
Information about the events of the 2020-2021 academic year Held during the spring break in secondary school No. 9

Category: School life
Date: 2021-03-26 10:39:32
Information about the events of the 2020-2021 academic year Held during the spring break in secondary school No. 9
On March 26, the day of the culture of reading and writing, students of our school, parents, together with the family took up reading.The formation of a system of moral values occurs during the reading of books.
Author: School №9

Праздник весны и дружбы

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-26 10:38:53
Праздник весны и дружбы
Праздник весны и дружбы   Наурыз –это великий праздник дружбы, единства, добра и беззаветной любви к родному Отечеству. Это объединяющий всех нас праздник, который с нетерпением ждет каждый казахстанец. Есть у народов нашей страны и свои интересные традиции, связанные не только с самим Наурызом, но и с приходом весны. В школьной библиотеке было организовано книжная выставка по...
Author: School №4

Educational hour on the theme" caution,child"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-03-26 10:33:48
Educational hour on the theme
Nauryz On March 25, a senior teacher for the 2nd grades was organized at the secondary school No. 9 through the "ZOOM" platform on the topic "Abayla,Balakai" Road safety is the most important and fundamental state issue. The most important thing in solving this problem is that our smallest pedestrians are children. The youngest road users were taught the basic rules of the road and the rules of sa...
Author: School №9

Прием документов в 1 класс: с 1 апреля по 1 августа 2021 года

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-26 09:51:28
Прием документов в 1 класс: с 1 апреля по 1 августа 2021 года
Прием документов в 1 класс: с 1 апреля по 1 августа 2021 года Прием документов через, - заявление от родителей (или лиц, заменяющих их); - свидетельство о рождении ребенка для идентификации; - документ о состоянии здоровья по форме 026/у-3 «Паспорт здоровья ребенка»; - документ о состоянии здоровья по форме 063/у; - две фотографии 3х4. Заявление ра...
Author: School №4

" Қазақстан балалары – Көктемгі тамшы!"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-03-26 09:50:13
Көктемгі демалысқа арналған іс-шаралар аясында " Қазақстан балалары – Көктемгі тамшы!" салауатты өмір салтын, дене шынықтыру мен спортты қалыптастыру, өз денсаулығына жауапкершілікпен қарау мақсатында 25 наурызда Оқушылар Спорт және шеберлік күніне арналған күнге белсенді қатысты.

"Наурыз салт-дәстүрі"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-03-26 08:12:22
#i❤️dvorec #ҚРБҒММОНРК #РУМЦДОМОНРК #RUMCDOMONRK #қосымшабілімберу #дополнительноеобразование #ШерРаиса #RUMCDOBIZBIRGEMIZ #RUMCDOMONRK #UIDEBOL #қашықтықтаноқыту #дистанционноеобучение #МОНРК #онлайнканикулы #талантливыедети #профессональныепедагоги #мирдетскоготворчества #bizbirgemiz #AskhatAimagambetov @karagandyoblysybilimbaskarmasy&nbs...

A tongue twister contest "You cannot talk over all tongue twisters, you cannot overspeak"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 21:27:00
A tongue twister contest
    From 11 to 20 March, the personality development center "Unicum" of the Palace of Schoolchildren held an online tongue twister contest "You cannot talk over all tongue twisters, you cannot overspeak". Zhumabek Nazerke, a 7th grade student of the Mikhail Rusakov boarding school, took the 3rd place. 

A video competition "Customs and traditions of the Kazakh people"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 21:21:46
A video competition
    In honor of the Nauryz holiday, on March 20-21, a video competition "Customs and traditions of the Kazakh people" was held, organized by the schoolchildren's palace. According to the terms of the competition, it was necessary to prepare a 1-minute video about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. A pupil of the 8th grade of our school, Erkebaev Daulet, to...

A video competition “Bata tilekter - ult zhanynyn aynasy”...

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 21:17:40
A video competition “Bata tilekter - ult zhanynyn aynasy”...
    On the eve of the Nauryz holiday, from March 16 to March 19, the Palace of Schoolchildren organized a video competition “Bata tilekter - ult zhanynyk aynasy”. According to the terms of the competition, the participant had to prepare a video with a blessing and a wish for no more than 1 minute. In this competition, Nursultan Tolegenov took 1st place, and Daulet Erkebay...

"Wise Child".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-03-25 15:12:59
This year is the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh poet Mukagali Makatayev (1931–1976). In this regard, from 15 to 20 March 2021, organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren, the city held a distance reading competition among 5-year-olds "Wise Child". . The main condition of the competition was to read a work of the poet, make a 1-minute video and send it to vatsap. Pupils took an act...

Save the nature

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-03-25 15:10:55
Save the nature
Nature protection is everyone's duty to protect nature. Big and small should always be kept clean and respected. We all know how much we need it. The role of man in nature is very small. In big nature, man is like little sand. But the fate of nature is in the hands of that sand. Because human potential is huge. Friends, I invite you to protect nature!

On March 25, the day of Shimyrlyk and mastery in forming the value of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, physical maturity, responsible attitude to one's health, there were open-air walks, nature walks, cycling (skateboard, roller skating,

Category: News
Date: 2021-03-25 14:19:07
On March 25, the day of Shimyrlyk and mastery in forming the value of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, physical maturity, responsible attitude to one's health, there were open-air walks, nature walks, cycling (skateboard, roller skating, scooter), national games, which are an important component of preserving the national cultural values of the Kazakh people, competitions...

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