the action "Give joy to a person" was held, organized by the head of Kasenova A. B.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-10-15 12:29:11
the action
 Оn October 14, in order to form ideas about kindness, love, mercy among 5th grade students, the action "Give joy to a person" was held, organized by the head of Kasenova A. B. Charity is one of the kindest and noblest qualities of the Kazakh people. During the action, students shared their questions, holding a discussion with each other. In his creative work prepared on this topi...
Author: Lyceum №2

Дина Нүрпейісованың 160 жылдық мерейтойына орай музыка пәнінен "Күй және күйші" тақырыбында танымдық сағаты өтті.

Date: 2021-10-15 12:24:23
Дина Нүрпейісованың 160 жылдық мерейтойына орай музыка пәнінен
Дина Нүрпейісованың 160 жылдық мерейтойына орай музыка пәнінен "Күй және күйші" тақырыбында танымдық сағаты өтті. Танымдық сағатта  Дина Нүрпейісованың өмір жолы, шығармалары, аспапта орындау шеберлігі айтылды, жәнеде одан өзге Домбыра аспабы жайлы қызықты тың ақпараттармен танысып оқушылар өз ойларымен бөлісті.
Author: Lyceum №2

The regional stage of the IV Republican intellectual contest of young historians "My small Homeland"

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2021-10-14 16:29:21
The regional stage of the IV Republican intellectual contest of young historians
On 11.10.21, the regional stage of the IV Republican Intellectual contest of young historians "My Little Motherland" was held on the day, organized by the regional scientific and practical center for additional education of children "Saryarka Daryny". In total, 60 students from schools of the region took part in the competition, 47 of them became winners. This competition was...
Author: Lyceum №2

City stage of the Olympiad "CLEVER -2021"

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2021-10-14 16:00:44
City stage of the Olympiad
On 13.10.21, the 4th grade students of our lyceum school: Bolatbek Nursaya - 4th grade – Kazakh language (teacher: Toleubekova A. A.) entered the city stage of the regional Olympiad "CLEVER -2021" among grades 4-6 in mathematics, Kazakh, Russian, English, Kairat Ayazhan - 4th grade-mathematics (teacher: A. S. Meirbekova), Rymbai Alikhan - class 4A-Russian (teacher: G. R. Sard...
Author: Lyceum №2

Week of aesthetic literacy "Journey to the world of craftsmanship."

Date: 2021-10-14 09:10:48
Week of aesthetic literacy
At the week of aesthetic literacy "Journey to the world of mastery" in the 5th grade there was an open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan "Andronovskaya and Begazy-Dandybai cultures". Subject teacher Kasenova A.B. During the lesson, students were taught to respect and preserve the historical and cultural monuments of our r...
Author: Lyceum №2

As part of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, a workshop was organized under the heading "journey into the world of craftsmanship".

Date: 2021-10-14 09:05:46
As part of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, a workshop was organized under the heading
As part of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, a workshop was organized under the heading "journey into the world of craftsmanship". The goal was to educate students in skill, grace, harmony. On it, students of the 3rd grade made a composition, making up of colorful leaves-dyes, dyes of the autumn season. In the works you can see a cunning fox, a cowardly hare, a smart owl, a calm hedgehog...
Author: Lyceum №2

Exhibition "Autumn Wonderland" and "Products from natural materials".

Date: 2021-10-14 08:52:30
On October 13, within the framework of the week of aesthetic literacy "Travel to the world of craftsmanship", art teacher Usenova T.O. : Exhibition "Autumn Wonderland" and "Products from natural materials" were organized by students in grades 5-7. As a result of the event, students' works were awarded....
Author: Lyceum №2

"Шеберлік әлеміне саяхат" эстетикалық сауаттылық апталығының жоспарына сай 3 г сыныбында " Сен білесің бе?" тақырыбында Битанова К.Ш. сынып сағатын өткізді.

Date: 2021-10-14 08:50:55
"Шеберлік әлеміне саяхат" эстетикалық сауаттылық апталығының жоспарына сай 3 г сыныбында " Сен білесің бе?" тақырыбында Битанова К.Ш.  сынып сағатын өткізді. Оқушылар туған өлкенің ұлы өнер тұлғалары жайлы білімдерін толықтырып, мол мәліметтер алды.
Author: Lyceum №2

"Шеберлік әліміне саяхат" атты эстетикалық сауаттылық апталығының жоспарына сай 8ә сыныбында "Өлкенің өнерлі тұлғалары" тақырыбында танымдық сабақ өтті.

Date: 2021-10-13 08:59:36
"Шеберлік әліміне саяхат" атты эстетикалық сауаттылық апталығының жоспарына сай 8ә сыныбында "Өлкенің өнерлі тұлғалары" тақырыбында танымдық сабақ өтті. Сабақ барысында оқушылар Сарыарқаның айтулы, өнер тұлғалары жайлы ақпараттар айтып, өздерінің шығармашылық ізденістерін байқатты. Іс шараны сынып жетекшісі Рахимова Ж. Т. ұйымдастырды.
Author: Lyceum №2

The class teacher of the 7th "B" class Seifulla A. A. held an educational hour on the topic "Culture of riding", set out in the article of the Head of State "seven facets of the Great Steppe".

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-10-12 18:04:58
 The class teacher of the 7th
On October 12, for the purpose of national education of schoolchildren in the direction of folk pedagogy, the memory of forgotten traditions and customs of our people, as well as clarification and analysis of the significance for the Kazakh people of four types of cattle, including horses, the class teacher of the 7th "B" class Seifulla A. A. held an educational hour on the topic "...
Author: Lyceum №2

On October 11, in order to deepen the legal knowledge of students and increase responsibility before the law, the class teacher of the 5th "B" class Ozhanova S. A. held a drill on the topic "Prevention of offenses".

Category: "Adal urpak"
Date: 2021-10-12 17:59:03
On October 11, in order to deepen the legal knowledge of students and increase responsibility before the law, the class teacher of the 5th
On October 11, in order to deepen the legal knowledge of students and increase responsibility before the law, the class teacher of the 5th "B" class Ozhanova S. A. held a drill on the topic "Prevention of offenses".
Author: Lyceum №2

Preparatory classes for the Olympiad in mathematics and physics were held.

Category: Communication with a higher education institution
Date: 2021-10-11 19:43:32
Preparatory classes for the Olympiad in mathematics and physics were held.
Preparatory classes for the Olympiad in mathematics and physics were held.        
Author: Lyceum №2

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