
Мерейлі отбасы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-16 17:04:22
Мерейлі отбасы
Отбасы құндылықтарын насихаттауға арналған "МЕРЕЙЛІ ОТБАСЫ" Ұлттық байқаудың қалалық кезеңі өз мәресіне жетіп, мектеп-лицейдің Алтынбековтер отбасы жүлделі II - орынға ие болды. Елбасы жарлығымен бастау алған “Мерейлі отбасы” ұлттық конкурсының мақсаты – бір шаңырақ астында берекелі өмір сүрудің маңыздылығын арттыру, отбасылық өмір салты, ата-аналық парыз, жауапкерші...

Information about the event held on September 15 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project "Okuga kushtar Mektep"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-09-16 10:53:06
Information about the event held on September 15 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: "Reading books is a source of spiritual perfection. The present time is the time of information updated every second. It is better to spend your golden time on useful things, " suggested a list of thirty selected books that, in the opinion of each person, should be read. Students of our school spend 20 minutes of study time every day on effective reading and share...
Author: School №9

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-09-16 09:30:04
The family is very important in the life of every person. These are the closest, dearest people whom we love very much, who give us warmth. In honor of the Family Day celebration, the schoolchildren's palace held a photo contest "Happy Moments" from September 10 to 12. Where the students of the competition shared positive, interesting photos of their family.

"Menin bailygym - Menin otbasym!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-09-16 09:28:39
The main purpose of the Family Day holiday is to draw public attention to the importance of the family issue, the values ​​and traditions of the family. A family holiday is friendship, love, understanding and mutual assistance between adults and children. In this regard, from 11 to 12 September 2021 at the Palace of Schoolchildren, a distance drawing competition was organized on the theme "...

Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-09-15 16:18:14
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams. "Hello! You are greeted by the mobile group of the YID detachment "Cascade". With these words on September 15, 2021 during the action "We are for the safety of Balkhash roads!" young inspectors of secondary school No....
Author: School №10

Educational hours "Attention, children!"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-15 16:12:48
Educational hours
    On September 14, in the elementary grades, educational and educational hours "Attention, children!" Objective: To explain the importance of knowledge of traffic rules. The students watched a video about the rules of the road, prepared the road signs they liked for the lesson and made models. The children expanded their knowledge of traffic rules and road signs.

A 20-minute educational project has resumed its work within the framework of the "Reading School - Reading Nation"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-15 16:10:05
A 20-minute educational project has resumed its work within the framework of the
    The poet Navoi wrote: "A book is a golden treasure that does not require payment for its wisdom", and the great Abai: "The beauty of knowledge is in the book, do not get tired of reading books in order to comprehend them." Such beautiful words are proof that reading books is the main factor in human development. President K. Tokayev drew attention to the fact...

A game lesson “ Let’s learn English " with students of grade 7 "A"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-15 16:03:49
A game lesson “ Let’s learn English
   On September 14, in the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov, the English teacher Nurgul Nurollaevna conducted a game lesson “ Let’s learn English " with students of grade 7 "A". Goals and objectives of the event: - develop skills and skills in reading, writing, speaking through various exercises; - stimulate the interest of stude...

"Learning kindness from nature!"

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-15 15:54:18
    Nature is an environment, a common home, a place where people live. Man and nature are two inseparable concepts. On September 13, a survey was conducted under the heading "Learning Kindness from Nature!" among students in grades 2-9. 77% of students noted that they feel like “young environmentalists”. In addition to the questionnaire, explanatory work on eco...

Cognitive game in 6 "Ә" grade ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-15 15:49:50
Cognitive game in 6
    On September 13, in the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov, the Kazakh language teacher Saltanat Rakhimovna held an educational game in the 6th grade using the Wordwall platform as part of the week dedicated to the Day of the Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan. During the game, students were given various tasks and asked questions. During the group work, t...

«Отан отбасынан басталады»

Category: New
Date: 2021-09-14 23:39:05
«Отан отбасынан басталады»
13 қыркүйекте Қазақстанда Отбасы күні тойланады. Соған орай №24 орта мектеп-интернатында бірқатар іс - шаралар ұйымдастырылды. «Отан отбасынан басталады» тақырыбында ақпараттық стенд жасалды. Өз отбасына деген сүйіспеншілік пен мақтаныш сезімі, болашақта өз отбасын құруға жауапкершілікпен қарау, ата-аналар алдында адамгершілік парыз қалыптастыру мақсатында отбасылық суреттер көрмесі...
Author: School №24

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