Размер шрифта:


Digital literacy


Preparing for UNT

Unofficial site dedicated to the UNT - http://www.ent-help.com/

The site was created to unite all future graduates who will pass the UNT, and those who have already passed this stage, and is ready to share their experience of preparing for this very important exam in life

UNT tests, spurs, training - http://testent.ru/

On-line service for the organization and testing - http://t-e-s-t.kz/

"Educational and research center of pre-University education" - http://abiturcenter.ru/

The center was created by the decision Of the academic Council of MSU. M. V. Lomonosov October 15, 1992 in order to unite the existing forms of work at MSU with students and young workers in a single system of pre-University training

On-line tests for all - http://testland.ru/

Estlandia - the largest collection of tests Runet

Spiritual and moral education

Assembly of people of Kazakhstan - http://assembly.kz

Tolerance - http://ypk.yspu.yar.ru/tolerance/3.htm ahhh! The authors of the site offer a theoretical justification for the education of tolerance in children and adolescents and cycles of lessons on this subject.

Russian language and literature

"Russian" - http://www.gramota.ru

Reference and information portal. The main objectives of the portal: the revival of the culture of speech, the popularization of the Russian language and the maintenance of its literary norms. Designed for a variety of educational level and range of interests. Available in electronic dictionaries: the "Spelling dictionary" under the editorship of V. V. Lopatin, which is constantly updated; "Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and accent" ed. by K. S. gorbachevich.

The study of Russian language and literature http://ruslit.ru

The site contains an anthology of Russian poetry of the first quarter of the twentieth century; tests on the Russian language; poetic riddles; page on the history of Russian writing; methodological developments and other useful materials.

Physical and mathematical Sciences and Informatics

Virtual school of the young math - http://math.ournet.md/rukovodstvo.html

Problems, comments, control examples, full proofs of some mathematical problems of theoretical nature, topics and problems little studied in the school course of mathematics, the practicum of the entrant, the history of mathematics, mathematical dictionaries, conditions and solutions of problems of final exams

"The MYTH" - http://virlib.eunnet.net

Journal of mathematics, computer science and physics for schoolchildren.

"Tasks" - information retrieval system - http://zadachi.ru

Base of mathematical problems with advanced search system. All tasks are accompanied by solutions and drawings.

"Computer at school" - http://www.osp.ru/school

Electronic version of the journal.

Chemical science

The website "Open chemistry" www.college.ru/chemistry . A lot of educational materials in chemistry for students, schoolchildren and teachers. The server was created in 2000 and is supported by LLC "Fizikon" (MIPT). It organized a system of distance learning in a number of school subjects: physics, mathematics, chemistry, English, biology. In the chemistry section there is an electronic textbook, interactive chemical models, tests, interactive table of D. I. Mendeleev, a list of resources"Chemistry on the Internet"..

Electronic library of chemistry - http://www.chem.msu.su/rus/elibrary/
Books in HTML, links to okolotematicheskie resources.

Sevginator - http://www.sev-chem.narod.ru
The site contains guidelines for students, reference and educational materials, entertaining experiments in chemistry with video applications, etc.

Contre - Chemistry for all http://kontren.narod.ru
Articles on the methods of chemistry, materials for preparation for the exam, tasks and results of competitions, book annotations, information about the elements and their compounds.

The alchemist - http://www.alhimik.ru/

Pilot in the sea of chemical substances and phenomena. Biographies of physicists and chemists, information for entrants wishing to study chemistry, chemical news, directory, mailing list are presented.

Organic chemistry - http://www.chemistry.ssu.samara.ru/
Electronic textbook for high school.

Chemistry for schoolchildren and students - http://hemi.wallst.ru/
The site is based on an experimental textbook for grades 8 and 11 of high school. It allows you not only to start learning chemistry "from scratch", but also to repeat the subject in preparation for exams.

Newspaper "Chemistry" http://him.1september.ru publishing house " First of September»