An intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-19 10:57:04
An intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students...
February 18 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakovduring the decade of educational work was held an intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students. The purpose of this event: to develop erudition, horizons, student awareness, the ability to put their knowledge into practice. Develop students' ability to think logically, dexterity and accuracy. Students pl...

Contest of expressive reading dedicated to the work and life of Mukagali Makatayev ...

Category: library
Date: 2020-02-19 10:53:35
Contest of expressive reading dedicated to the work and life of Mukagali Makatayev ...
February 18 at boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held a contest of expressive reading, dedicated to the work and life of the lyric poet, master of the word Mukagali Makatayev. This year, M. Makatayev would have turned 89 years old. The purpose of the competition: propaganda of the work of M. Makatev, increasing students' interest in poetry, the formation of speech culture. T...

Intellectual game among students of 6th grades ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-17 16:20:12
Intellectual game among students of 6th grades ...
February 14, as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators of boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov hosted the intellectual competition among students of 6th grade. Purpose: to develop students' ability to quickly and express their thoughts. Through game tasks and questions to develop logical thinking, memory. To develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork...

The Afghan war

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2020-02-17 13:56:56
The Afghan war
The Afghan war is one of the tragic pages of Soviet history: on February 15, 1989, the Soviet Army was withdrawn from Afghanistan. 31 years have passed since then. Our students laid flowers at the Monument to Soldiers-Internationalists in honor of the 31st anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet Army from the war in Afghanistan at S. Seifullin Grammar School. With knowledge of the truth and...

An open lesson was held in online format on the topic "Multiplication of decimal fractions" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-02-14 16:57:41
An open lesson was held in online format on the topic
On February 13, a mathematics teacher G. A. Burkitalieva conducted a regional open lesson in online format in the 5th “A” class on the topic “Multiplication of decimal fractions”. The purpose of the lesson: learning and doing decimal multiplication. In the lesson, group tasks, tasks for correcting commas were given, as a pair of work, students were given a semantic map...

In 5 classes, was organized and held a sports event...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-13 18:43:35
In 5 classes, was organized and held a sports event...
On February 13, the decade of the methodological association of educators continued. In 5 classes, a sports event was organized and held under the name "Densaulyk - Zor Bailyk". The purpose of the competition: to educate students in a sense of responsibility for their health and healthy lifestyle, to increase their interest in sports relay races. The students divided into teams &ldqu...

An intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-13 18:07:33
An intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes...
On February 12, in the boarding school No. 2, as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators, an intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes. The purpose of the event: to develop logical thinking, memory, understanding of the meaning of words. The guys were divided into 2 teams. In this competition, the teams competed in knowledge, the stages of the compet...

«Жас Сарбаз»

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2020-02-13 12:09:00
«Жас Сарбаз»
2020 жылдың 12 ақпанында Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылған күніне орай «Жас Сарбаз» клубының жас шәкірттерін Қазақстан Республикасы Қарулы Күштерінің жауынгерлік қабылдау саласындағы жартылай бастауыш білімі бойынша қызметке даярлау. Қазақстандық патриотизмге, міндеттер мен жауапкершілік сезімдерін тәрбиелеу мақсатында қалалық Жас сарбаздар клубтарының арасында  спортт...

Career guidance

Date: 2020-02-13 10:28:51
The choice of a profession is an important, complex and crucial step in human life. A meeting of 11th grade students with teachers of the Karaganda State Technical University took place at the school, the event was dedicated to vocational guidance. Students received answers to all their questions. Such events will continue in the future.  
Author: School №8

The project “I read a book - I drew”, an advertising contest “My favorite book”

Category: LIBRARY
Date: 2020-02-13 09:21:33
FFuture generations should not be aloof from reading books. Of course, an information system that will entertain children is enough: a TV, a radio, a computer. With this information system, we would not lose most of our reading and reading skills in childhood. To stimulate the interest of our students in reading, today we organized the project “Read my drawing” and the advertising co...
Author: School №8

«Еріктілер жылы» аясында

Category: leader
Date: 2020-02-13 09:09:57
«Еріктілер жылы» аясында Мектебіміздің оқушылары 2020 жыл «Еріктілер жылы» аясында Мемлекет басшысының жобасын іске асыру мақсатында қаламыздың Ұлы Отан соғысының ардагері Омаров Мұқажан атаның ауласын қардан тазартуға барды.Жұмыс соңынан, Ардагер атамен кездесіп, соғыс жылдары басынан кешкен қиын сәттерін еске алып, әңгіме айтты.Өздерінің бастарынан кешкен мұндай сұ...
Author: School №8

“Love is the basis of life”

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2020-02-12 15:59:08
“Love is the basis of life”
On February 2, an open lesson “Love is the basis of life” was held at school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin to explain the importance of communication and the value of love for students.   Classes that help students understand the meaning of life in love and discover the value of love best help students. Obviously, a person will seek love throughout his life and wi...

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