Қамқорлық жасау - қайырымды қоғамның қағидасы

Date: 2021-10-11 10:42:31

On October 04, 2021, in order to instill love for the native country by showing the picturesque places of Kazakhstan, instilling in students love for their land, respect for their wealth, an educational hour was held in the 7th grade on the theme "My Home

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-10-11 10:30:15
On October 04, 2021, in order to instill love for the native country by showing the picturesque places of Kazakhstan, instilling in students love for their land, respect for their wealth, an educational hour was held in the 7th grade on the theme
On October 04, 2021, in order to instill love for the native country by showing the picturesque places of Kazakhstan, instilling in students love for their land, respect for their wealth, an educational hour was held in the 7th grade on the theme "My Homeland is Kazakhstan. 10 beautiful places of Kazakhstan “
Author: Lyceum №2

Протокол попечительского совета

Category: Протоколы 2021 - 2022
Date: 2021-10-11 09:36:01
Протокол попечительского совета
Протокол попечительского совета

Psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-10 23:11:04
Psychological training
In the period from 7 to 9 October, the school psychologist Kasimova G. K. conducted a psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" with students in grades 8 and 9. Purpose: to consolidate the attention and ability of the participants to behave during the training. Resistance to stress, increasing the skills of confident behavior, the formation of self-regulation, self-control skill...

A city essay competition...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2021-10-10 23:06:42
A city essay competition...
In honor of the 230th anniversary of the birth of the hero, commander Isatai Taimanuly, the KSU "Center of Languages" organized a city essay competition "El teudigin aksagan Isatay batyr". The winner of the competition was a student of the 9 "A" class of our school Toleukul Altyn. Altyn was awarded a 1st degree diploma and a special prize. Head Yesimbekova A.T.

Әкелер жиналысы

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2021-10-10 21:38:19
8 жалпы білім беретін мектебі " КММ -де 2021 жылдың 09-қазан күні  әкелердің қатысуымен жиналыс өткізілді. Жиналысқа 59 әке қатысты. Күн тәртібінде: 1."Құқықбұзушылықтың алдын алу- басты міндет" тақырыбында мектеп директоры А.Т.Токейбекова, 2. "Жасөспірім және заң  " тақырыбында әкелер кеңесінің төрағасы М.Қ. Джуматаев, 3."Бала тәрбиесіндегі әкенің ролі&qu...
Author: School №8

"My Homeland is Kazakhstan. the 10 most beautiful places"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-10-09 15:43:49
On September 05, 2021, the class teacher of 5A Sardarbekova G.R. held an educational lesson on the topic "My Homeland is Kazakhstan. the 10 most beautiful places"
Author: Lyceum №2

The creative group "Innovative Technologies" was created under the "Methodological Laboratory" project.

Date: 2021-10-09 15:32:01
The creative group
In order to improve the quality of education and fill the gaps in the knowledge of students of the school-lyceum No. 2 named after Abai, on 08.10, a meeting of the creative group "Innovative Technologies", created within the framework of the "Methodological Laboratory" project, was held. As part of the creative group, teach...
Author: Lyceum №2

Play "Children's Trick"

Category: Educational process
Date: 2021-10-09 15:30:02
October 6, 2021 on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of Yu. Altynsarin, students of grades 3A and 4A of the MSO “Lyceum School No. 2 named after Abai ”held a stage performance with an excerpt from the story“ Childish to deceive ”.  ...
Author: Lyceum №2

9 октября 2021 года был проведен установочный семинар по организации работы ведущей и магнитных школ города.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-10-09 14:36:53
9 октября 2021 года был  проведен установочный семинар по организации работы ведущей и магнитных школ города.
9 октября 2021 года был  проведен установочный семинар по организации работы ведущей и магнитных школ города. Одним из направлений инновационной деятельности школ выступает разработка и реализация стратегии развития школы. Директор ШЛ 17, Алишева Шынаргуль Амангельдиновна, поприветствовала участников мероприятия и обозначила приоритеты современного образования в разрезе  работы педагог...
Author: School №17

Information on the work done in September 2021-2022 academic year on crime prevention

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2021-10-09 10:56:35
Information on the work done in September 2021-2022 academic year on crime prevention
In order to prevent and prevent juvenile delinquency, a joint plan for coordinating police activities assigned to the school has been agreed and approved by the school director. Preventive and legal work on the prevention of offenses and crimes was carried out, in accordance with the plan, in September, October, explanatory work was carried out among students on the prevention of violence, crime...
Author: School №5

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