Ардақ Назаровпен "Адалдық сағаты"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-30 19:46:29
Ардақ Назаровпен
Ардақ Назаровпен "Адалдық сағаты" https://youtu.be/s9LHdfynaX0

On 30.10.2020, at 16: 00, the director's hour on the theme "Let the child's life be safe" was held for parents of grades 8-11 through the zoom platform.

Category: Әлеуметтік педагог
Date: 2020-10-30 17:43:04
On 30.10.2020, at 16: 00, the director's hour on the theme
On 30.10.2020, at 16: 00, the director's hour on the theme "Let the child's life be safe" was held for parents of grades 8-11 through the zoom platform.   On the issues considered on the agenda;   Director of the school-gymnasium" let the child's life be safe": Gulzada Mukatayevna Manatayeva spoke about one of the most pressing issues in society-...

On 30.10.2020, the class teachers 'hour" the child's life should be safe " was finally held

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2020-10-30 17:15:25
On 30.10.2020, the class teachers 'hour
On 30.10.2020, the class teachers 'hour" the child's life should be safe " was finally held. The event was attended by school inspector Alikhan Nurbek, social teacher Kanat G. D., and the school administration. At the meeting, he familiarized himself with the types of measures for safety and Prevention of offenses during quarantine.

Parent meeting 30.10.2020

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2020-10-30 17:11:28
Parent meeting 30.10.2020
Parent meeting 30.10.2020

On 30.10.2020, the family hour "the child's life should be safe" was finally held.

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2020-10-30 17:08:06
On 30.10.2020, the family hour
On 30.10.2020, the family hour "the child's life should be safe" was finally held. The family hour was attended by school inspector Alikhan Nurbek, social teacher Kanat G. D., and the school administration. At the meeting, he familiarized himself with the types of measures for safety and Prevention of offenses during quarantine.

Online courses

Category: Communication with a higher education institution
Date: 2020-10-30 16:50:48
 Online courses
          The cooperation of the lyceum with the university continues to promote the development of students' cognitive interest in high-level competitions, intellectual games, and research projects. For this, online courses with students are planned for the current academic year under an agreement with the universities of KarSU, KNU.     &nb...
Author: Lyceum №2

Online meeting with a specialist of the center for healthy lifestyle

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-30 15:50:15
Online meeting with a specialist of the center for healthy lifestyle
  On 29.10.2020, the Lyceum hosted an online meeting with a specialist of the center for healthy lifestyle and students of grades 10-11 on the issue of safe sexual development. The meeting was led by obstetrician-gynecologist Slambekova Aigul Satimbekovna.
Author: Lyceum №2

"Единое Детское Юношеское Организация "Жас Ұлан" в рамках Республиканского общественного объединения провели мероприятие по профилактике интернет-зависимости среди детей и подростков".

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-10-30 15:01:44
"Единое Детское Юношеское Организация "Жас Ұлан" в рамках Республиканского общественного объединения провели мероприятие по профилактике интернет-зависимости среди детей и подростков". Ребята активно участвовали в беседе с психологом Санжар Асией, отвечали на вопросы, делали анализ и внимательно слушали. Детям встреча понравилась.

Video "The Nurse is an Indispensable Worker"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-10-30 14:44:40
Author: School №10

«Ақша бұлтқа айналған абыз ақын»

Category: LIBRARY
Date: 2020-10-30 14:32:26
Мектебіміздің кітапханашылары Қазақстанның халық жазушысы, ақын, Ұлы Отан соғысының ардагері, Парасат орденінің иегері Әбу Сәрсенбаевтың туғанына 115 жыл толуына байланысты «Ақша бұлтқа айналған абыз ақын» атты кітап көрмесін ұйымдастырды. Кітапханашы З. Шайбекова әлеуметтік желі арқылы оқушыларға ақынның өмір жолдары мен шығармаларын бейнеролик арқылы таныстырды. Сонымен қатар авт...
Author: School №8

Congratulations to Tleubai Aruzhan, who was awarded the "Best speaker" nomination!

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2020-10-30 12:45:08
    On 27.10.2020, the Bolashak team of secondary school No. 25 took part in the city remote debate tournament "Teacher and student" , organized as part of the second stage of the regional project "Saryarka".     The "Bolashak" team was represented by 9th grade student Tleubay Aruzhan, Sakenova Dilnaz and 7th grade student Toleukhan Erkenaz, wh...
Author: School №25

Results of the contest "Til daryn" ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2020-10-30 11:41:51
Results of the contest
On October 28, MGA "Tilder Ortalygy", in accordance with the action plan for 2020, held the city competition "Tildaryn" in the online format among young people who speak three languages. The purpose of the competition is to identify and support young people who speak three languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English. According to the terms, the competition was attended by you...

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