
Category: our achievements
Date: 2022-01-12 11:43:02
The Council for participation in the contest "My profession is my way" dated December 24, 2021., Kanagat A., was awarded a certificate.
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2022-01-12 11:40:32
Participated in the remote drawing contest "The New Year is walking around the world" and took the I, II places.
Author: School №9

KSU "Boarding school № 24" Balkhash town education department Karaganda region education department information about the raid during the winter holidays

Date: 2022-01-11 15:44:45
KSU "Boarding school № 24" Balkhash town education department Karaganda region education department information about the raid during the winter holidays   During the winter holidays there was a planned raid. The purpose of the raid: observation of children of school age in the night on the street without looking at adults, early interference in the work. During the raid,...
Author: School №24

Information on the activities carried out during the winter holidays with students enrolled in the school MSO "Boarding School 24" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region

Date: 2022-01-11 15:42:29
Information on the activities carried out during the winter holidays with students enrolled in the school MSO "Boarding School 24" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region On January 4, physical education teachers Ibyshev R. Н. and Kalkamanov A. Е. sports games were organized by Purpose: to increase students' interest in s...
Author: School №24

KSU "Boarding School No. 24" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region Information about the raid during the winter holidays

Date: 2022-01-11 15:36:35
KSU "Boarding School No. 24" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region Information about the raid during the winter holidays   During the winter holidays, a joint raid was organized according to the plan of the deputy director for educational work G.M. Kulymzhanova. and a member of the parent committee Omashev A.S.,...
Author: School №24

"Safety measures for students in winter"

Date: 2022-01-11 15:31:16
At boarding school No. 24, a parent meeting "Safety measures for students in winter" was held with the participation of the nurse of the Balkhash city water - rescue zone Abzhanova Bagdat Satbekovna. During the meeting, elementary safety rules were announced to protect against negative consequences, as well as information on preventive measures was given.
Author: School №24

"Children of the Night City"

Date: 2022-01-11 15:25:37
In accordance with the intraschool plan of KSU "Boarding School No. 24" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region in order to prevent delinquency among minors and the prevention of child neglect and homelessness on December 24, 2021 by the school administration and members of the board of trustees from 22.00 to 24.00 a raid...
Author: School №24

Information of the marriage committee for checking the work of the dining room of KSU "Boarding school No. 24" of the education department of the city of Balkhash of the education department of the Karaganda region

Date: 2022-01-11 15:00:33
Information of the marriage committee for checking the work of the dining room of KSU
Information of the marriage committee for checking the work of the dining room of KSU "Boarding school No. 24" of the education department of the city of Balkhash of the education department of the Karaganda region On December 21, the composition of the marriage committee checked the work of the canteen. Purpose: checking the sanitary state of the dining room, the compliance of the...
Author: School №24

During the winter holidays on 06.01.2022, a meeting was organized with the students of the 9th " A " class with the teachers of the railway transport department, on career guidance work of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College. Alikhan Musina.

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2022-01-10 09:42:24
During the winter holidays on 06.01.2022, a meeting was organized with the students of the 9th
During the winter holidays on 06.01.2022 in KSU "secondary school No. 5" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, a meeting was organized with teachers of the Department of railway transport, on career guidance work of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College. Alikhan Musina. Teachers and students of the colle...
Author: School №5

Information about the operation of the night raid

Category: Documents
Date: 2022-01-10 09:32:15
Information about the operation of the night raid
In order to prevent offenses in our school on December 24, 2021, from 21.00 to 24.00, a night raid "Children in the city of Tungi" was organized. During the night raid event, city streets, microdistricts, Zheltoksan, Seifullin, Moldagulov, Mira streets, entertainment venues in the city center, cafes, shops and idle teenagers were monitored. Minors were told that it is impossible to wan...
Author: School №5

The world of professions

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2022-01-10 09:20:26
The world of professions
In the 8th "A" class, an open class hour was held on the topic "The world of the profession". Purpose: to help students in choosing their future profession and training route, to broaden their horizons about the world of the profession and its features.The students of the class were divided into natural, humanitarian, creative, and sports areas.Each student gave a brief inf...
Author: School №5

Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы жбб №25 мектебі бойынша 30.12.2021ж-08.01.2022 жыл аралығында рейд кестеге сай жүргізілді.

Category: Қауіпсіз мектеп
Date: 2022-01-05 16:12:04
 Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы жбб №25 мектебі бойынша 30.12.2021ж-08.01.2022 жыл аралығында  рейд кестесі құрылды.    Рейдтің мақсаты : мектеп оқушыларының мектепте және мектептен тыс жағдайдағы тәртіптерін бақылау, оқушылардың кешкі уақытта бос жүрмеуін қадағалау.    Рейд кестесі  мектеп әкімшілігі, жергілікті полиция қызметкері, әлеуметтік педагогтар, сынып...
Author: School №25

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