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Kazakhstan's Way - 2050 : The overarching goal , common interests , common future

Kazakhstan's Way - 2050 :

A common goal , common interests , common future

 Қymbatty қazaқstandyқtar ! Құrmettі deputattar !

Bіr zhyl bұryn changed elіmіzdің 2050 zhylғa deyіngі damuynyң Zhana Sayasov baғdaryn zhariya ettіm . Busta maқsat - Қazaқstannyң eң damyғan 30 memlekettің қataryna қosyluy . Ol - " Mәңgіlіk Kazakstan" zhobasy ate tarihyndaғy bіz ayak basatyn Zhana dәuіrdің Kemel kelbetі .

Kazakh Eli өtken 22 zhylda қyruar іs tyndyrdy . Bіz үlgіlі damudyң өzіndіk modelіn қalyptastyrdyқ . Әrbіr otandasymyzdyң zhүregіne өz elіne Degen sheksіz maқtanysh sezіmіn ornyқtyrdyқ . Қazaқstandyқtar erteңіne , elіnің bolashaғyna senіmmen қaraydy . Halyқtyң 97 protsentі әleumettіk ahualdyң tұraқtylyғyn zhane onyң zhyl өtken Saiyn zhaқsara tүskenіn aytady .

Bүgіnde otanymyzdyң zhetіstіkterі - әrbіr azamattyң Ulttyk maқtanyshy . Kүshtі , қuatty memleketter ғana ұzaқmerzіmdіk zhosparlaumen , tұraқty ekonomikalyқ өsumen aynalysady . " Kazakhstan - 2050" strategiyasy - barlyқ Solana қamtityn zhane үzdіksіz өsudі қamtamasyz etetіn zhaңғyru Joly . Ol - eldіgіmіz bіrlіgіmіz bin , bin erlіgіmіz eңbegіmіz synalatyn son zhүrіp shyңdalatyn үlken emtihan . Strategiyany mүltіksіz oryndap , emtihannan mүdіrmey өtu - ortaқ Paryz , abyroyly mіndet !


Dear compatriots !

Kazakhstan twenty-first century - a country created from "scratch" in just two decades, talented , hardworking , tolerant people ! This is our baby, we are proud of ! It is our great work that we wholeheartedly love !

We adopted the Strategy 2050 to Kazakhstan held tightly in his hands on the steering wheel of the future long-term plans strany.Segodnya run many successful countries - China , Malaysia , Turkey. Strategic planning in the twenty-first century is the rule number one. For no wind is favorable , if the country does not know the route and arrival harbor . Strategy 2050 as a beacon allows us to solve problems of daily life of people , without losing sight of our main goal . This means that we annually rather than 30-50 years , will improve people's lives.

Strategy - a program of specific practical cases that day after day, year after year will do better country and life in Kazakhstan. But everyone should understand and know that market conditions do not have to wait for manna from heaven , and work effectively . The state's task - to create all conditions for this . I am convinced that the future of our country worthy of the advanced countries of the world - this is what forever unite all people of Kazakhstan.

Today I want to introduce our plan of entering the number 30 developed countries. On my instructions, the Government has drafted a detailed concept . I generally endorsed this document, which revised to fit my instructions in this epistle is finalized . According to many forecasts , the next 15-17 years will be a "window of opportunity " for large-scale breakthrough of Kazakhstan. During this period, for us to continue the favorable external environment , growth in the demand for resources, energy and food , aging of the Third Industrial Revolution. We should use this time .

By 2050 the goal of the year we will be moving in a difficult global competition. Coming decades pose many challenges , which we already know , and a lot of unexpected situations , new crises in global markets and in world politics. " Easy walk " in the twenty-first century will not be. Mid- century is near. Developed countries to try on her their specific strategies . The second third of the twenty-first century will be uniquely difficult, and the number of applicants to the global list of the Top 30 - is very limited. I have repeatedly said that the concept of "developed country" - changeable in time category . In developed countries, there are radically new quality of life of the people.

Now the fundamental development indicators show the state - members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) . It includes 34 countries that produce more than 60 percent of global GDP . Candidates for accession to the OECD countries are still 6 - Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa. All participating countries have gone deep modernization , have high rates of investment, scientific research , productivity , business development , standards of living. Indicators of OECD countries with regard to their future long-term dynamics , this is the basic guidelines of our way among the 30 developed nations of the world .

I set the task of implementing a number of principles in Kazakhstan and the OECD standards . They are reflected in the draft Concept . The economy is planned to achieve annual GDP growth of at least 4 percent. It is necessary to provide increased investment from the current 18 percent to 30 percent of the total GDP. Introduction of knowledge-based economy model aims to increase to 70 per cent share of non-oil products in Kazakhstan's export potential .

