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"Let's learn to count from 1 to 10"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 13:28:19
Preschool group "O" in the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Development of Karaganda region. Theme: "Let's learn to count from 1 to 10" Purpose: to teach children from 1 to 10 Learning to count to 10. Reverse and right counting...
Author: School №6

10 "A" class students conducted a tour of entrepreneurs

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 13:19:05
Pupils of 10 "A" classes of 6 schools of "Sayak village" organized an excursion to entrepreneurs, organized in honor of the Week of Financial Literacy. Our students are convinced that financial literacy is necessary for each individual to be able to calculate their income and expenses, to increase their finances, to save properly, to improve the quality of life. Students rece...
Author: School №6

"Бизнес әлеміне саяхат"

Category: New
Date: 2021-02-26 13:18:11
25 ақпан күні "Қаржы сауаттылық" апталық аясында 11-сынып оқушыларымен "Бизнес әлеміне саяхат" тақырыбында еліміздегі банктерге саяхат жасадық. Заман талабына сай қаржылық сауаттарын арттыру үшін минифильм көрсетілді. Оқушылар көрген минифильм бойынша тақырып төңірегінде сұрақтарға жауап алды. @umckrg @balqash_qalasy_bilim_bolimi @kozhakhmetovag @uo_krg @bahyt_himaldin #қаржы...
Author: School №24

"In the city of geometric shapes"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 13:10:21
In the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Development of Karaganda region. to be able to distinguish shapes on their own. To be able to tell the location of objects in space. To improve memory. Children were able to show excellent activity during gluing...
Author: School №6

Results of the photo exhibition "Portrait of a favorite figure"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 13:07:45
2 days of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Interesting Mathematics" among the groups of MAD in the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of Karaganda region. Results of the photo exhibition "Portrait of a favorite figure". T...
Author: School №6

The festival of business plans took place

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 13:02:51
Opening your own business is a very good idea and an important moment in a person's life, because moving in this direction, he completely changes his reality. He will not have to work for someone else, but in order to work successfully for himself he needs responsibility, the ability to make important decisions, as well as start-up capital, the investment of which should ensure profit in the...
Author: School №6

"Money, collecting coins"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-26 12:41:11

"Alikhan Bokeikhan - forester and economist."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-26 12:15:10
✅02/23/2021 Within the framework of the ten-day school-lyceum dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Alash Arys, statesman and public figure Alikhan Bokeikhan, an academic hour was held on the topic "Alikhan Bokeikhan - forester and economist." ✅Participants: Shanyrak group "Saryarka", pupils of grades 4A, 7B. ✅ During the lesson, students shared their opinion...

“Business START”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-26 12:09:28
“Business START”

“Karkaraly petition - the roots of the Alash movement”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-26 12:02:06
“Karkaraly petition - the roots of the Alash movement”
✅In honor of the 155th anniversary of Alikhan Bokeikhan, within the framework of the Alikhantanu project, on Thursday a lecture was held by a teacher and a student on the topic “Karkaraly petition - the roots of the Alash movement”. No. 9 Salima Abilpeisova, student of "A" class He informed the students that the Alash movement is a national liberation movement covering...

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