"Қарты бар ел-қазыналы ел"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-10-05 08:32:32
04.10.2021ж күні 1-11 сыныптарда жас жеткіншектердің бойына үлкенді сыйлап тыңдай білуге, халқының салт-дәстүрінен нәр алуға, инабаттылық пен мейірімділікке тәрбиелеу мақсатында "Қарты бар ел-қазыналы ел"сынып сағаты өтті. Сынып сағатына ардгерлер ұстаздар мен көп балалы ана, ардагер аталармен ZOOM  платформасында кездесу ұйымдастырды..

Information of the meeting of the legal general education of students of KSU "Secondary school No. 9"

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-10-05 08:19:22
Information of the meeting of the legal general education of students of KSU
On October 04 , 2021 , the police captain of the UIP GUP OMPS OP G.Balkhash Kasymzhanova Anar Kozhanovna and inspector Abenov Bakhtiyar Abilevich held a lecture for students of grades 2-6 on the topic "Minors and the Law". The lecture talked about what the law is, about administrative punishment applied to a person who has committed an offense. The law is the main pillar of society. W...
Author: School №9

A training "Adaptation of a young specialist"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-04 16:42:52
A training
  In September, a school psychologist conducted a training "Adaptation of a young specialist" among newcomers and young professionals. Purpose: improving the professional skills of a young specialist, encouraging and raising the mood. Help young professionals to open up, show themselves to their colleagues; to help young specialists to feel like a part of the teaching staff, to ad...


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-10-04 14:50:10
Диплом Қалалық  "Қолөнер- дәстүрдің жалғасы, сөнбейтін айғағы!"

Class hour "let's save nature"

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-10-04 14:40:09
Class hour
4.10.21 a class hour was held on the topic of Tabigatty ayalay". The purpose of the class hours: the formation of students' conscious attitude to the development of ecological culture, instilling a sense of compassion, care and love for native nature, love for the Earth, respect for its wealth.
Author: School №9

Menu on 04.10.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-10-04 14:26:28
Menu on 04.10.2021
Author: School №9

об организации горячего питания

Category: School food
Date: 2021-10-04 12:56:28
об организации горячего питания

Перечень ассортимента буфетной продукции

Category: School food
Date: 2021-10-04 12:55:14
Перечень ассортимента буфетной продукции
Перечень ассортимента буфетной продукции

Перечень ассортимента третьего блюда

Category: School food
Date: 2021-10-04 12:54:00
Перечень ассортимента третьего блюда
Перечень ассортимента третьего блюда

Контрольное блюдо 04.10.2021

Category: School food
Date: 2021-10-04 12:53:09
Контрольное блюдо 04.10.2021
  Контрольное блюдо 04.10.2021
Author: School №4

"How beautiful is the native land"

Category: Mini center "Inzhu"
Date: 2021-10-04 12:12:52
The 9th general education school of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash opened the week "Tugan olkem Kurkem" on the education of a patriot of his Homeland, the formation of spiritual and moral foundations and values that contribute to the mastery of local lore by preschool children. In the senior group, a business card was distributed, the children used the card to tell...
Author: School №9

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