
"Мектеп мұғалімдерінің үздіксіз кәсіби дамуына жетекшілік ету арқылы оқыту мен үрдісін дамыту, білім сапасын арттыру" тақырыбында қоғамдық -гуманитарлық әдістеме бірлестігінің отырысы өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2021-09-27 13:44:58
   "Мектеп мұғалімдерінің үздіксіз кәсіби дамуына жетекшілік ету арқылы оқыту мен үрдісін дамыту, білім сапасын арттыру" тақырыбында қоғамдық -гуманитарлық әдістеме бірлестігінің отырысы өтті.  Мақсаты: Мектептің педагогикалық ұжымының іс-әрекетін жаңашылдыққа  бағыттауды   қалыптастыру ,озық тәжірибені ендіру,  тарту,  іс- тәжірибемен бөлісу...
Author: School №24

Kindergarten staff day!

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:24:53
Kindergarten staff day!
Dear Colleagues! "From tireless teaching to the child" - said the great ancestor Abai. There is no limit to the education and example that you can critically introduce into the minds of the younger generation. You determine the future of young people, the seeds you sow today are the key to tomorrow's victory. The educator forms not only future citizens, but the whole future socie...

instructions for concluding a contract

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:22:02
instructions for concluding a contract
instructions for concluding a contract

Cleanliness begins with us.

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:19:55
Cleanliness begins with us.
Cleanliness begins with us. The main task of everyone is to turn it into a clean ecological zone.

Dear parents!

Category: For you parents
Date: 2021-09-27 13:19:02
Dear parents, we have now launched the digitization of the contract of children already enrolled in kindergarten. On your part, you need to sign the contract in your personal account in the "My agreements" section. Be sure to indicate the IIN of the legal representative for whom the child was registered in the electronic personal file when entering the personal account. According to...

On September 24, 2021, a general meeting of parents was held in the kindergarten "Baldyrgan".

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:18:16
On September 24, 2021, a general meeting of parents was held in the kindergarten
On September 24, 2021, a general meeting of parents was held in the kindergarten "Baldyrgan". Parents were explained the changes in the new school year, child development, sanitation, open program and received answers to their questions.

Parent meeting

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:16:44
Parent meeting
Parent meeting

Balapan group. Educational activity

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:15:08
Balapan group. Educational activity
Chicken group. Educational activity Natural science. "Autumn".

We say that autumn is generous

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:13:09
We say that autumn is generous
We say that autumn is generous, we eat the fruit. From the moment of harvesting tomatoes in the garden in the yard

Educational activity of "Erketay" group.

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:11:15
Educational activity of
Autumn has come Yellow color around Wonderful, wonderful, What a beautiful autumn!   Educational activity of "Erketay" group.

Knowledge Day

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:09:52
Knowledge Day
Dear Teachers and Colleagues, We sincerely congratulate you on today's Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new school year. On this special, sunny day, we wish you a good mood, constant search for new achievements and discoveries, creativity, good health and good luck in new endeavors! May today be a day of great hopes for you!

In honor of the Constitution Day

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-09-27 13:07:30
In honor of the Constitution Day
In honor of the Constitution Day, the children decorated the flag, listened to the story of friendship and loyalty, and the concert was followed by a festive concert.

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