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In honor of the 30th anniversary of independence, a debate tournament “historical figures and their role in the formation of independence" was held. Purpose: to review the pages of history, to take into account the merits of a historical person, to educat

In honor of the 30th anniversary of independence, a debate tournament “historical figures and their role in the formation of independence" was held. Purpose: to review the pages of history, to take into account the merits of a historical person, to educate children with a patriotic spirit, a sense of patriotism, love for their country, their land.During the game, both sides demonstrated a tense game, both sides were able to present a definition (keywords) regarding the resolution; status quo (statistics); a reasoned argument.Nevertheless, the players of the opposition side: Kasimov Batyrkhan and Kusylbekovdos won with a slight advantage. The opposing side in the expert department and, having asked a question, interviewed the opponents.The game was held in turn, although the students are rivals in the game, but in life they are friends with each other.
Head: Khanatbekova K. D.
Date: 9.12.2021, 11:25 Author: School-gymnasium №7