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Category: Стратегия развития


DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF KGKP "Pupil of Schoolchildren" BALHASH CITY 2016-2018

DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF KGKP "Pupil of Schoolchildren" BALHASH CITY 2016-2018

2017-01-05 10:54:37

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REVIEW of the Development Strategy of the State Children's Palace “Schoolchildren's Palace” for 2016-2018

REVIEW of the Development Strategy of the State Children's Palace “Schoolchildren's Palace” for 2016-2018

2017-01-05 10:53:31

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Passport Development Strategies

The basis for the development of the strategy for the development of the collective school "Palace of schoolchildren" Stratazra

2017-01-04 08:08:59

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