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We invite you to take part in the contest "traffic light 2020" among schoolchildren aged 6 to 15 years. Head: Senior Mentor Altynbek A.D. Contact phone number: 874790818306 and we invite you to take part in the contest "traffic light 2020" among 15 - year

Date: 2020-10-15 12:02:17
We invite you to take part in the contest
We invite you to take part in the contest "traffic light 2020" among schoolchildren aged 6 to 15 years. Head: Senior Mentor Altynbek A.D. Contact phone number: 874790818306 and we invite you to take part in the contest "traffic light 2020" among 15 - year-olds. Head: Senior Mentor Altynbek A.D. Contact phone number: 87479081830

Of the women who seemed outwardly fragile in all the peoples of the history of mankind, strong and talented queens, as well as famous poets and brave women came out.

Date: 2020-10-15 12:01:30
Of the women who seemed outwardly fragile in all the peoples of the history of mankind, strong and talented queens, as well as famous poets and brave women came out.
Of the women who seemed outwardly fragile in all the peoples of the history of mankind, strong and talented queens, as well as famous poets and brave women came out. In this regard, within the framework of the week dedicated to the International Day of girls "Kyz bolashagy-El bolashagy", the library organized a book exhibition "outstanding women of Kazakhstan and the world"....

On October 11, in honor of the International Mustard Day, a decade of online culinary skills among girls of grades 5-10 was held."I don't know," he said. The results of the contest will be published on October 14 on the school's internet networks and the

Date: 2020-10-15 12:00:38
On October 11, in honor of the International Mustard Day, a decade of online culinary skills among girls of grades 5-10 was held.
On October 11, in honor of the International Mustard Day, a decade of online culinary skills among girls of grades 5-10 was held."I don't know," he said. The results of the contest will be published on October 14 on the school's internet networks and the school's website

In honor of the International Girls ' Day, a meeting was held on the ZOOM platform on the theme "girls only among themselves". The school psychologist Ulukpanova G. K. conducted a training session on the topic: mood,how I know myself, and the school socia

Date: 2020-10-15 11:59:38
In honor of the International Girls ' Day, a meeting was held on the ZOOM platform on the theme
In honor of the International Girls ' Day, a meeting was held on the ZOOM platform on the theme "girls only among themselves". The school psychologist Ulukpanova G. K. conducted a training session on the topic: mood,how I know myself, and the school social teacher told about the rights of the child.

On October 11, International Girls ' Day was celebrated. The goal is to find ways to solve the problems faced by girls, as well as to warn them about the importance of protecting their rights and expanding their opportunities.

Date: 2020-10-15 11:58:49
On October 11, International Girls ' Day was celebrated. The goal is to find ways to solve the problems faced by girls, as well as to warn them about the importance of protecting their rights and expanding their opportunities.
International girls ' day is celebrated on October 11. The goal is to identify ways to solve the problems that girls face, as well as to warn about the importance of protecting their rights and expanding opportunities. An event was organized and held in honor of this holiday. Today's girls and girls are our lovely women, dear women, kind grandmothers who preserve tomorrow's hearth an...


Category: Интернет ресурстары
Date: 2020-10-15 11:46:13

Сабақ кестесі

Category: ТВ
Date: 2020-10-15 11:43:18
Сабақ кестесі

"Үлкенге құрмет" акциясы

Category: "Рухани Жаңғыру" жобасын іске асыру
Date: 2020-10-15 11:29:33
                                                                              «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында  құрылғ...
Author: School №25

«Рухани келісім- халық бірлігіне бастар жол»

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2020-10-15 11:22:16
Рухани келісім күні елімізде 1992 жылғы 18 қазаннан бері жыл сайын атап өтіліп келеді және Қазақстандағы әлеуметтік маңызды күндердің бірі болып есептеледі. Соған орай мектебімізде қазанның 14-і күні психолог М.С Үмбет пен кітапханашы З.Н Шайбекова 4 сынып оқушыларымен «Рухани келісім- халық бірлігіне бастар жол» атты тәрбие сағатын өткізді. Қонаққа Ә...
Author: School №8

«Құқық- әділет пен парасат жолы» тақырыбында сынып сағаты өтті.

Category: "Рухани Жаңғыру" жобасын іске асыру
Date: 2020-10-15 11:22:07
Author: School №25

«Қыздар сұлу көрінер қылығымен» атты қыздар жиналысы

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2020-10-15 11:10:34
Әрбір елдің өміріндегі шешуші кілт - қыздарға берілетін тәлім мен тәрбие арқылы өлшенеді. «Қыз» деген сөздің өзі әдеміліктің, әдептіліктің, жан-жақты сұлулықтың символы ретінде қолданылады. 14-қазан күні 8-11 сыныптарының қыз балаларымен «Қыздар сұлу көрінер қылығымен» атты қыздар жиналысы өтті. Жиналысқа қалалық аналар мектебінің төрайымы, ардагер ұстаз Ш.Р.Сыздыкова, Ба...
Author: School №8

Intellectual game "Leader of the XXI century" among high school students ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2020-10-14 23:44:40
Intellectual game
The week "Gifted Children" continues in our school. On October 14, history teacher Zhaksygeldin Ilyas Tlekovich organized and conducted an intellectual game "Leader of the XXI century" among students in grades 10-11 in a synchronous online format. The event included 5 rounds: "Presentation", "The Years Speak", "Reasonable Politics", "Recog...

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