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«Заманауи педагогтың кәсіби өсуін дамыту» атты семинар

«Заманауи педагогтың кәсіби өсуін дамыту» атты семинар

In the development strategy of the preschool of “Zuldyz”the "Education Department of Balkhash" paid a lot of attention to methodical work - as the most important means of improving the professional skills of teachers. On February 2, a training seminar on the professional development of a modern teacher for the implementation of the development strategy was held on 5 February 2018. Young specialists and mentors from preschool “Er Tostik”, “Bobek” and twelve young specialists from other preschoolparticipated in the seminar. Educators defended their posters and performed cognitive exercises. They also shared their experiences in raising the level of education, ensuring the quality of education and introducing new technologies into education.

Date: 6.02.2018, 17:35 Author: Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"