
the 180th anniversary of the great teacher Ibrai Altynsarin

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:37:16
It is planned in connection with the 180th anniversary of the great teacher Ibrai Altynsarin As part of the event on March 26, students of grades 1-11 of our school online video about the life and work of a wise teacher watched a presentation of essays. The purpose is to show students that the teacher is an outstanding person who has dedicated his entire life to the people of his native land,...
Author: School №6

March 22 is the Day of the Mass.

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:35:06
In the morning, everyone greets the sun, and then goes on a mass parade. On this day, classes 9 A, 9 B, 11 B organized festive events. Mass Day is a significant day that increases the well-being of relatives, leaves behind difficulties and makes people's mouths water. May the nation be positive and prosperous!
Author: School №6

At the regional stage of the republican forum "Opening the world of professions", held within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a student of the 10th grade Abentayeva Dilnaz took part in the nomination "T

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-12 12:34:05
At the regional stage of the republican forum "Opening the world of professions", held within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a student of the 10th grade Abentayeva Dilnaz took part in the nomination "Time to choose a profession" and took the third place, congratulations to the teacher Abeldinov Tanat Sagatovich!

"National Cuisine Day"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:32:00
March 21 - Nauryz-bereke or "National Cuisine Day". On this day, national dishes are served on the table of every house. There are many dishes on the Kazakh menu. In order to get acquainted with such national dishes, a joint event with parents on the theme "Blessed March table" with 3 "A" and 4 "A" classes was held at the school N6 of Sayak village. Purpo...
Author: School №6

"30 good deeds"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:19:31
On the eve of Nauryz, as part of the national marathon "30 good deeds" "Sayak village Pupils and parents of 8 "A" classes of MSO "Comprehensive school №6" in our village organized a charity event for needy citizens and distributed food packages to 3 families.
Author: School №6

"Welcome, happy Nauryz"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:17:51
On March 18, 2021, a class lesson "Welcome, happy Nauryz" dedicated to the Great Day of the Nation - March 22 was held. Purpose: To explain to students the historical significance of the fact that Nauryz is the beginning of the year, ie a national holiday, not a religious holiday. To give an idea of ​​the national upbringing passed down from our ancestors from generation to generation....
Author: School №6

On March 12, an online meeting was held on the ZOOM platform with students of the 9th grades in order to get acquainted with the medical college of the city of Balkhash and get acquainted with the types of directions in choosing a profession. Career guida

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-12 12:17:36
  On March 12, an online meeting was held on the ZOOM platform with students of the 9th grades in order to get acquainted with the medical college of the city of Balkhash and get acquainted with the types of directions in choosing a profession. Career guidance becomes the main factor in creating relationships between a person and society. The programs of career-oriented educational wor...

“Ғарыш әлемі”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-04-12 12:16:18
“Ғарыш әлемі”
Ғарышкерлер күніне арналған мектеп-лицейішілік “Ғарыш әлемі” атты суреттер байқауы бастау алды. Оқушылар категориясы: 3 сыныптар. Мерзімі: 12-13.04.2021 жыл. Жұмыстар WhatApp желісі арқылы қабылданады: 87077099395.

The 6th day of Nauryz is dedicated to "Shymyrlyk and mastery".

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:15:05
The 6th day of Nauryz is dedicated to "Shymyrlyk and mastery".. In this regard, there was a competition in the Kazakh national games among 5 "a", 6 "a", 7 "a" classes. The competition consisted of 3 stages: 1. "Togyzkumalak" game; 2. Tug of war; 3. Asyk shooting. The purpose of the competition is to develop the Kazakh spirituality and culture...
Author: School №6

the Day of Good Deeds

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:12:04
It is planned to hold events related to the celebration of Nauryz for 10 days. The main task of celebrating Nauryz is to strengthen national accord and Kazakhstani patriotism, to promote the values ​​of spiritual renewal. The 5th day of Nauryz is called the Day of Good Deeds. On this day, everyone does something good that they can afford. Various events will be held with the participation of vol...
Author: School №6

"History Day"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:07:46
The great day of the nation will be celebrated for 10 days from March 14 to March 23. The fourth day, March 17, is "History Day". The purpose of this day is to assimilate our national values, to bring them up in the national spirit, as well as to educate them to know their history, to respect our ancestral language, to be inseparable from their roots. The day of "Bow to history&q...
Author: School №6

"Welcome, az-Nauryz!"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-04-12 12:05:11
MSO "Sayak village secondary school # 6" from March 14 in the school library organized an exhibition "Welcome, az-Nauryz!" Pupils of 3-4-5 grades got acquainted with the exhibition. They got the information they needed. The purpose of the exhibition: to provide information about the celebration of Nauryz, the great day of the nation. Explain that Nauryz is the Kazakh national...
Author: School №6

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