As part of the information campaign "Self-knowledge - pedagogy of love and creativity" among 5 students, an essay competition "Heart full of love"...

Category: "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"
Date: 2021-01-27 18:54:40
As part of the information campaign
On January 25, as part of the information campaign "Self-knowledge - pedagogy of love and creativity" among 5 students, an essay competition "Heart full of love" was held both offline and online. Purpose: education of spiritual and moral qualities, mutual help and mercy among relatives and friends. When writing essays, students were able to reveal the meaning of moral qualiti...

«Маска тағып жүрейік” челленджі.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-27 16:06:54
«Маска тағып жүрейік” челленджі.
«Маска тағып жүрейік” челленджі. «Балқаш қаласы Абай атындағы №2 мектеп-лицейі” КММ 5 Б сынып оқушыларымен салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау және коронавирустық инфекцияның таралуына жол бермеу мақсатында қала тұрғындарына, ата – аналарға, оқушыларға   " Маска тағып жүрейік!" ұранымен челленджін жалғастыруда.
Author: Lyceum №2

«Бірлік пен бейбітшілік рәміздері» тақырыбында 8Ә сынып оқушыларымен онлайн table-talk (талқылау) өткізілді.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-27 15:59:04
«Бірлік пен бейбітшілік рәміздері» тақырыбында 8Ә сынып оқушыларымен онлайн table-talk (талқылау) өткізілді.
«Балқаш қаласы Абай атындағы №2 мектеп-лицейі» апталық жоспарға сай «Бірлік пен бейбітшілік рәміздері» тақырыбында 8Ә сынып оқушыларымен онлайн table-talk (талқылау) өткізілді.  Мақсаты: Қазақстан Республикасының рәміздері туралы оқушылардың түсініктерін қалыптастыру болды.
Author: Lyceum №2

Essay writing on the topic "Kindness is from the heart"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-27 15:53:11
Essay writing on the topic
Essay writing on the topic "Kindness is from the heart"    As part of the week "Self-knowledge - love and creative pedagogy" 7th grade students of "School-Lyceum №2 named after Abai" in Balkhash wrote an essay on "Kindness from the heart."
Author: Lyceum №2

Exhibition of quotes "12 steps of moral and spiritual growth"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-27 15:52:21
Exhibition of quotes
Exhibition of quotes "12 steps of moral and spiritual growth"  In accordance with the week "Self-knowledge - the pedagogy of love and creativity" in "School-Lyceum №2 named after Abai" on January 26, 2021 the author of the program of spiritual and moral education exhibition of quotes on the topic "12 steps of moral and spiritual growth has been prepared....
Author: Lyceum №2

"Setiket - rules of conduct on the Internet."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-27 15:50:59
"Setiket - rules of conduct on the Internet."  On January 25, 2021, students of 5 V class of MSO "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" held a seminar on "Media and information literacy.  Held a line meeting in online format on "Setiket - rules of conduct on the Internet."  Its purpose: the global spider - to strengthen students' knowledge of...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Асыл жүрек"фотокөрмесі

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2021-01-27 15:34:33
"Өзін – өзі тану – махаббат пен шығармашылық педагогикасы" ақпараттық кампаниясы аясында №17 мектеп-лицейінде "Асыл жүрек"фотокөрмесі өткізілді. Көрме қашықтықтан өткізілді, балалардың жұмыстары мектептің әлеуметтік желілерінде жарияланды. Аталған іс-шараға 1-8 сынып оқушылары қатысты. Көрменің мақсаты: "Мейірімділік" ұғымын ашу және ұғыну, мейірімді б...

Information about visiting a college for the purpose of conducting career guidance work at the school

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-01-27 14:31:42
Information about visiting a college for the purpose of conducting career guidance work at the school
27.01.2021 students of the 9th grades visited the college "Balkhash service". They visited the offices of cooks, hairdressers, sewing masters, etc.
Author: School №9

In accordance with the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region of the KSU "school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" of the Department of education of Balkhash, within the framework of

Category: Regional project" Onegeli Omir"
Date: 2021-01-27 14:27:14
In accordance with the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region of the KSU "school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" of the Department of education of Balkhash, within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy "mathematics aynalamyzda", a meeting was held with the veteran teacher of the city, mathe...

In accordance with the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, KSU "school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" of the Department of education of Balkhash, within the framework of the we

Category: Regional project" Onegeli Omir"
Date: 2021-01-27 14:21:45
In accordance with the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, KSU "school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" of the Department of education of Balkhash, within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy "mathematics aynalamyzda", a meeting was held with veteran teacher of the city, mathematician A...

“mathematics around us”

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-01-27 10:13:46
25.01.2021 the city of Balkhash. In the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin, within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy “mathematics around us”, organized by the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, educational hours were held in grades 9-11 for the development of functional literacy of students.

“Mathematics in the life of a person”

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-01-27 10:09:08
25.01.2021 the city of Balkhash. In the gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin, within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy “mathematics around us” organized by the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, educational hours were held on the topic “Mathematics in the life of a person” in grades 5-8 for the...

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