Address: Sportivnaya str. 20
The contacts: 60513
The headmaster: Tanekeeva Alma Nurbergenovna
Children preschool institution "Aigolek" Children preschool institution "Aigolek"
Address: 3 str. 6
The contacts: 67326
The headmaster: Bajbenova Venera Yusupovna
Children preschool institution “Ertostik” Children preschool institution “Ertostik”
Address: ,
The contacts: 54006
The headmaster: Adambekova Kuralai Abzalbekovna
Address: 7, Moldagulova street
The contacts: 53269
The headmaster: Suigenbaeva Zaure Suigenbaevna
Address: 11,Baiseitova street
The contacts: 41657
The headmaster: Ibysheva Gulnar Turemuratovna
Address: Kalmukov, 2
The contacts: 42785
The headmaster: Kishkindaeva Aigul Baltashevna
Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz" Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"
Address: Karamende bi str. 16
The contacts: 42720
The headmaster: Zhakisheva Kulpash Bilanovna