Creation of new high-tech sectors of the economy will require increased funding of science to the level of not less than 3 percent of GDP. Important 2 times lower energy intensity of gross domestic product. By 2050, small and medium businesses will produce at least 50 percent of Kazakhstan's GDP , instead of the current 20 percent. Labor productivity should be increased by 5 times - from the current 24.5 thousand to 126 thousand dollars.

The main guidelines for the development of the social sphere to 2050 enclosed in concrete indicative figures. We need to increase the rate of 4.5 times GDP per capita - from 13,000 dollars to 60,000 dollars. Kazakhstan will become a country with a predominant share of the middle class . Following the global trend of urbanization , the proportion of the urban population will grow from 55 to about 70 percent of the population . Cities and towns will link quality roads and high-speed routes all modes of transport .

Adoption of healthy lifestyles and the development of medicine will increase the duration of life in Kazakhstan to 80 years and above. Kazakhstan will become one of the leading Eurasian centers of medical tourism. Completed the formation of advanced national education system . Kazakhstan has become one of the most safe and comfortable accommodation for people around the world. Peace and stability , fair and effective justice rule of law - is the foundation of a developed country .

Dear compatriots !

The Concept of Kazakhstan one of the 30 most developed countries designated long-term priorities for future work . We have to solve several problems in the following areas .

First . It is important to adjust and strengthen the innovative trend of industrialization. I gave instructions to the Government on the drafting of the Second Five-Year Plan for Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development for 2016-2019 years. Need to limit the number of priorities of industrialization.

It is important to increase the effectiveness of traditional mining sectors. - They are our natural competitive advantage . We need new approaches to management , production and processing of hydrocarbons , keeping the export potential of the energy sector. It is necessary to finally decide on possible scenarios for oil and gas . It is important to increase the development of rare earth metals, given their importance for knowledge-intensive industries - electronics , laser technology , communications and medical equipment.

Kazakhstan should enter the world market in the field of exploration . In this industry should attract investments from foreign engineering companies , simplifying legislation . In general, the traditional industries we should have separate plans for their development. Concrete result of each five-year period should be the creation of new industries. In the first five-year plan to create a car and aircraft , production of locomotives , passenger and freight cars . Their need to expand to output to external markets.

So, remaining until 2050, divided into seven five-year periods , each of which solves the problem to achieve a common goal - to become one of the 30 developed countries.

In the second and subsequent five-year plans should establish mobile and multimedia industries , nano- technology and aerospace , robotics , genetic engineering, locate and open the energy of the future. A key part of the state is to create the most favorable conditions for the development of Kazakhstan's business , mainly small and medium . In the next 10-15 years, it is necessary to create a knowledge-intensive economic base , without which we can not stand on a par with the developed countries . This is decided on the basis of advanced science.

Second . It is important to translate into innovative rails agro- industrial complex. This is our traditional industry . Global demand for food will increase. In this sector will invest more . Therefore, the current farmers must take care of the growth of production , and not content with short achievements related to weather conditions. Competing in the global agro- will increase. On earth should work primarily those introducing new technologies and continuously improves performance, works on the basis of the best international standards .

First and foremost, it is important to establish an effective land market , including through transparent pricing mechanisms . Lease of farmland only taking into account investment and the introduction of advanced technologies will increase competition. Should remove all barriers to business development in agriculture, farming cooperative process , efficient land use .

Future - for the creation of a network of new processing enterprises in the agricultural sector , mainly in the form of small and medium-sized businesses . Here we need to support business loans. Farmers should have direct access to long-term financing and markets without intermediaries . Relevant issue is the creation of an effective system of guarantees and insurance of loans to rural producers . Kazakhstan should become a major regional exporter of meat, dairy and other products of agriculture. In crop should go towards reducing the volume of water-intensive crops cultivation unprofitable and replacing them with vegetable , oilseed and forage production. Need a set of measures for the efficient use of agrochemicals increased use in arid regions of modern technology zero tillage and other innovations .

According to the adopted Concept for the transition to a "green" economy by 2030, 15 percent of acreage will be converted to water-saving technologies . We need to develop agricultural science , to create experimental agro- innovation clusters . It is important to keep up with the time , and along with the production of natural food , lead the development of drought-tolerant genetically modified crops . Given the designated tasks instruct the Government to adjust the planning of the development of agriculture.

