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What to consider when choosing a career? Мамандықты қалай дұрыс таңдау керек?

Date: 2020-11-17 12:10:36
What to consider when choosing a career? Мамандықты қалай дұрыс таңдау керек?
    «Өскенде кім болғың келеді?», – бұл сұрақ үлкендердің кішкентай балаларға қойғанды жақсы көретін ең кең таралған сұрақтардың бестігіне кіреді. Мектептік өмір көзді ашып – жұмғанша өтті де кетті, ырқымызға бағынбай қоштасу кеші де, ҰБТ да жақындап келеді, ал “Кім болам” деген сұрақ түлекті де, оның ата – анасын да одан бетер алаңдатуд...
Author: School №24


Date: 2020-11-17 12:08:18
«Это нужно пережить. Это неизбежно. К такому периоду в жизни своих детей приходит каждый», - говорят родители подростков. Но так ли это? Неужели, действительно, этот период настолько ужасен? Неужели его нельзя предотвратить? Неужели к нему невозможно подготовиться и прожить его легко, с удовольствием, с интересом? Обратимся к недалекому прошлому, когда наши дети лежали поперек кро...
Author: School №24

5 сынып оқушыларына арналған тренинг – жатығуы

Date: 2020-11-17 12:03:49
  5 сынып оқушыларына арналған тренинг – жатығуы Өткізілген сынып: 5а,б Мерзімі:қыркүйек  2020 – 2021 оқу жылы Өткізілу формасы: тренинг – жаттығу Мақсаты:Орта буын оқушыларының жаңа ортаға, мұғалімдерге, оқу процесінің өзгерісіне психологиялық тұрғыда қалыптасып, бейімделуінің тұрақтылығын сақтау. 1. Сәлемдесу ритуалы Жаттығудың ж...
Author: School №24

November 16, 2020 the beginning of the 2nd quarter. Hours of communication were spent in all classes according to the plan of educational work.

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2020-11-17 10:32:02
November 16, 2020 the beginning of the 2nd quarter. Hours of communication were spent in all classes according to the plan of educational work.
November 16, 2020 the beginning of the 2nd quarter. Hours of communication were spent in all classes according to the plan of educational work. At the beginning of the communication hours, the class teachers held Minutes of meeting with the children after the autumn holidays. The main topic of the class hours was the theme - the project “Children and theater. History of theater "(1-...
Author: School №10

"Festive, blessed Golden autumn!" fruit and vegetable crafts contest

Category: Older leader
Date: 2020-11-17 09:54:33
    Beautiful view of nature-autumn. In autumn, the picture of nature often changes, the sky is overcast, the leaves of trees fall to the Ground, it rains. Birds return to warmer climes, harvest. Everything flaunts, is painted in different colors, freezes. The leaves of trees and other plants change to red, brown, and yellow. During the whole spring and summer, as a result of well...
Author: School №25

The theme "children's rights – human rights" dedicated to the world day of the child

Category: Older leader
Date: 2020-11-17 09:46:59
The theme
    On November 2, 2020, in accordance with the plan of events on the theme "children's Rights - human rights" dedicated to the world children's day, a contest of creative drawings "I build my rights" was held among grades 1-4 at the KSU "secondary school No. 25 SOSH named after Y. Altynsarin Balkhash". Students of the school took an active pa...
Author: School №25

On November,16 in 2b grade was lesson "The art of communication"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-11-17 09:39:59
    On November,16 in 2b grade was lesson "The art of communication". The aim of the lesson was comprehensive expansion of pupils aesthetic knowledge. Develop children's ability to speak correctly, communicate correctly.
Author: School №25

Booklet contest "rights and responsibilities of the child" dedicated to the world children's day

Category: Older leader
Date: 2020-11-17 09:31:31
Booklet contest
     Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave to ensure that this generation is educated and well-behaved. Tomorrow, the young generation is a strong position of the state. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recogni...
Author: School №25

On November 16 with the students of 8B class was organized the educational lesson "Seven edges of the Great Steppe” and “Golden man”

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-11-17 09:27:21
      On November 16 with the students of 8B class was organized the educational lesson "Seven edges of the Great Steppe” and “Golden man” It was held in memory of the history, traditions, language and religion of the Kazakh people.
Author: School №25

13 ноября 2020 года классные часы, посвященные поликультурному и художественно-эстетическому воспитанию прошли в КГУ «Школе-лицей № 17 города Балхаш»

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-17 08:37:50
13 ноября 2020 года классные часы, посвященные  поликультурному и художественно-эстетическому воспитанию прошли в КГУ «Школе-лицей № 17 города Балхаш»
13 ноября 2020 года классные часы, посвященные  поликультурному и художественно-эстетическому воспитанию прошли в КГУ «Школе-лицей № 17 города Балхаш» С 1 по 11 класс тематикой часа общения был Проект «Дети и театр», где  классные руководители познакомили учащихся  с историей возникновения театра, магией театра, дали представление о различных театрах, а т...
Author: School №17

Themed class hours took place...

Category: Class hours
Date: 2020-11-16 21:21:10
Themed class hours took place...
On November 16, in the sanatorium boarding school № 2, according to the plan, the next thematic class hours were held. In the classroom hours, which passed in the direction of poly-cultural and artistic and aesthetic education for students of grades 1-9, information was given on the topic "Project" Children and Theatre". The history of the theatre”, for students of 10-11 gra...

Online exhibition of drawings "Kazakhstan is my Motherland" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-16 21:17:41
Online exhibition of drawings
From November 9 to 11, 2020, a distance online exhibition of drawings "Kazakhstan is my Motherland" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The aim of the competition was to instill in children love for their country, land, develop patriotism, pride in their country and involve talented young artists in the creative search. Schoolchildren of the city took part in the competition. I...

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