their interest in fairy tales increases. On February 15, an open lesson on the fairy tale “Makhta Kyz bin mysyk” was held in the Balaus group of adults.

Started week "Three languages - three worlds" ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-02-19 22:33:54
Started week
 In February, the week of trilingual education is traditionally held in our school. This school year, the holding of the week "Three languages ​​- three worlds" is scheduled from February 15 to February 22. Within the week, open lessons are planned in the subjects “biology” and “computer science”, a seminar for teachers on the creation of methodical product...

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