Third . Knowledge-based economy - is , above all, increase the capacity of Kazakhstan science . In this area should improve legislation on venture financing , intellectual property protection, support research and innovation , as well as commercialization of research . I instruct the Government before September 1 of the current year to develop and submit to the Parliament a package of relevant bills. Need a concrete plan for the phased increase in funding for specific development of science and discovery, working on the country and bring it to the indicators developed countries.

Attracting foreign investment is necessary to fully utilize for our country in the transfer of knowledge and new technologies. Must be set up with foreign companies design and engineering centers . We should encourage leading multinational companies that operate in the largest oil and gas and mining and metallurgical facilities to manufacture here they created for their own needs and service. I know that some big companies are willing to do it. Government should work on this issue and, if necessary to create all conditions . Do not need to import equipment from abroad when it can be produced in our country .

It is important to improve the efficiency of the national innovation system, its basic institutions . Their activities should be aimed at supporting start-ups and early stages of venture deals . It is necessary to intensify technological parks , especially in large urban areas , especially in Almaty and Astana . First intellectual innovation cluster is successfully operating in Astana on the basis of the Nazarbayev University . Almaty - is the Information Technology Park "Alatau" . Important to consider measures to stimulate the process of placing additional production Technoparks large local companies .

Fourth. It is necessary to ensure the dynamic development of the infrastructure of the triad - agglomerations , transport and energy. Agglomeration - this frame knowledge-based economy of Kazakhstan. Their creation and development - an important issue in view of the vast territory of the country and low population density . The first modern urban centers become the largest cities of Kazakhstan - Astana and Almaty, hereinafter - Shymkent and Aktobe. They should also become centers of science and attraction of investment and population , to provide quality education, health , social and cultural services .

Transport infrastructure - the circulatory system of our industrial economy and society. I have said many times that the quality of a developed country without modern highways does not happen. In addition, Kazakhstan path messages are important in terms of its location between Europe and Asia , North and South. To create a network of roads in the country , we began to build the motorway "Astana- Almaty - Karaganda ", "Astana - Pavlodar - Ust-Kamenogorsk ", "Almaty - Kapchagai Ust-Kamenogorsk ." For these same routes already trains with double speed.

Need to develop the sector of logistics services. First of all , it is about maximizing the use of the Customs Union to transport our goods . Nearing completion of the construction corridor "Western Europe - Western China" , built railway in Turkmenistan and Iran , with access to the Persian Gulf . In the future, Kazakhstan to invest in the establishment of logistics centers in countries with access to the sea . Need to reduce the time of entry of goods, improve the capacity of border crossings , to strengthen capacity of the port of Aktau , simplify procedures for export and import operations .

We are building a new railway 1200 kilometer " Zhezkazgan Shalkar - Beyneu ." It will directly connect the East and West of the country , enlivening many areas of the center . This grand building will be completed in 2015. This highway will allow through the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus to go to Europe. And in the east - in the port of Lianyungang on the Pacific Ocean , as there is an agreement with the PRC.

Energy , we will develop in its traditional forms . Necessary to support searches and cleaning emissions TPP , widespread energy savings based on the latest technologies in the workplace and at home . Recently, the top ten largest companies in the European Union publicly opposed the EU energy strategy adopted by well-known concept of a green economy . During the four years of its implementation of the EU 51 gigawatts of generating capacity lost . Working on the program of the green economy , we need to allow for these errors .

Preparations for the World Expo 2017 in Astana should be used for establishing a center to study and implement the best international practices in search, and future energy and the green economy . A team of specialists under the auspices of the Nazarbayev University is expected to start this work. We need to create conditions for the transfer of public transport on clean fuels , electric vehicles and introduce them to create the appropriate infrastructure . The country needs a high-volume production of gasoline, diesel , aviation kerosene . We must build a new refinery.

At the same time , we must not forget about the prospects of nuclear energy. The need for cheap nuclear power development in the foreseeable future the world will only grow. Kazakhstan - the world leader in uranium mining. We have to develop its own production of fuel for nuclear power plants and build nuclear power plants .

Fifth. Development of small and medium-sized businesses - is the main tool of the industrial and social modernization of Kazakhstan in the XXI century . This is my position , as you know, is unambiguous , and I expressed it many times . The greater the share of small and medium-sized businesses in our economy - the more stable will be the development of Kazakhstan. We are more than 800,000 small and medium-sized businesses , they employ 2.4 million Kazakhs . The volume of production in this sector has grown over four years , and 1.6 times more than 8.3 billion tenge.

According to the global rating Kazakhstan is among the group of countries with the most favorable conditions for doing business , and this trend we must build .