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Проект "Өнегелі өмір"

Date: 2020-10-23 21:42:50
    On October 23, 2020, in ZOOM platform was held an online meeting of students of "Lyceum 2 named after Abai of Balkhash city" with the director of the State Philharmonic Society of Nur-Sultan, Mr. Dakenov E.E.
The organizer of the meeting is the deputy director of educational work Seytkalieva M.Zh.
The purpose of the online meeting is an acquaintance with the creative activity of a successful cultural figure who has made a huge contribution to the development of cultural activities.
During the online meeting, the students of the lyceum were able to get answers to those of interest, their questions were especially interested in their factors influencing the choice of a future profession.
The meeting was interesting and informative for our students.
Thanks to the organizer of this meeting !!!
Author: Lyceum №2