In order to the project "Spiritual Revival" created under the program "Spiritual Revival" in the section "Traditions and customs" organized by teachers of the Kazakh language and literature G.K. Kuanyshbekova and Zh. Bolat.

Category: Мodernization of Kazakhstan’s identity
Date: 2020-11-19 16:42:45
In order to the project
In order to the project "Spiritual Revival" created under the program "Spiritual Revival" in the section "Traditions and customs" organized by teachers of the Kazakh language and literature G.K. Kuanyshbekova and Zh. Bolat.  In order to implement the project "Akberen", in order to develop the school of poets, online competitions are organized with stu...
Author: Lyceum №2

In order to the project "Spiritual Revival" created within the program "Spiritual Revival" in the section "History of cinema and television" 2nd grade students of "Lyceum 2 named after Abai in Balkhash"

Category: Мodernization of Kazakhstan’s identity
Date: 2020-11-19 16:37:45
In order to the project
In order to the project "Spiritual Revival" created within the program "Spiritual Revival" in the section "History of cinema and television" 2nd grade students of "Lyceum 2 named after Abai in Balkhash" (class teacher: K.Sh. Bitanova  ) and their parents made a video promoting one of our national traditions - the tradition of spinning, showing the imp...
Author: Lyceum №2

Communication with universities

Category: Communication with a higher education institution
Date: 2020-11-19 08:57:27
Communication with universities
The connection between the lyceum and the university continues to promote the development of students' cognitive interest in high-level competitions, intellectual games, and research projects. For this, online courses with students are planned for the current academic year within the framework of an agreement with the universities of KarSU, KNU. Every Saturday, the "Fundament...
Author: Lyceum №2

Regional stage of the XIII Presidential Olympiad

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2020-11-19 08:53:19
Regional stage of the XIII Presidential Olympiad
This year, a student of lyceum 11A Togaybai Nurzat took part in the regional stage of the XIII Presidential Olympiad in natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology) among students of grade 11. Subject teachers: Alibieva A.B. - Mathematics, Mukamedi R.S. - Chemistry, Kokkozova N.A. - Biology, Rakhimova Zh.T. - physics. Good luck!
Author: Lyceum №2

Intra-Lyceum Online Olympiad

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2020-11-19 08:49:28
 Intra-Lyceum Online Olympiad
On 18.11.2020, the intraschool stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad among grades 9-11 was held. A total of 82 students were admitted to the Olympiad.
Author: Lyceum №2

RN Naskenova organized an online event "Children and Theater". The students were active and interested.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-18 16:44:50
RN Naskenova  organized an online event
According to the plan for November 18, in order to create conditions for social and emotional development of the child, to form a culture of communication with the environment, people, peers, self, taking into account the individual artistic and creative qualities of each child, the teacher of 5a class RN Naskenova  organized an online event "Children and Theater".  The stude...
Author: Lyceum №2

An exhibition on the theme "The great son of the people" was organized by the librarian of "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" on 17.11.20.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-18 16:39:54
An exhibition on the theme
An exhibition on the theme "The great son of the people" was organized by the librarian of "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" on 17.11.20.  The purpose is to inform readers about the policy pursued by the First President during the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan, his business acumen, the direction of the future, to propagate to the younger g...
Author: Lyceum №2

Meeting "Useful time - learning and development."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-18 16:37:43
Meeting "Useful time - learning and development."  On November 18, 2020, according to the Plan "Children's Rights - Human Rights" dedicated to the World Children's Day, a meeting on "Useful time - learning and development" was organized by the Mentor of MSO "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash."  Students discussed what to do to spen...
Author: Lyceum №2

17.11.2020 год семинар- тренинг " Мама- начало жизни".

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-18 12:22:16
17.11.2020 год семинар- тренинг
17.11.2020 год семинар- тренинг " Мама- начало жизни". Председатели "Школы- матерей" "Сырлас" Нурлан Молдир и Казакбаева Айнур организовали семинар-тренинг "Мама- начало жизни". Семинар- тренинг прошел через платформу ZOOM. В семинаре был показан видеоролик о роли матери в воспитании детей и сохранении благополучия в семье. Важную роль в обществе ,...
Author: Lyceum №2

Cognitive hour "Let's talk about upbringing"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-17 21:03:27
Cognitive hour
  Events on "Children's rights - human rights" dedicated to the World Children's Day on November 17, 2020, organized by the teacher of 10 A class SM Musina and 8 A class teacher Zh. Bolat of "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" According to the plan, an educational hour on the topic "Let's talk about education" was held with students of grade...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Let's protect children from the dangers of the Internet!" safe internet hour / Grades 6-11 /

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-17 21:02:46
   According to the plan dedicated to the World Children's Day on November 17. 2020. "Child rights - human rights" AA Seifulla, 6 B class teacher of "2 lyceums named after Abai in Balkhash" among 6 grades, 11 A class teacher  KM Baikulova among 11th grades through the ZOOM platform "Let's protect children from the dangers of the Internet!"&nbs...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Lyceum ей2 named after Abai in Balkhash town" Information about class hours held on November 16, 2020 On November 16, 2020, teachers of "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" held classes in accordance with the plan.

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2020-11-16 16:06:01
"Lyceum ей2 named after Abai in Balkhash town"  Information about class hours held on November 16, 2020  On November 16, 2020, teachers of "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" held classes in accordance with the plan.  The project "Children and Theater" in grades 1-4.  On the topic "History of the theater"  The project...
Author: Lyceum №2

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