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Протокол заседание попечительского совета

Category: Школьное питание
Date: 2019-04-01 10:00:01
Протокол заседание попечительского совета
Протокол заседание попечительского совета

протокол слушаний

Category: Школьное питание
Date: 2019-04-01 09:56:06
протокол слушаний
протокол слушаний

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees №1 MGA "Boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov"

Date: 2019-03-31 09:23:44
Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees №1 MGA
28.03.2019 Agenda: 1. Report on New Year holidays and Nauryz celebrations. Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ahmedina A. 2. Miscellaneous Participants: school principal, deputy director for educational work, 9 members of the board of trustees, social teacher, members of the parent committee of the school, members of the council of fathers and mothers - 32 people. Listened to: 1. On t...

Қалалық «Кішкентай ханшайым-2019» байқауының қорытындысы

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2019-03-29 14:59:06
Қалалық «Кішкентай ханшайым-2019»  байқауының қорытындысы
Қалалық «Кішкентай ханшайым-2019» байқауының қорытындысы   28-наурыз күні қалалық «Оқушылар сарайы» ұйымдастыруымен өткізген «Кішкентай ханшайым-2019»байқауына лицейден 3 «А» сынып оқушысы Ерғазы Ақтоты қатысып «Бас жүлде» жеңіп алды. Байқау 4 кезеңнен тұрды. 1-ші кезең «Дефиле», 2-кезең «Таныстыру»,...
Author: Lyceum №2

"On the introduction of IT technologies in the educational process"

Category: Methodical center
Date: 2019-03-29 12:09:11
Agenda: 1. On the implementation of the decision of the Pedagogical Council No. 3 of January 8, 2019 (S. Zhumabayeva) 2. Report "On the introduction of IT technologies in the educational process". (Sakenov M.S.) Co-rapporteurs: 1. On the application of PORs as a means of developing communicative competence of schoolchildren. (Amirkulov G. R.) 2. On enhancing the competence of...
Author: School №4

Қамқоршылық кеңес отырысы

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2019-03-28 16:18:22
Қамқоршылық кеңес отырысы
Author: School №8

"Жол қауіпсіздігі" "Бағдаршам" атты 3-4 сыныптар арасында үгітбригада

Category: leader
Date: 2019-03-27 15:27:44
        Мектебімізде 27 наурыз күні "Жол қауіпсіздігі" "Бағдаршам" атты 3-4 сыныптар арасында үгітбригада болып өтті. Жалпы 6 сынып қатысты. Қазылар алқасында Мектеп директорының тәрбие-ісі жөніндегі орынбасары – Жетписбаева Ж.Қ, Өркен дебат клубының жетекшісі Ибышева М.Е. Шабыт би клубының жетекшісі Кемельбекова А.Т. болды.Сыныптар өз...
Author: School №8

According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-03-27 12:23:47
According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...
 On February 18, computer science teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open optional lesson in computer science in the 8th grade on the topic “Export of sounds”. The lesson was conducted according to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education. Purpose: To give an idea about the sound installation devices. Development of self-education skills, thinkingskills; mastering t...

In the framework of the week "Three languages - three worlds" with teachers was held a training seminar on the creation of methodical products ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-03-27 12:20:52
In the framework of the week
On February 21, within the framework of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds”, a training seminar on the creation of methodical products was held with teachers. During the seminar, teachers were given general information about the program of trilingual education, were also introduced to some methodological manuals on the study and teaching of a foreign language. Primary school...

Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-03-27 12:18:45
Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...
19. 02. 2019 the teacher of biology and chemistry Khamitova S.K. within the framework of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds” held an open class on the optional course “Human biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases”. Objective: to acquaint with the types of skin diseases, to develop terminological vocabulary, to develop students' sel...

Information on the research work of students

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2019-03-27 11:56:29
Information on the research work of students
In the 2018-2019 academic year, participation in school, city and regional research projects in various fields is planned. In particular, scientific studies were conducted on natural-humanitarian areas in subjects of history, geography, Kazakh ethnography and mathematics. At the regional level, the scientific work won the main prize in the competition “I am an ecologist”, in which...

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