Размер шрифта:




Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00.

   Thursday is a methodical day

   Saturday from 9.00 to 13.00 hours.


Rules of conduct in the library:

1. In the library it is necessary to comply with the order, to be quiet, not to talk loudly.
2. Upon entering, it is necessary to say hello to a librarian, and received a book, be sure to say "thank you."
3. The book should be taken only with clean hands.
4. In the book it is impossible to bend corners, you should use a bookmark.
5. Library books should be especially protected, as they are for many people.

 Library - a source of information



The school library is an information center for teachers and for students. The objectives of our library are: to ensure the educational process and self-education through library and information - bibliographic service of students, teachers and other categories of readers, training in information culture of pupils from primary level and continue at all stages of development. Librarians all activities teach students the need for constant self-education, develop imagination, thoughtful reading, readers are trying to teach themselves to produce information on their own work with the information of any degree of complexity, ie, It generates the readers self skills. Readers are always interested in what's new fiction. Increased demand for the historical literature which the library receives a colorful design, printed on two, three yazykah.V library contains curricula and textbooks in all subjects, guidelines, used by both teachers and pupils. The library also provides a variety of print works - audio materials, electronic media - electronic textbooks to all its readers, thus contributing to the development of critical thinking and effective use of all types of information. The library ensures that readers queries on all branches of knowledge, provided the materials in the preparation of thematic evenings and development lessons. Librarians are trying to provide the conditions necessary for the formation and development of creative personality.