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Category: Information on the activities carried out


About the week of Spiritual harmony

To implement the program "Rouhani air" at the school held a school-wide Assembly dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Consent.

2017-10-31 08:40:01

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2017-10-31 08:07:09

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The anniversary of the writer

On the eve of the anniversary of the birthday of the Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov for eighth-graders was conducted information the moment "by M. Auezov, Kazakh Soviet writer, playwright and scholar."

2017-10-23 06:38:13

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A meeting of the teaching team for the transition to the Latin alphabet

05.10.2017 жылғы Латын әліпбиіне көшу туралы мектепшілік жиналыс өтті. Мектеп директоры Тусупова Е. М. дала түсіндіру бойынша соңғы құжаттарға қатысты осы мәселеніқозғады

2017-10-23 06:24:54

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"Basics of life safety in the winter."

09.10.17 on an all-school ruler lifeguard Abzhanov B. S., was interviewed

2017-10-23 04:49:32

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"A giant of world literature" literary evening

13.10.2017.Gorky secondary school No. 1 of the great writer and public figure, scientist and the 120th anniversary since the birth of Mukhtar Auezov "giant" World literature"on the topic.

2017-10-23 04:25:14

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In the framework of sanitary cleaning of the city, 07.10.2017 year - spent Saturday.

2017-10-23 04:06:34

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«Рухани жаңғыру»

In the framework of the "Ruhani zharyrou" program, unified open lessons on local history on the topic "Kazakhstan is a country of the Great Steppe" were organized in grades 1-11, and they spoke of an important role in preserving the country's natural and cultural heritage. The children listened attentively, looked, reasoned. The theme of the lesson did not leave anyone indifferent!

2017-10-17 08:25:25

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Week of the family

During the week, teachers worked on the plan of events dedicated to the Day family. The work began with hours of communication, "it All begins with family." Cool groups, with parents sharing their traditions in the family, showing pictures, which capture the brightest moments of their fun, carefree life.

2017-09-12 11:01:00

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«Sports day»

In the first week of September, namely on Saturday, September 9, at the secondary school № 1 named after M. Gorky traditionally held "health Day" — a day dedicated to an active and healthy lifestyle. In fun competitions in the framework of the sports festival was attended by children from first to eleventh grade.

2017-09-12 10:51:00

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"Day of knowledge"

September 2 at 10:00 in the 2017-2018 school year in school No. 1 named after M. Gorky took place the solemn ruler devoted to the "Day of knowledge".

2017-09-04 09:52:29

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