
"That there was no war."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-05-18 09:22:45
Every year on May 9, our country celebrates a big holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. 2021, from 4 to 7 May at the Palace of Schoolchildren, a literary competition of reciters "So that there is no war" was held. The purpose of the competition is to form patriotic feelings of involvement in the history of the Fatherland in the younger generation. Fostering respect for war...

Жеңіс күні қарсаңында Оқушылар сарайының тәрбиеленушілері Балқаштық-Кеңес Одағының Батырларының бейіттеріне барды.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-05-18 09:21:09
Жеңіс күні қарсаңында Оқушылар сарайының тәрбиеленушілері Балқаштық-Кеңес Одағының Батырларының бейіттеріне барды.
On the eve of Victory Day, pupils of the Schoolchildren's Palace visited the graves of Heroes of the Balkhash-Soviet Union. The action was organized and held by the city authorities. Together with Daulet Kozhakov, an employee of the city museum of local lore, the children laid flowers to the graves of three heroes of the Soviet Union buried in Balkhash. The historian told our circles the fac...

Competition "Creative Librarian-2021"

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-18 07:48:28
Author: School №5

The competition "Til - asyl Kazyna" was held among 5 classes...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 21:34:32
The competition
    On May 17, the competition "Til - asyl Kazyna" was held among 5 classes for the implementation of the State program for the implementation of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025. Purpose: to teach students to understand the value of their native language, to feel the beauty of their native language, to understand the power of speech, to understan...

A general school parents' meeting took place...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 21:30:54
A general school parents' meeting took place...
    On May 17, a general school parents' meeting took place. During the meeting, the issues of organizing summer vacations for students, compliance with the rules for the safety of children by parents, final certification and employment of graduating classes were discussed. Along with this, the specialist of the "Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College" Yerkenaz Kas...

Class hours were held in honor of the 85th anniversary of Olzhas Suleimenov on the theme "Olzhas Suleimenov: a poet and a citizen" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 21:26:29
Class hours were held in honor of the 85th anniversary of Olzhas Suleimenov on the theme
    On May 17, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11 in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Russian-speaking Kazakh poet, linguist, politician, Turkologist, opponent of the widespread use of nuclear weapons, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan Olzhas Suleimenov on the topic "Olzhas Suleimenov: poet and citizen". Purpose:...

"Cool hours"

Category: Educational process
Date: 2021-05-17 16:08:25
05/17/2021 in grades 1-11 classes were held on the following topics. 1-6 grades: Traffic Laws. Final lesson. Write securely 7 classes: Traffic Laws. Rules for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers. Rules for the carriage of passengers and goods on bicycles, motorcycles and scooters. Write securely 8 classes: Traffic Laws. Technical requirements for a bicycle (moped) with an outb...

"Religious extremism is a threat to peace and stability" educational hour

Category: School life
Date: 2021-05-17 15:08:47
17. 05. 21 in our school for boys of grades 9-11, an educational hour was organized "Terrorism and its consequences", one of the most important issues of modern" society. The report on "Religious extremism – a threat to peace and stability" was made by the head of the boys ' organization "Zhas Kyran" Yelshibekov S. Kh. The students were told about the meaning of the word telephone terrorism, ext...
Author: School №9

ІІО статистикасы мен мәліметтеріне сәйкес жазғы кезеңде балалар мен жасөспірімдердің қатысуымен болатын ЖКО саны артып келеді

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-05-17 15:03:29
ІІО статистикасы мен мәліметтеріне сәйкес жазғы кезеңде балалар мен жасөспірімдердің қатысуымен болатын ЖКО саны артып келеді
ІІО статистикасы мен мәліметтеріне сәйкес жазғы кезеңде балалар мен жасөспірімдердің қатысуымен болатын ЖКО саны артып келеді. Өте жиі әртүрлі ауырлықтағы жарақаттармен, кейде өліммен аяқталады. 2021 жылдың 17 сәуірінде "Балқаш қаласының № 10 ЖББМ" КММ "Каскад" ЖҚИ мобильді тобы " балалық шақтың қауіпсіз жолы "акциясымен қала көшелеріне шықты. Жол полициясының жас к...
Author: School №10

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy-adam balasynyn typ kazygy, altyn uyasy. Adam balasy shyr etip duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, sol ortanyn ystygyna, suygyna beyimdelip, ykpalyna konip er zhetedi.Sol otbasynan ulken omirge kadam basamyz.Bizdin omirimizge tuzu ka

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 11:25:03
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy-adam balasynyn typ kazygy, altyn uyasy. Adam balasy shyr etip duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, sol ortanyn ystygyna, suygyna beyimdelip, ykpalyna konip er zhetedi.Sol otbasynan ulken omirge kadam basamyz.Bizdin omirimizge tuzu kadam basuymyzda otbasynyn orny erekshe ekenin 1-4 synyptarda uyymdastyrylgan "Menin otbasymynyn dasturleri" taqyrybynda baykau otti...

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagd

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 11:16:37
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagdai zhasaydy. Min osy oraida 7-11 synyptarda otbasy kunine orai "Menin kishkentai otanym" takyryptarynda synyp sagattary otse...

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagd

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 11:16:34
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagdai zhasaydy. Min osy oraida 7-11 synyptarda otbasy kunine orai "Menin kishkentai otanym" takyryptarynda synyp sagattary otse...

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