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День Государственной символики Республики Казахстан

День Государственной символики Республики Казахстан

The state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan became important manifestation of the new Kazakhstan statehood.On June4, 2018 in the kindergarten “Zhuldyz” we celebrated the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On this day, lessons were held dedicated to this holiday. The day began with the execution of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. II junior group made a trip of the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In Russian group, a quiz was held on the topic "Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan". In the senior Kazakh group held a festive event using a slide film and the character Mary from England came to the holiday and was interested in the knowledge of children. The children with interestanswered to questions.

Date: 5.06.2018, 10:18 Author: Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"