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Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню семьи КГУ ОСШ №4 -2019 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-11-05 15:40:02
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню семьи КГУ ОСШ №4 -2019 год
С 6 по 14 сентября в КГУ ОСШ № 4 была проведена неделя, посвященная празднику День Семьи в Казахстане. В рамках празднования Дня семьи в школе были организованы мероприятия с родителями, учащимися и педагогами. Целью проведения Дня Семьи явилось воспитание ценностного отношения к семье; формирование позитивного опыта семейных отношений и установление плодотворного сотрудничества между...
Author: School №4

"ZIAT" Ғылыми -әдістемелік орталығы

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-11-05 10:49:24
"Сабаққа арналған үздік презентация"атты Республикалық  оқытушылар сайысында ІІ орынға ие болған

Диплом ІІІ дәрежелі

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-11-05 10:44:00
Диплом ІІІ дәрежелі
"Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие мен оқыту теориясы" бойынша балабақша қызметкерлерінің біліктілігін арттыру мақсатында өткізілген

Диплом ІІІ дәрежелі

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-11-05 10:39:36
Диплом ІІІ дәрежелі
Жетістігініз құтты болсың!

Халықаралық қыздар күні.

Date: 2019-11-05 08:41:35
Халықаралық қыздар күні.
11 қазан халықаралық қыздар күніне орай мектеп кітапханасында , 2019 жылдың 10 қазанында, «Қазақстанның және әлемнің әйгілі әйелдері» атты ақпараттық сағат өтті. Іс – шараға 11 сыныптың қыз балалары қатысты.
Author: School №9

To the 95th anniversary of the People’s hero Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev ...

Category: library
Date: 2019-11-04 15:17:01
To the 95th anniversary of the People’s hero Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev ...
The school library publisher has released a calendar for the academic year 201-2020, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the People's Hero Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev. Purpose: to educate students in a sense of patriotism, promoting the heroic actions of R. Koshkarbayev.

Minutes No. 1 of the school Board of Trustees meeting dated 29.08.2019

Category: Қамқоршылық кеңесі
Date: 2019-11-04 14:48:16
Author: School №24

Minutes of the Board of Trustees

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2019-11-04 14:31:31
Author: School №6

On November 1, a meeting of the School of Excellence was held...

Category: "Young Specialist School" and "School of Excellence"
Date: 2019-11-04 14:30:15
On November 1, a meeting of the School of Excellence was held...
On November 1, a meeting of the School of Excellence was held. The meeting began with the words: Best practices are .... Teachers each expressed their vision of this issue and shared their best practices in creating author's pedagogical products. This is a workbook in mathematics, optional courses "Shakarimtanu", "Development of reading literacy through the study of the works...

Video contest "The future is in the hands of youth" ...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2019-11-04 14:18:08
Video contest
 On November 1, the city department of education organized a video contest "The future is in the hands of young people." Imanov Daryn, a pupil of the 9th grade of our school, and Karibai Yersultan, a pupil of the 10th grade, presented two videos, two of which won II place. Teachers Dadanbaev Sh. S. and Zhetpis B. N. helped prepare the children for the contest. Congratulations!...

On November 1, the next Pedagogical Council took place ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-11-04 14:14:23
On November 1, the next Pedagogical Council took place ...
 On November 1, the next Pedagogical Council was held. Theme of the Pedagogical Council: Improving teacher education is the main path of professional creative development. On the agenda: 1. The importance of choosing a topic for improving teacher education. Bitleuova T. B. • Topics for teacher self-education. Heads of methodical associations Abdrakhmanova N. A., Esimbekova A. T...

Children's literature, state youth policy-95 years

Category: Modern library
Date: 2019-11-04 14:09:50
Children's literature, state youth policy-95 years
In the library, a lecture on "Journey to childhood"was held for 5th grade students.   Purpose: to acquaint students with the life and work of the classic of Kazakh children's literature Berdibek sokpakbayev, to develop an interest in reading. Development of thinking, skills of artistic expression. Education of patriotism.   Having briefly dwelt on the contents of...
Author: School №5

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