
"1 Мая- День единства народов Казахстана".

Category: School news
Date: 2021-04-29 11:34:36
28 апреля для учащихся 3 "Б" класса на платформе  на платформе зум был проведен классный час  в преддверии празднования государственного праздника "1 Мая- День единства народов Казахстана".   Классный час : 1 мая - День единства народов Казахстана. Задачи: - сформировать между детьми дружеские взаимоотношения; - научить детей помогать друг другу, уважать...

A drawing contest “Safety Zone!”...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 11:25:39
A drawing contest “Safety Zone!”...
    On April 29, within the framework of the large-scale republican action “Safe Internet”, a drawing contest “Safety Zone!” was held. The competition was held among students in grades 2-6. According to the terms of the competition, the drawings were made with colored pencils and paints. Purpose: to provide students with an understanding of the benefits and ha...

A competition for crafts from waste materials...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 11:20:28
A competition for crafts from waste materials...
    The problem of environmental pollution today is almost the most urgent. No wonder: Every day, businesses produce food products by packing them in plastic, metal or other packages, which are then thrown away, thereby contaminating the environment. But these things can be used in another way, given a second life. In order to prevent the problem of environmental pollution, on Apr...

A meeting was held on the topic "My future" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 11:14:53
A meeting was held on the topic
    On April 28, a meeting was held with ninth-graders on the topic “My future”. Purpose: to help students choose their future profession and direction of study, develop views on the profession, determine professional interests and tendencies to form a responsible decision in choosing a profession by obtaining information about the world of professions. Meeting guests:...


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-04-29 11:09:40
Lesson in the preschool group "Innovators" Educational area: "Cognition" Section: "Construction" Topic: "Postcards for the holiday" Educator: Ilchikaeva O. N.

For the holiday "May 1 - Day of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 10:54:24
For the holiday
    The holiday "May 1 - Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan" occupies a special place for a country that adheres to the principle "Unity is the source of prosperity and peace." On this day, the best wishes of people of different nationalities and religions, aimed at increasing mutual respect, strengthening peace, unity and common values, give all people...

A parent conference on the topic "Children on the Internet"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 10:48:52
A parent conference on the topic
    On April 28, within the framework of the large-scale republican campaign "Safe Internet", a teacher-psychologist held a parent conference on the topic "Children on the Internet" with the aim of informing and questioning parents. Objective: to raise awareness and awareness of parents about the safety of children on the Internet and the possibility of using its...

An open lesson of English on the topic “Slow machines”...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 10:43:28
An open lesson of English on the topic “Slow machines”...
   On April 28, Mugiyn M. T. held an open lesson of English on the topic “Slow machines” in 4 “A” class. The lesson covered 4 skills using platforms such as YouTube, Wordwall, LearningApps, which made the lesson interesting and systematic. The students were able to learn about slow cars and distinguish them from fast ones. Thanks to the active participation of...

An intellectual game "Oh, lucky!"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 10:35:48
An intellectual game
     On April 28, the teacher of the Russian language Ilyina G.A. among the pupils of grades 8-9 conducted an intellectual game "Oh, lucky!", Which consisted of 5 rounds. In round 1, it was necessary to name a word according to its lexical meaning. In the 2nd round, replace sentences with synonyms and antonyms. In the 3rd round, translate proverbs into the native langu...


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-04-29 10:33:17
Labor is the most important means of education, starting from preschool age; in the process, the personality of the child is formed, collective relationships are formed. Work is especially important for the moral education of a child. In work, independence is brought up, initiative and responsibility are developed. The goal of the entire system of labor education is the moral, psychological and...

Workshop "Improving writing skills" in the framework of the regional project "Birge oqimyz" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 10:31:46
     On April 28, according to the plan of the education department of the city of Balkhash, Amanbekova Gulmira Manarbekovna, a primary school teacher at the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov, shared her experience with colleagues at the city level on the topic "Improving writing skills" within the framework of the regional project "Birge oqim...

«Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимылдағы азаматтардың рөлі»

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-04-29 10:27:16
«Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимылдағы азаматтардың рөлі»
2020-2021 оқу жылдың сәуір айында «Адал Ұрпақ» бағдарламасы аясында 10 сыныптарда «Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимылдағы азаматтардың рөлі» атты сынып сағаттары өтті.
Author: School №16

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