
Week of "Natural and cognitive literacy"

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 13:29:45
               The educational and methodological center of education of the Department of education of Karaganda region organized a week of natural and cognitive literacy "I want to know everything" from February 9 to 12, 2021. A week of natural and cognitive literacy was held in the city of Balkhash, Sayak village...

Information about the contest on the topic " We learn languages"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-03-25 11:06:59
Information about the contest on the topic
On March 25, a contest on the topic "We learn languages" was held in the 6th "B"class. The contest was held on the Zoom online platform. The competition used slides, video materials, and audio materials. The students took an active part in the competition. The students were told a lot of details on the topic of We learn languages.
Author: School №9

March 24 "Nature Day" on this day, events are held to study the diversity of plants and methods of reproduction of ornamental plants( biodiversity), the structure of energy consumption at home and ways to reduce it (energy conservation); the possibility o

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 10:25:47
March 24 "Nature Day" on this day, events are held to study the diversity of plants and methods of reproduction of ornamental plants( biodiversity), the structure of energy consumption at home and ways to reduce it (energy conservation); the possibility of economical use of water at home (water conservation); sources of waste generation, the definition of ways to reduce them, the in...

On the ritual day of March 23, children make gifts from their own hands,souvenirs and crafts from their own hands, give gifts to parents, friends and relatives,give gifts to grandchildren and great-grandchildren of grandparents. Parents give their childre

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 10:13:46
  On the ritual day of March 23, children make gifts from their own hands,souvenirs and crafts from their own hands, give gifts to parents, friends and relatives,give gifts to grandchildren and great-grandchildren of grandparents. Parents give their children a ticket.

March 21 – "National Cuisine Day" an event was held to increase the value of family traditions; respect for heritage and traditions, maternal qualities, love, loyalty, friendship

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 10:00:40
March 21 – "National Cuisine Day" an event was held to increase the value of family traditions; respect for heritage and traditions, maternal qualities, love, loyalty, friendship

Information about the events of the 2020-2021 academic year Held during the spring break in secondary school No. 9

Category: School life
Date: 2021-03-25 09:53:44
Information about the events of the 2020-2021 academic year Held during the spring break in secondary school No. 9
In order to attract students ' leisure time during the spring break to various activities, crime prevention, education of morality, morals, responsibility, events were organized from 25 to 1.04. 24.04.21 day the drawing contest "pure nature" was organized among students of grades 5-7. This day was organized to draw attention to the formation of ecological culture, environmental education, an...
Author: School №9

March 20 is the day of wisdom and knowledge. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"during the spring break, within the framework of the Day of Wisdom and Knowledge-March 20, in order to develop the intellectual potential and intelligence of children,

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 09:50:34
March 20 is the day of wisdom and knowledge. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"during the spring break, within the framework of the Day of Wisdom and Knowledge-March 20, in order to develop the intellectual potential and intelligence of children, events are held to tell proverbs, sayings, riddles, and misconceptions.

Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки.

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 09:50:02
Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки.
Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки. 19 марта 2021 года в КГУ ОШ № 4 проведено мероприятие под руководством библиотекаря школы Белельбаевой З. К. и старшей вожатой Аманжоловой М.Б. учащиеся подроьно познакомились с спортивной игрой -асыки. Узнали историю проис...
Author: School №4

В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества.

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 09:46:41
В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества.
В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества. Игра в асыки – это не просто развлечение, игра или вид спорта. Это наше достояние и культурное наследие. Играя в них, мы сохраняем память о предках и не отдаляемся от своих корней.  
Author: School №4

21 Наурыз-ұлттық тағамдар күні

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-03-25 08:38:15
21 Наурыз-ұлттық тағамдар күні
21-наурыз - ұлттық тағамдар күні. Қазақтың ұлттық тағамдары халықтың мәнін, оның тарихын, мәдениеті мен дәстүрін толық көрсетеді. Ежелгі заманнан бері қонақжайлылық қазақ халқының ерекшелігі болғандықтан, үйдегі қонақтарға әрқашан тиісті қабылдау жүргізіліп, құрметті орын беріледі. Қазақ асханасы өзінің ерекше жұмсақтығымен және дәмдік реңктерінің нәзіктігімен танымал. Балалар үйде...

«Қыз баланың бой жетуі» атты тақырыпта ҚОДСБ «Балқаш қаласының №1 Емханасы» КМК-ң 1 категориялы дәрігері Сарманова Айнұр Мұратқызымен мектебіміздің 9-11 сынып қыз балаларының және мектеп медбикесінің қатысуымен Zoom платформасы арқылы кездесу өтті.

Category: Новости
Date: 2021-03-25 08:07:54
16.03.2021 жылы «Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы №25 ЖББ мектебі» КММ - де «Қыз баланың бой жетуі» атты тақырыпта ҚОДСБ «Балқаш қаласының №1 Емханасы» КМК-ң 1 категориялы дәрігері Сарманова Айнұр Мұратқызымен мектебіміздің 9-11 сынып қыз балаларының және мектеп медбикесінің қатысуымен Zoom платформасы арқылы кездесу өтті. Мақсаты: Жас жеткіншектер арасындағы ер...
Author: School №25

City online aitys "Welcome Nauryz!"

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2021-03-24 19:40:15
City online aitys
At the city aitys, organized by the Balkhash city history museum "Welcome Nauryz!" pupils of our school Maden Yerbulan and Amangazieva Ayim took part and took the 1st place. Congratulations!
Author: School №16

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