
Борьба с помогайками

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 17:35:58
The head of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region told about the fight against "help". In the Karaganda region, they began to identify intermediaries who sell free places in kindergartens. Responsibility threatens not only the so-called helpers, but also the customers. The head of the Department of Education Gulsum Kozhakhmetova spoke about measures to counter illegal schemes at a...
Author: School №4

Educational business game "Protection of children's rights" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 16:38:10
Educational business game
    Children's rights are one of the fundamental laws of our Constitution. Every child of school age has the right to receive secondary education in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to improve the legal literacy of 4th grade students in our school on February 9, Zhetpis B.N., an educational business game "Protection of Children's Rights&quo...

«Правовой мир глазами детей».

Category: School news
Date: 2021-02-09 16:20:20
«Правовой мир глазами детей».
В рамках открытия недели Правовой грамотности воспитателями «ШИММС» г.Балхаш Жуламановой Л.М и Жунусовой А.Е. была проведена выставка рисунков «Правовой мир глазами детей». Цель: обобщить знания детей об основных правах ребенка. В младшем школьном возрасте у детей формируются знания о правовой культуре, навыки правильного поведения в школе и дома, общественных м...

The local stage of the Olympiad in general subjects took place ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 16:00:09
The local stage of the Olympiad in general subjects took place ...
    On February 8, students of grades 9-11 of the boarding school took part in the city stage of the Republican Olympiad in general subjects: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology. During the Olympics, epidemiological precautions and technical requirements were strictly observed. We wish good luck to the participants of the Olympiad!

Cognitive educational game with students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help? "...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 15:57:13
Cognitive educational game with students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help?
    On February 9, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", an educational game was held with students in grades 10-11 on the topic "Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help? " Main goal: to teach students legal skills through cognitive games. Development of legal responsibility. To educate a person who is capable of legal...

The quiz "Me and my rights"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 15:54:27
The quiz
    On February 9, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Development Week "Legal Navigator" under the guidance of educator D. Makhmutova, the quiz "Me and my rights" was organized among students of grades 8-9. The quiz was held in order to improve the legal knowledge of students, develop their thinking, teach them to express certain opinions, formulate conclu...

An hour of classes on the topic "Formation of a healthy lifestyle"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-09 15:51:17
An hour of classes on the topic
    On February 9, 2021, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", an hour of classes on the topic "Formation of a healthy lifestyle" for 2 classes took place. Purpose: to form students' attitude to a healthy lifestyle. Explain that every child has an inalienable right to health, teach to take care of it. During the lesson, students sh...

«Достық Интернет: Интернет –ғалам»

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-09 15:31:21
«Достық Интернет: Интернет –ғалам»
Қарағанды облысы білім беруді дамытудың оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен «Цифрлық әлем» ақпараттық сауаттылықты дамыту апталығының  аясында  01.02.21 күнгі  жоспар бойынша   Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасының  Балқаш қаласы білім бөлімінің  №16 жалпы  білім беретін мектебінде  3 сыныптар арасында  «Достық Интернет:...
Author: School №16

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