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Congratulations on teacher's day ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-02 13:59:51
Congratulations on teacher's day ...
    Dear Colleagues! On this beautiful autumn day, I am glad to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Teacher's Day! At all times, the highest demands were placed on the work of a teacher. It was the teacher who has always been a model of high spiritual strength, erudition, intelligence! And all these qualities are embodied by our wonderful teachers. I wish you professi...

Teacher! - Timeless word! Always fresh and always new! While the earth spins in the universe The teaching profession is imperishable!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-02 11:41:41
Teacher! - Timeless word! Always fresh and always new! While the earth spins in the universe The teaching profession is imperishable!
Teacher! - Timeless word! Always fresh and always new! While the earth spins in the universe The teaching profession is imperishable! These words were in red line throughout the online concert "And everyone lovingly calls you a simple name - Teacher!", Dedicated to the most beautiful autumn holiday - Teacher's Day. This event took place on September 30, 2021. It was prepared b...
Author: School №10

At School № 10" in the city of Balkhash, students of all grades were instructed on actions in case of an emergency.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-01 12:27:16
At School № 10
At School № 10" in the city of Balkhash, students of all grades were instructed on actions in case of an emergency. The teacher-organizer of the initial military and technological training L. G. Kochetkov told the students how to act correctly in the face of a terrorist threat. Such classes and trainings in the school are carried out systematically according to the plan. The class teachers...
Author: School №10

“Сапалы білім-саналы ұрпақ”

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-01 10:22:11
Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің “30 жылдығына орай “ мектеп - гимназиямыздың  7-11 сынып оқушылары арасында “Сапалы білім-саналы ұрпақ” атты  “Сәкен жастары” дебат клубының кезекті отырысы өтті.                      Оқушыларға пікір сайыстың қыр-сырлары, форматтары мен ережелері түсіндір...

It is very important!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-01 10:20:22
It is very important!
Recreation in nature is a magical means of healing the body. In summer, the wonderful time for the swimming season begins, in winter skating rinks are arranged on the reservoirs, and they are engaged in fishing. However, a happy pastime can end badly if you do not follow the simplest rules of safe behavior on the water. To prevent this from happening, Natalya Vladimirovna, an employee of the res...
Author: School №10

Bad habits. Life with and without them.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-01 09:51:50
Bad habits. Life with and without them.
Every person has bad habits. Some of them are relatively safe for health and life, while others are a direct way to live incompletely and not for very long. Dependence on a computer or smartphone significantly worsen the quality of human life; unhealthy food, the habit of not getting enough sleep, gambling addiction, uncontrolled use of drugs ... Critical habits cause serious damage to quality...
Author: School №10

"I don't know," he said.

Category: School life
Date: 2021-10-01 09:26:11
Chairman of the paternal organization "Ulagat" of secondary school No. 9 Rakhimbekov Barzhan Oralovich congratulates teachers on the holiday. From oral teaching to the child - said the great Abai. You are an example, an example that you put into the consciousness of the younger generation. You determine the future of youth, what you have sown today is the key to tomorrow's victorious and fruitful...
Author: School №9

Game of the debate club "Dilmar" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-30 20:59:07
Game of the debate club
    On September 30, the final game was held among the members of the debate club "Dilmar" on the topic "It is allowed to broadcast the trial on television." Purpose of the game: development of students' thinking, research work, education of culture. As a result of a competitive and interesting game, the victory was won by the "Government" team, whic...

Victory in the "Asyk Atu" competition ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-30 20:56:01
Victory in the
    On September 27, in the Palace of the city of Balkhash, the city competition "Asyk Atu" was held among schoolchildren within the framework of the "School League", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the competition was the development and popularization of children and youth sports in Kazakhstan,...

Golden autumn...

Category: News
Date: 2021-09-30 20:43:50
Golden autumn...
    A golden and generous autumn has come, which fills the table of every home with taste, and the pantries of our country with bread. In this regard, students in grades 5-7 created different crafts from different fruits and vegetables. An exhibition was organized.  

Information about the event held on September 30 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project "Okuga kustar mektep"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-09-30 20:24:31
Information about the event held on September 30 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project
Reading contributes to the expansion of horizons, comprehensive development, improvement of thinking, instilling positive aspects in the behavior of the characters in the works, educates and spiritually enriches the person as a whole. In order to introduce the younger generation to reading, a 20-minute reading time is organized daily in our school within the framework of the project "Okuga Kustar...
Author: School №9

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