
april 12 is the International Cosmonautics Day. This holiday is a Day when people working in the space industry and who have raised science to a new level, in our school from grades 1 to 5, a round table was held on the topic: "what do we know about the c

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-12 12:05:03
april 12 is the International Cosmonautics Day. This holiday is a Day when people working in the space industry and who have raised science to a new level, in our school from grades 1 to 5, a round table was held on the topic: "what do we know about the cosmonaut heroes?"

"Genealogy Day"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:02:57
March 16 - March-value or "Genealogy Day". On this day, people slaughter cattle, bake cakes and offer Koran to their ancestors. Relatives and neighbors go to the homes of families who have recently lost loved ones and say, "Let him touch the deceased." The elders of each family tell the next generation about the good deeds and happy moments of their dead ancestors and relativ...
Author: School №6

Day of "KORISU"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:58:35
During the decade of "Nauryz Shuagy" in connection with the Day of "KORISU" was a wonderful festive event with the participation of parents and students of grades 3 "A", 4 "A" of the school №6 "Sayak village" KSU. * Purpose *: to promote the tradition of our ancestors, the holiday "Amal", the holiday "Korisu", which is passed...
Author: School №6

"Zhailau Day"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:56:16
March 15 - March-renewal or "Zhailau Day". Living in harmony with nature was part of the nomadic Kazakh worldview. Therefore, in connection with the development of ecological and intellectual consciousness of the younger generation in order to protect nature in the great holiday in the 3 "B" and 4 "B" classes of our school "Save the Earth!" Kauskanova GE...
Author: School №6

"Through the pages of favorite books."

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:54:42
According to the plan of the week of literacy, an event was held in grades 6-7 to create a collage of favorite books on the theme "Through the pages of favorite books." All participants received letters of thanks for their active participation.
Author: School №6

"In the land of puzzles"

Category: Events held
Date: 2021-04-12 11:53:16
An interactive contest "In the land of puzzles" was held during the reading week in grade 4B. Objective: increasing educational motivation and cognitive activity of students. Children independently made puzzles, and also solved puzzles compiled by the teacher.
Author: School №6

educational classes

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:51:41
On March 5, all classes of our school held educational classes dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8. The purpose is to give students an idea of the history of March 8, Mother's Day, which gave light to the world. Education in kindness, respect, formation of good qualities of the nation.
Author: School №6

"Which is better: a paper book or an electronic one?"

Category: Events held
Date: 2021-04-12 11:49:49
Reading Literacy Week. On March 5, in the 9 "A" class, a debate was held on the topic "Which is better: a paper book or an electronic one?" Objectives: popularization of debate as a form of intellectual leisure, the development of critical thinking, the formation of a culture of dispute, tolerance, increasing the competence of students in debates.
Author: School №6

"Woman-mother, Woman-life, Woman-song"

Category: Events held
Date: 2021-04-12 11:47:52
The exhibition "Woman-mother, Woman-life, Woman-song" dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8 was organized in the school library of MSO "Comprehensive school # 6 of Sayak village" on March 5, 2021. Purpose: to provide information about the March 8 holiday. To instill in girls courtesy and decency. To increase the love for the mother through words, songs an...
Author: School №6

"What do the books talk about?"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:46:02
In connection with the week of reading literacy, students in grades 10-11 were asked to write an essay on the topic "What do the books talk about?" Objectives: to form students' abilities and skills to analyze, express their opinions, thoughts, feelings, argue their point of view, promote reading books.
Author: School №6

a literary circle was held on the topic "Telegram"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:44:19
In accordance with the plan of reading literacy in the 9th grade, a literary circle was held on the topic "Telegram". The purpose of the literary circle was as follows: - acquaintance with the work of K.G. Paustovsky - development of the skill of analyzing a literary work; - instilling interest in reading.
Author: School №6

"What do you know about books?"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 11:42:28
During the week of reading literacy, an online game quest was held among students in grades 6-7 on the topic "What do you know about books?" The children learned about how the book was created, what the ancient people wrote on, who invented the paper, and the students also competed to see who knows the best proverbs about books and reading.
Author: School №6

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