
distance Olympiad

Category: Олимпиада
Date: 2021-09-25 10:06:46
distance Olympiad
On the 23rd of September 2021, the regional scientific and practical Center for additional education of children "Saryarka daryny" held a regional distance Olympiad in Physical Culture among students of 5-8 classes. Sarkyt Azhar took the II place, Serikzhanova Aiganym took the III place. Head: Ganiolla N. Zh Congratulations!
Author: School №16

On 24 September 2021, a general online parent meeting was organized by KGKP, a daycare center "Aigulek" on the ZOOM platform.

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-24 18:12:19
On 24 September 2021, a general online parent meeting was organized by KGKP, a daycare center
       There were 2 main issues on the agenda, for example:   - About the use of the mobile application "Ashyq" - sanitary and epidemiological requirements      Parents were actively involved, they were given explanations on the use of the application "Ashyq", as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Detailed ans...

Essay on the topic "Labor is a blessing" "I don't know," he said.

Category: School life
Date: 2021-09-24 16:54:08
Essay on the topic
The last Sunday in September is Labor Day. In order to expand students ' knowledge about the types of work, to educate students of diligence, diligence, careful attitude to work in grades 7-8, an essay contest on the topic "Enbek duni - bereke"was organized.
Author: School №9

Online - general parent meeting

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-09-24 09:55:43
Online - general parent meeting
September 23, 2021 in the organization of the KGKP "Kenshua Kindergarten" on the ZOOM platform, an online general parent meeting was held. There were 3 main issues on the agenda, such as: - About using the mobile application "Ashyq" - Sanitary and epidemiological requirements - Feedback from parents in the "question-answer" format. Parents took an active part, they...

"Адалдық дүкені"

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-23 14:48:43
"Адалдық дүкені"-бұл сатушысыз дүкен. Оның мақсаты оқушының азаматтық жауапкершілігін, адалдық қасиетін сынауға бағытталған десек те болады. Бұл жерде мектепке қажетті құрал-жабдықтар сатылады. Керекті затты сатып алу үшін тауарды алып,  төлемін кассалық жәшікке салу қажет. Адалдық алаңына айналған бұл дүкен барлық сатып алушыларды асыға күтеді!

A literary evening "Dalanyn dara zhuldyzy –Ybyray Altynsarin"

Category: Әдеби кеш
Date: 2021-09-23 12:24:06
A literary evening
A literary evening "Dalanyn dara zhuldyzy –Ybyray Altynsarin" was held in the Secondary school N.16 of Balkhash town, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of the first Kazakh teacher, educator, father of Kazakh children's literature, poet, realist writer, the first kemenger Ybyray Altynsarin. The purpose of the literary evening, organized by teachers of the Kazakh...
Author: School №16


Date: 2021-09-23 12:03:05
Мектепалды даярлық топ. Таным. Жаратылыстану Тақырыбы: Тәжірибені қалай жасауға болады.          Мақсаты: Балаларға бақылау арқылы су мен ауаның қасиеттерін ұғындыру. Сабақ барысында жұмыс үшін қолайлы жағыдай туғызу.

Керн-Йирасектің баланың мектепке дайындығын анықтау тесті

Category: Психологиялық іс-шаралар
Date: 2021-09-23 11:04:09
Керн-Йирасектің баланың мектепке дайындығын анықтау тесті
Бұл тест балалардың мектепке дайындығын анықтауға арналған. Тест үш тапсырмадан тұрады. Балалардың мектепке дайындығын анықтау. 1.      Ерадамның суретін салу 2.      Сөздік тест бойынша бағалау 3.      Берілген нүктелердің көшірмесі Даярлық топтар     Жалпы қатысқан бала саны- 111: Жоғары дең...
Author: School №16

Достық қарым-қатынасты нығайтуға бағытталған тренинг элементтері

Category: Тренинг
Date: 2021-09-23 10:09:12
Достық қарым-қатынасты нығайтуға бағытталған тренинг элементтері
         On September 15 2021 at the request of the class teacher, elements of the training aimed at strengthening friendly relations were held in the 8th "A" class. The main purpose of the training is the ability of an individual or a group to use information at that stage or in the future. The training involves a conscious form of work:part...
Author: School №16

180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-22 15:17:49
180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin ...
  180 years since the birth of I. Altynsarin, who lit a candle of knowledge in the Kazakh steppe and became a teacher of the nation. To the anniversary of the educator In honor of the anniversary, a scientific and practical conference was organized. The main goal of the event is to promote the personality of I. Altynsarin to the younger generation. Students of grades 8-9 took part in the...

Elections of members of the "Zhas Ulan" group and deputies of the school Parliament

Category: School life
Date: 2021-09-22 15:09:56
Elections of members of the
The election of members of the Zhas Ulan group and deputies of the school Parliament was held at KSU "General Education School No. 9". 5 candidates were selected. Elections were held online with a voice on INSTAGRAM. Students of grades 5-11 and school teachers took part in the elections.   Results of voting:   School of the president-58% - school 8 " A " Cla...
Author: School №9

On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-09-22 11:38:33
On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.
On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.  Peacemaking volunteers of secondary school No. 10 celebrated this holiday with many events. To the streets of the city with the action "May there always be PEACE!" came out representatives of the ecological cl...
Author: School №10

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