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Category: New
Date: 2021-06-11 13:32:46
Author: School №24


Category: New
Date: 2021-06-11 13:31:31
Author: School №24


Category: New
Date: 2021-06-11 13:29:04
Author: School №24

In order to protect the health and safety of students during the summer holidays, members of the school parliament distributed reminders to residents of our town ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-06-11 13:04:04
In order to protect the health and safety of students during the summer holidays, members of the school parliament distributed reminders to residents of our town ...
   On June 9, in order to protect the health and safety of students during the summer holidays, members of the school parliament handed out memos to residents of the city. He also conducted explanatory work on safety rules in the summer.

Dear parents!

Category: News
Date: 2021-06-11 12:40:04
Dear parents!
    Summer is a time of fun and relaxation for children. Therefore, parents need to be very careful! Every parent should be aware of the safety rules in the summer and tell their children about the rules. Your safety lessons will help children protect their lives! Put your child's health and safety first! Keep your child's safety under constant control! School administratio...

«Сәт сапар, саған, Жас түлек!» атты аттестат тапсыру салтанатты жиыны

Category: Салтанатты жиын
Date: 2021-06-11 12:32:24
«Сәт сапар, саған, Жас түлек!»  атты аттестат тапсыру салтанатты жиыны
n June 11, 2021, a solemn meeting on the presentation of the certificate "Sat Sapar, Zhas Tulek!" was held in the municipal public institution "Comprehensive high school №16 for students completing the 9th grade. The future of any state is an educated generation. The task of the state and society is to put the younger generation on the path of knowledge, not to deviate from the...
Author: School №16

Video from the Road Police of the Karaganda region of the Police Department of Balkhash

Category: News
Date: 2021-06-11 12:25:47
Video from the Road Police of the Karaganda region of the Police Department of Balkhash

Solemn presentation of certificates to graduates of 9 classes

Category: School life
Date: 2021-06-11 11:47:24
Solemn presentation of certificates to graduates of 9 classes
In the secondary school No. 9 on 11.06.21, a solemn meeting was held for the presentation of certificates for students finishing the 9th grade. Director of the school D. Zholdasova made a congratulatory speech and wishes. The next step is the solemn presentation of the certificate of basic secondary education to students. Today is a special day for students of the 9th grade, graduates of the main...
Author: School №9

Video lessons

Date: 2021-06-11 10:33:57
№ Пәні Пән мұғалімі Сілтеме 1.        Шет тілі Жунусова Ш.И. https://youtu.be/8OIaHiUy-zs   2.        Қазақстан тарихы...
Author: School №6

Lesson schedule

Date: 2021-06-11 10:16:49
«Саяқ кентінің №6 жалпы білім беретін мектебі»КММ   2020-2021 оқу жылы Сабақ кестесі 26 мамыр-19 маусым   Уакыты 5-сынып 6-сынып 7-сынып 8-сынып 9-сынып 10-сынып дүйсенбі 9.30-10.0...
Author: School №6

Summer school-2021

Date: 2021-06-11 10:13:27
«Саяқ кентінің №6 жалпы білім беретін мектебі»КММ Жазғы мектеп-2021   № Жұмыс түрі Уақыты Жауапты 1 Жазғы мектеп жұмысына байланысты жоспар құру     2 Жазғы мектепке қатысу...
Author: School №6

«Бақытты балалар – бейбіт елдің тірегі»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-06-11 09:04:57
«Бақытты балалар – бейбіт елдің тірегі»
Детство – это начало жизненного пути человека. Это пора мечтаний и беззаботности.   Детство, наполненное играми, волшебными фантазиями и шалостями, можно назвать счастливым.  Со 2 по 4 июня 2021 года в Досуговом центе «Балауса - 2021» КГКП «Дворец школьников» с целью  организации досуга детей и развития их творческих способностей, прошел онлайн...

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