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«Оқушылардың құзіреттілігін қалыптастыруда іс-әрекетті зерттеудің маңызы» атты ғылыми-әдістемелік отырыс

Category: Отырыс
Date: 2021-04-20 22:56:12
«Оқушылардың құзіреттілігін қалыптастыруда іс-әрекетті зерттеудің маңызы» атты ғылыми-әдістемелік отырыс
31.03.2021 жылы Балқаш қалалық білімі бөлімінің №16 жалпы білім беретін мектебінде педагогикалық ұжымға «Оқушылардың құзіреттілігін қалыптастыруда іс-әрекетті зерттеудің маңызы» атты ғылыми-әдістемелік отырыс өтті. Отырысты директордың оқу-ісінің орынбасарлары Жұмажанова Қ.М, Сопыжанова Г.Р жүргізіп, педагогикалық ұжымды күн тәртібімен таныстырды. Отырыстың мақсаты жетекші мектеп іші...
Author: School №16

On April 5-10, the presidential election of the school parliament was held in a distance format.

Category: Сайлау
Date: 2021-04-20 22:40:25
On April 5-10, the presidential election of the school parliament was held in a distance format.
Nine students from grades 7-8 ran for the school parliament. They proposed their candidacy in the form of a poster and a program.  On April 12-15, online voting took place. After the votes were counted, the results were announced: an 8B grade student, Anat Amina, collected 60% of the votes and was elected President of the School's Parliament, while the rest of the candidates will act...
Author: School №16

Жамбыл Ақылбаев атындағы 8-сынып оқушылары арасында физика пәнінен облыстық олимпиада

Category: Олимпиада
Date: 2021-04-20 22:31:57
Жамбыл Ақылбаев атындағы 8-сынып оқушылары арасында физика пәнінен облыстық олимпиада
On April 16, 2021, the Department of Education of Karaganda region and the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education for Children "Saryarka Daryny" held a regional Olympiad in physics among 8th grade students named after Zhambyl Akylbayev. 8G grade student Kairzhanov Gibrat took the third place. Leader: Suezbek Zhaniya Congratulations
Author: School №16

«Зерде» ХVI республикалық конкурсы мен жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша республикалық ғылыми жобалар байқауы

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-04-20 22:25:36
«Зерде» ХVI республикалық конкурсы мен жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша республикалық ғылыми жобалар байқауы
In the XVI Republican contest of research projects and creative works of students of grades 2-7 "Zerde" and the Republican competition of scientific projects in general education subjects, students of grades 5A Artakshinov Nurkanat and Sarkyt Azhar took the second place. Head: Aynabekova Zh.B. The number of winners of the Republican stage in Balkhash is 6 students.  The winners w...
Author: School №16

diagnostic work

Category: Психологиялық тренинг
Date: 2021-04-20 22:06:25
diagnostic work
Psychologist of the school Serikbek A.M. conducted diagnostic work using the method of A. Golomshtok . The questionnaire is planned to study the interests and inclinations of high school students in various fields of activity.
Author: School №16

the urban competition "Zhas Shezhireshi - 2021"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-20 21:09:54
the urban competition
    On April 20, in the Balkhash Museum of Local Lore, the town competition "Zhas Shezhireshi - 2021" was organized, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at studying the history of the country and the region. The competition was held in two stages. At the first stage of the competition, the teams prepared their homework, in...

"Touch Nature with Your Heart"

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-20 20:54:21
The educational methodological center of Karaganda has launched the project "Touch nature with your heart". In this regard, in the group of preschool preparation "Fidgets" there was a presentation of a video lesson on the world around on the topic: "Air", in which, with the help of experiments, the kids saw the importance of air for humans.

On April 19,within the framework of the Week of Environmental Literacy "Zhasyl Kazakhstan", in order to form an ecological culture, respect for nature and the environment, class hours were held in grades 1-11.

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-20 16:09:07
  On April 19,within the framework of the Week of Environmental Literacy "Zhasyl Kazakhstan", in order to form an ecological culture, respect for nature and the environment, class hours were held in grades 1-11.

"Why should people know the history of their city, region, state?" - this question is asked quite often nowadays.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-04-20 15:54:28
"Why should people know the history of their city, region, state?" - this question is asked quite often nowadays. History is the memory of any area of ​​culture, of each nation, of all mankind. Just as the history of the life of each individual person is embodied in the characteristics of his personality: in his knowledge, skills, character traits, so the history of all mankind is embo...
Author: School №10

"Табиғатты жүрекпен сүй"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-04-20 15:10:01
"Табиғатты жүрекпен сүй" экологиялық сауаттылық апталығы аясында балалардың экологиялық мәдениетін қалыптастыру, балалардың қоршаған әлемге танымдық қызығушылығын дамыту мақсатында 19 сәуірде мектепалды сынып тәрбиеленушілері "Эколятқа арнау"іс-шарасына белсенді қатысты. Балаларға қонаққа Лесовичок келді, ол балаларға табиғат туралы жұмбақтар жасады, қоршаған орта туралы білі...

"Country symbols are the tone of the country, the pillar of equality" competition on the theme

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-20 11:27:32
19.04.21 in our school, a competition was organized for grades 5-6 on the topic: "El ramizderi eldigimnin reni, tendigimnin tiregi»During the competition, students told about the origin of the symbolism and its significance in history.The veneration of state symbols is a sacred duty of every citizen of independent Kazakhstan. Respect for state symbols is the veneration of the country,...
Author: School №9

On April 19, within the framework of the week of environmental literacy” Green Kazakhstan", the teacher of Class 5A Meiram T. T. held an intellectual game on the topic:" we save the planet together". In order to expand and strengthen the ecological cultur

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-20 09:54:33
    On April 19, within the framework of the week of environmental literacy” Green Kazakhstan", the teacher of Class 5A Meiram T. T. held an intellectual game on the topic:" we save the planet together". In order to expand and strengthen the ecological culture of the younger generation, students took an active part in the game.   #green Kazakhsta...

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