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Drawing Contest

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 16:23:17
On May 1, to the Day of Unity, the distance drawing competition "Development of Friendship and Cooperation" was held in the Palace of Schoolchildren The purpose of the competition is to give schoolchildren an idea that the Republic of Kazakhstan has become one of the first countries in the world, and for representatives of other nationalities, a golden cradle. Education of Kazakhstan...
Author: School №25

Lectures on nutrition "Proper nutrition"

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру бойынша іс-шаралар
Date: 2021-11-23 16:09:23
  Proper nutrition of children and adolescents strengthens their health, promotes the development of physical and mental abilities, increases the ability to work and academic performance. If nutrition is organized incorrectly, inefficiently, that is, not enough, the body's metabolism is disrupted, its ability to resist the harmful effects of the environment and various infectious dise...
Author: School №25

Remote presentation contest dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasuly

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 15:46:14
From April 01 to 06, 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren held a remote presentation competition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasuly. 5th grade students took part in the competition and won prizes.
Author: School №25

On November 23, 2021, events on the theme "universal values- the basis of spiritual and moral education of the individual" were organized at the S. Seifullin Gymnasium No. 7 on November 23 for the Day "universal values". Classroom hours were held on the t

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2021-11-23 15:43:36
On November 23, 2021, events on the theme "universal values- the basis of spiritual and moral education of the individual" were organized at the S. Seifullin Gymnasium No. 7 on November 23 for the Day "universal values". Classroom hours were held on the theme "love is the main quality of a person", events with the active participation of students and parents aime...

Presentation contest "National Games - a valuable heritage of the nation"

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 15:34:38
Congratulations to the students of the 5th "B" class who took part in the presentation contest "National Games-a valuable heritage of the nation", organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren on March 29, 2021
Author: School №25

Video contest on the theme: "Thank you to the great teacher!"

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 15:15:39
From February 24 to 28, 2021, the action "A thousand thanks to the teacher!" was held, a video contest was held. Education is a noble person who embodies the nobility of humanity, recognition of the merits of teachers, their invaluable place in history, education of respect, morality, respect for teachers among the younger generation, clarification of the facets and subtleties of the t...
Author: School №25

Presentation contest "Gratitude is endless"

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 15:06:48
In order to form a sense of friendship, respect and strengthening family relations among the younger generation, on February 23-25, 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren organized a presentation contest "Algysym sheksiz" dedicated to the Day of Gratitude. The students of our school took part in the competition and won prizes: the second place was taken by a student of the 5th "A&qu...
Author: School №25

1 желтоқтан Тұңғыш президент күні мен Тәуелсіздіктің 30 жылдығы аясында ұйымдастырылған “Біз Тәуелсіз елдің ұланымыз” атты ән байқауы өткізілді. Байқау 4-9 сынып оқушылар арасында болды. Байқауға қатысқан оқушылар I, II, III дәрежелі мадақтамалармен мар

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2021-11-23 15:01:15
1 желтоқтан  Тұңғыш президент күні мен Тәуелсіздіктің 30 жылдығы аясында ұйымдастырылған  “Біз Тәуелсіз елдің ұланымыз” атты ән байқауы өткізілді. Байқау 4-9 сынып оқушылар арасында болды. Байқауға қатысқан оқушылар I, II, III дәрежелі мадақтамалармен марапатталды.

"Thank you, my native country!" essay contest on the topic

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-11-23 14:54:09
March 1 is a national holiday in the country-the Day of Gratitude. Gratitude is a person's gratitude for kindness, help, attention to a person, as well as a high appreciation of his thoughts and deeds, deeds, in connection with which, on February 25-28, 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren organized the action "Thank you, native country!"an essay contest was held. The purpose of th...
Author: School №25

Деловая игра "Я и мои права"

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-11-23 14:27:36
Деловая игра
23.11.2021 года в КГУ «ОШ №4» старшей вожатой Аманжоловой М.Б. совместно с депутатом фракции «Право и порядок» Морозовой Светланой   была проведена деловая игра «Я и мои права». Цель:  знакомство с понятиями «гражданин», «права граждан», «права детей», «обязанности школьников», учить  применят...
Author: School №4

"The canteen of our school!" as part of the campaign, information from the questionnaire received

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-11-23 14:17:55
From November 22 to 23, 2021, the action "The Canteen of our school!" will be held as part of the campaign, students of grades 5-11 were interviewed. The questionnaire was received about the food, the cleanliness of the dining room.
Author: School №9

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