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“Кітап құпиялары” оқу сауаттылығы апталығында мектепалды даярлық сыныптар арасында “ Кітап білім-көзі” атты бейнетаспа көрсетілді.

Category: Новости
Date: 2023-11-21 16:27:24
15.11.2023 “Кітап құпиялары” оқу сауаттылығы апталығында мектепалды даярлық сыныптар арасында “ Кітап білім-көзі” атты бейнетаспа көрсетілді. Мақсаты: тәрбиеленушілерге кітап көп оқыған адам білімді болатынын түсіндіру. Білім алуға деген құштарлықтарын ояту.         Посмотреть эту...
Author: School №25

«Бес асық» және «Асық ату» ұлттық ойындары бойынша «Алтын сақа» челленджі

Category: Новости
Date: 2023-11-21 16:24:08
2023 жылдың 17 қараша күні мектебімізде «9 айға 9 іс-шара» жобасы аясында «Бес асық» және «Асық ату» ұлттық ойындары бойынша «Алтын сақа» челленджі ұйымдастырылды. Челлендждің мақсаты: Оқушылардың рухани-адамгершілік мәдениетін және елдің мәдени мұрасын сақтауға, ұлттық, ойындарды насихаттауға бағыттау. Ұлттық ойындардың бірі - асық ойыны ба...
Author: School №25

"Кітап құпиялары"

Category: Новости
Date: 2023-11-21 16:20:40
13.11.2023 күні "Кітап құпиялары" атты оқу сауаттылығы апталығында мектепалды даярлық сыныптарда танымдық іс- шара өтті. Мақсаты: тәрбиеленушілерге білімнің кітап арқылы келетінін ұғындыру.
Author: School №25

“Кітап құпиялары” оқу сауаттылығы апталығында мектепалды даярлық сыныптар арасында “ Кітап білім-бұлағы” тақырыбында ұйымдастырылған оқу іс-әрекеті өтті.

Category: Новости
Date: 2023-11-21 16:19:31
14.11.2023 “Кітап құпиялары” оқу сауаттылығы апталығында мектепалды даярлық сыныптар арасында “ Кітап білім-бұлағы” тақырыбында ұйымдастырылған оқу іс-әрекеті өтті. Мақсаты: тәрбиеленушілердің кітапқа деген қызығушылықтарын арыттыру. Кітап оқуға дағдыландыру.
Author: School №25

«Ұлттық теңге - ұлт мақтанышы»

Category: Новости
Date: 2023-11-21 16:13:18
15.11.2023 күні Ұлттық теңгенің 30 жылдығына орай «Ұлттық теңге - ұлт мақтанышы» атты қалалық танымдық ойынға белсене қатысқаны үшін 6 «А» Ақан Сезім мен Аспаева Айым және Әділбекова Гүлнұр алғыс хатпен марапатталды.  
Author: School №25

On November 17, as part of the project of the Tumar Girls Club, in order to develop team cohesion through a system of specially organized exercises and create an atmosphere of mutual respect

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 13:11:27
On November 17, as part of the project of the Tumar Girls Club, in order to develop team cohesion through a system of specially organized exercises and create an atmosphere of mutual respect
On November 17, as part of the project of the Tumar Girls Club, in order to develop team cohesion through a system of specially organized exercises and create an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and cooperation, a conversation and trainings were held aimed at cohesion, collectivism, and mutual understanding. From the conversation, the girls learned that support is not only emotional, but also...

On November 17, 2023, the school nurse M. Kusimbaeva held a conversation on the topic “Personal hygiene of a teenage girl” among girls in grades 7-8

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 13:08:27
On November 17, 2023, the school nurse M. Kusimbaeva held a conversation on the topic “Personal hygiene of a teenage girl” among girls in grades 7-8
On November 17, 2023, the school nurse M. Kusimbaeva held a conversation on the topic “Personal hygiene of a teenage girl” among girls in grades 7-8. In order to talk in a confidential atmosphere with girls about hygiene, about hygiene products; develop a responsible attitude towards health; deepen personal hygiene skills and strengthen healthy lifestyle skills. During the conversati...

November 16, 2023, as part of the “Tumar” girls club project in order to expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 13:04:48
November 16, 2023, as part of the “Tumar” girls club project in order to expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle
November 16, 2023, as part of the “Tumar” girls club project in order to expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle; formation of a negative moral assessment of bad habits and risky behavior; to develop responsible behavior skills, a meeting and training was held on the topic: “Growing up girls or what is maiden honor.” During the conversation, the girls became familiar with...

On November 17, 2023, as part of the events “9 months - 9 events,” the Asyk-atu challenge was held with the goal of reviving and popularizing the national games of the Kazakh people, honoring national values, and introducing students to the game of asyk.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 13:02:47
On November 17, 2023, as part of the events “9 months - 9 events,” the Asyk-atu challenge was held with the goal of reviving and popularizing the national games of the Kazakh people, honoring national values, and introducing students to the game of asyk.
On November 17, 2023, as part of the events “9 months - 9 events,” the Asyk-atu challenge was held with the goal of reviving and popularizing the national games of the Kazakh people, honoring national values, and introducing students to the game of asyk.

At the school, psychological trainings were held among students in grades 7-9 on the topic “Childhood without cruelty and violence” in order to educate students about the concept of violence.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 13:00:57
At the school, psychological trainings were held among students in grades 7-9 on the topic “Childhood without cruelty and violence” in order to educate students about the concept of violence.
At the school, psychological trainings were held among students in grades 7-9 on the topic “Childhood without cruelty and violence” in order to educate students about the concept of violence. During the lesson, questions were discussed about respectful attitude towards people, about the need to show students the purposeful cultivation of kindness, responsiveness, and tolerance.

On November 15, Kazakhstan celebrates National Currency Day, one of the symbols of independence.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 12:55:45
On November 15, Kazakhstan celebrates National Currency Day, one of the symbols of independence.
On November 15, Kazakhstan celebrates National Currency Day, one of the symbols of independence. It was on this day in 1993 that the tenge was introduced into circulation in the republic, and November 15 is also a professional holiday for employees of the financial system. Today, history teacher O.E. Shynarbek spoke about the history of the emergence and introduction of the tenge, and many int...

On November 13, 2023, as part of the events within the framework of the Anti-Corruption Marathon “ADAL BOL LIKE

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-11-21 11:59:24
On November 13, 2023, as part of the events within the framework of the Anti-Corruption Marathon “ADAL BOL LIKE
On November 13, 2023, as part of the events within the framework of the Anti-Corruption Marathon “ADAL BOL LIKE”, in order to form among students an idea of what corruption is, to familiarize themselves with the causes of corruption, communication hours “Let’s say a firm “No” to corruption” were held for high school students. Schoolchildren learned what...

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