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«Давайте любимые книжки откроем».

Category: School news
Date: 2021-03-02 14:32:28
«Давайте любимые книжки откроем».
В рамках недели читательской грамотности 01.03.2021 года среди учащихся 1б класса было проведено читательский час на тему «Давайте любимые книжки откроем». Воспитатель класса Омарова А.М. прочла детям сказку «Красная шапочка» и т.д. Дети рассматривали  ярко - красочные картинки в книгах , также были заинтересованы  персонажами сказок.  Целью меропр...

Regional online competition "Zhyr alyby - Zhambyl"

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 13:07:20
Regional online competition
    On February 25-26, 2021, two students of our school took part in the regional online competition "Zhyr alyby - Zhambyl" among students of grades 5-11, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev. As a result, the student of the 7 "Ә" class of Seyfolla Didar received a III degree diploma.

Results of the regional competition of creative audio works "Speak your mind" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 13:04:45
Results of the regional competition of creative audio works
    On February 12, in the regional competition of creative audio works for students of grade 11 "Speak your mind", organized by the Academy "Bolashaq" together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, in order to popularize the study of a foreign language among high school students, to develop their communicative and linguocultural competencies i...

An information stand on the topic "180 years since the birth of Ybyray Altynsarin" has been designed ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 13:01:39
An information stand on the topic
    Ybyrai Altynsarin is a great figure of Kazakh literature and culture. Ybyrai Altynsarin called on Kazakh youth to study, be kind, hardworking, love their people, in a word, be able to justify the honorary title of "man". He realized that these tasks can only be fulfilled if young people receive adequate education from an early age. Therefore, Ybyray devoted his pedagogi...

Held a lineup "Dala zhuldyzy - Ybyrai Altynsarin", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the teacher, educator, outstanding writer and public figure, folklorist and ethnographer Ybyray Altynsarin...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:57:36
Held a lineup
    On March 1, our school held a lineup "Dala zhuldyzy - Ybyrai Altynsarin", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the teacher, educator, outstanding writer and public figure, folklorist and ethnographer Ybyray Altynsarin. During the line-up, students of the 5th grade got acquainted with the life and work of the first teacher, the great educator Ybyray Altynsarin and his g...

Spent class hours on Thanksgiving Day ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:54:21
Spent class hours on Thanksgiving Day ...
    The Day of Gratitude, which is celebrated in Kazakhstan on March 1, is conceived as a day of gratitude of all ethnic groups to each other and the Kazakhs, who accepted them in their country as relatives. This is a day of patriotism, cultural diversity and friendship between all Kazakhstanis regardless of nationality. Today, in honor of this day in offline and online formats, info...

As part of the Week of Reading Literacy on March 1, 2021, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Brovkina Yu.G. an event creative workshop "I am a reader" was held in an online format with students of 8 grades.

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:49:28
As part of the Week of Reading Literacy on March 1, 2021, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Brovkina Yu.G. an event creative workshop
As part of the Week of Reading Literacy on March 1, 2021, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Brovkina Yu.G. an event creative workshop "I am a reader" was held in an online format with students of 8 grades. In her opening remarks, the teacher spoke about the role of books in people's lives. Then the attention of the students was offered a bookteiler for the story -...
Author: School №4

March 2, 2021 in the KSU "Comprehensive School №4" in the city of Balkhash, under the guidance of the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Karina Z.S. literary party "The herritage of Zhambyl" was held among the 11th grade students dedicated to t

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:47:13
March 2, 2021 in the KSU
March 2, 2021 in the KSU "Comprehensive School №4" in the city of Balkhash, under the guidance of the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Karina Z.S. literary party "The herritage of Zhambyl" was held among the 11th grade students dedicated to the 175th anniversary of outstanding Kazakh akyn-improviser. The students learned much about his life,they recited many of...
Author: School №4

"Әлихан Бөкейханның халық ауыз әдебиеті шығармаларын зерттеудегі алатын орны"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-03-02 12:30:07
27.02.21 ж Алаш арысы Әлихан Бөкейханұлының 155 жылдығына орай "Әлихан Бөкейханның халық ауыз әдебиеті шығармаларын зерттеудегі алатын орны" атты оқу сағаты өтті.  Қатысушылар: "Ұлытау " шаңырық тобы 5 А және 8Б сынып оқушылары. Оқу сағатынды Әлихан Бөкейханның өмірбаяны туралы айтылды.Оқушылар қысқа шығармаларын оқып ,танысты.

March 1 - Thanksgiving Day!

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-03-02 12:22:14
March 1 - Thanksgiving Day!
March 1, 2016 is considered to be the Day of Thanksgiving in Kazakhstan. Holiday, which is used to say "Thank you". Now in Kazakhstan one good holiday became more, with such an initiative the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev addressed the session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan on April 23.      And our kindergarten did not stay on the sid...

2021 жылдың 22-26 ақпан аралығында Қарағанды қаласында Ұлы ақын Жамбыл Жабаевтың 175 жылдығына арналған «Жүз жасаған жүректен» атты облыстық аймақтық онлайн байқау өтті.

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:21:15
2021 жылдың 22-26 ақпан аралығында Қарағанды қаласында Ұлы ақын Жамбыл Жабаевтың 175 жылдығына арналған «Жүз жасаған жүректен» атты облыстық аймақтық онлайн байқау өтті.
2021 жылдың 22-26 ақпан аралығында Қарағанды қаласында Ұлы ақын Жамбыл Жабаевтың 175 жылдығына арналған «Жүз жасаған жүректен» атты облыстық аймақтық онлайн байқау өтті. Байқауға Қарағанды облысының аймақтарынан 400-ден астам мектеп оқушылары қатысты. Біздің мектептен байқауға 8 «Г» сынып оқушысы Кизилова Валерия (дайындаған жетексіші Жанасылова Р.Б.) қатысты. Қазылар алқ...
Author: School №4

Деловая игра "Мои карманные деньги" в онлайн формате завершила неделю финансовой грамотности в школе.

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-02 12:17:52
Деловая игра
Деловая игра "Мои карманные деньги" в онлайн формате завершила неделю финансовой грамотности в школе. «Без игры нет, и не может быть полноценного умственного развития. Игра – это огромное светлое окно, через которое в духовный мир ребенка вливается живительный поток представлений, понятий. Игра – это искра, зажигающая огонек пытливости и любознательно...
Author: School №4

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