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Psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-10 23:02:10
Psychological training
  In the period from 7 to 9 October, the school psychologist Kasimova G. K. conducted a psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" with students in grades 8 and 9. Purpose: to consolidate the attention and ability of the participants to behave during the training. Resistance to stress, increasing the skills of confident behavior, the formation of self-regulation, self-cont...

A city essay competition...

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-10 22:52:35
A city essay competition...
  In honor of the 230th anniversary of the birth of the hero, commander Isatai Taimanuly, the KSU "Center of Languages" organized a city essay competition "El teudigin aksagan Isatay batyr". The winner of the competition was a student of the 9 "A" class of our school Toleukul Altyn. Altyn was awarded a 1st degree diploma and a special prize. Head Yesimbekova...

Hike to the city museum of local lore

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 22:31:58
Hike to the city museum of local lore
On October 8, preschool groups visited the city museum of local lore. Before visiting the museum, the teachers had a conversation and gave an idea of ​​what a museum is, and also fixed the rules of conduct in a museum. Children got an idea of ​​what a museum object, exhibit, exposition is, learned the rules of behavior in a museum. In a form accessible to preschoolers, they were told about the h...

The fourth day of the local history week

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 21:46:21
The fourth day of the local history week
The fourth day of the local history week began with the motto “How beautiful this world is”. In all age groups, during a walk, was organized a drawing competition on the asphalt "Boyau sirlary"

Happy anniversary, dear newspaper!

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 21:16:34
Happy anniversary, dear newspaper!
The oldest newspaper of the region "Ortalyk Kazakhstan" celebrated its 90th anniversary. The newspaper has a rich history and we have a lot to be proud of. Today, the media occupy an important place in the public for the exchange of information. Informed means armed, with this slogan we begin to acquaint children with the media

"Prevention of offenses among children and adolescents is the main task."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-09 15:35:24
Ignorance of the law will not save you from responsibility if you violate it. In this regard, today, on October 08, at 17.30, a general parent-teacher meeting was held on the topic: "Prevention of offenses among children and adolescents is the main task." The agenda included the "Law on the rights of the child", the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative O...
Author: Lyceum №2

On October 8, 2021, a school-wide parent meeting "Family and school: a look in the same direction" was held at KSU "School No. 10, Balkhash" in an online format.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-09 10:36:45
On October 8, 2021, a school-wide parent meeting
                                       “Roots are laid in the family, from which                                    ...
Author: School №10

According to the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, on October 8, 2021, the Week of Historical Literacy, regional studies in preschool classes came to an end at "School No. 10".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-09 10:16:41
According to the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, on October 8, 2021, the Week of Historical Literacy, regional studies in preschool classes came to an end at
According to the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, on October 8, 2021, the Week of Historical Literacy, regional studies in preschool classes came to an end at  "School No. 10". Throughout the week, the guys were familiar with the past and present of our Motherland, studied the traditions and culture of thei...
Author: School №10

A week of historical local lore "Tufan ólkem tugyrym" was held with the pupils of preparatory classes.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-09 10:08:51
A week of historical local lore
From October 04 to 08, 2021, the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education in the Karaganda region held a week of historical local lore "Týýan ólkem tuǵyrym" with the pupils of the preparatory classes of KSU"secondary school No. 5" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash. Purpose: to give pupils an idea of their...
Author: School №5

Traffic rules. Unregulated intersections.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-09 10:06:18
Traffic rules. Unregulated intersections.
Date: 08.10.2021 Class: 2 "A" Teacher: Tusupova G. Zh Topic: traffic rules. Unregulated intersections. Purpose: to replenish students' knowledge about traffic rules, types of road signs. Instill memory, strict observance of traffic safety rules.Develop your horizons, expand your ideas. Educating students of correct behavior on the street, strict compliance with traffic rule...
Author: School №5

2020-2021 оқу жылының 8-ші қазан күні мектебімізде ZOOM платформасында «Кәмілетке толмағандардың құқығына қол сұғатын әкімшілік құқық бұзушылықтар» тақырыбында директор сағаты өтті.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-09 10:00:38
2020-2021 оқу жылының 8-ші қазан күні мектебімізде ZOOM платформасында «Кәмілетке толмағандардың құқығына қол сұғатын әкімшілік құқық бұзушылықтар» тақырыбында директор сағаты өтті. Директор сағатына 1-11 сынып оқушыларының ата-ана комитетері қатысты. Директор сағатына жалпы қатысқан ата- ана саны 97.  Сонымен қатар мектебіміздің инспекторы  Қасымжанова Анар Қожановна қат...

"Take care of the school textbook!"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-08 16:42:06
On October 6-7, an action “Take care of the school textbook!” Was held at our school. The purpose of the action: to form a reasoned and responsible attitude towards literature, to reduce the number of students who violate the rules for storing textbooks. During the action, school librarians held informational conversations and library lessons for students on the topic "How to pr...

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