
11-15 қазан аралығында қазақтың сұңкары, ақиық ақын Сәкен сейфуллин туған күніне орай, Мектеп Парламенті ұйымдастыруымен "Сәкен оқулары" мәнерлеп оқу сайысы өткізіледі.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-11 15:17:17
11-15 қазан аралығында қазақтың сұңкары, ақиық ақын Сәкен сейфуллин туған күніне орай, Мектеп Парламенті ұйымдастыруымен "Сәкен оқулары" мәнерлеп оқу сайысы өткізіледі.

Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына арналған қалалық пікір-сайыс турнир

Category: Дебаттық турнир
Date: 2021-10-11 15:12:30
Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына арналған қалалық пікір-сайыс турнир
On 07.10.2021, a city competition was held - the dispute, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The faction of secondary school No. 16 "Sar" took 1st place. Farhatov Aibol was recognized as the best speaker of the tournament. Head: Arinov E.A.
Author: School №16

"Стриминг - мектеп оқушыларын академиялық қабілеттеріне байланысты бөлу. Қарар: БП стримингті қолдайды"

Category: Дебаттық турнир
Date: 2021-10-11 15:07:45
The debate club "Samuryk" organized a debate among students of grades 9-11 on the topic: "Streaming - mektep ogushylaryn akademialyk kabiletterine bayanysty bulu. Karar: BP streamingti koldaydy". The team "Akiqat" won.
Author: School №16

Parent meeting

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2021-10-11 14:33:24
On October 8, 2021-2022, the school hosted a parent-teacher meeting on the topic "prevention of offenses among children and adolescents" through the ZOOM platform. The meeting was attended by members of the parent committee of grades 1-11 and classroom teachers. At the meeting, the social teacher of our school Amirova L. K. made a report on illegal actions against minor children. In ad...
Author: School №6

Educational hour

Category: School news
Date: 2021-10-11 14:00:57
The homeroom teacher of the 5th "B" class Igembayeva A.D. held a class hour on the topic "Symbols dear to the heart", this lesson contributed to the formation of ideas about our state, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.              The class hour fosters love for the Motherland, respect for state...
Author: School №6

Мерекелеріңізбен, аяулы ұстаздар!

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2021-10-11 12:29:03
Мерекелеріңізбен, аяулы ұстаздар!
Dear teachers! Children respect and love you. We wish you creative success in all your endeavors. HappyHolidays.
Author: School №16

Халықаралық қарттар күні

Category: 1 қазан - Қарттар күні
Date: 2021-10-11 12:14:29
Халықаралық қарттар күні
International Day of Older Persons has been celebrated on October 1 since 1991.It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. Older people have always played a significant role in society.They serve as an example for young people, they are mentors and keepers of traditions. Dear veterans! We congratulate you on the Day of the Elderly! We are grateful to you for the important l...
Author: School №16

Memo "What can not be brought to kindergarten?"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2021-10-11 12:09:53

7 сыныптар арасында эссе байқауы

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-11 11:53:15
7 сыныптар арасында эссе байқауы
Labor was at the heart of the changes in human life.Working, man transformed nature, realizing his needs, and also changed himself. Man has always been adorned with the fruits of his labor.Work fills life with meaning.An essay competition was held among students of grade 7 on the topic: "Zherdi kun kuriktendiry, al adamdy enbek." The best works were awarded with diplomas. We wish our s...
Author: School №16

«Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-10-11 11:45:19
«Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»
In the senior groups of our nursery-garden, open demonstrations were held on the theme "Red Book of Kazakhstan". The purpose of the event: to show children the rare species of birds and animals in the country, to explain why they are listed in the Red Book.

Primary school students on the topic" care of indoor plants " about the care of indoor plants

Category: School life
Date: 2021-10-11 11:45:07
Primary school students on the topic
Primary school students took care of indoor plants in general education School No. 9 on the topic "caring for indoor plants". Purpose: to replenish students ' knowledge of indoor plants, to teach them to distinguish them from each other. Instill diligence by showing in practice how to care for indoor plants. Indoor green plants give the room a warm, cozy feeling. Home-grown plants, both a beautifu...
Author: School №9

"Ybyray Altynsarin-180 zhyl"

Category: School news
Date: 2021-10-11 11:40:01
In the Kazakh language, everyone knows the name of Ibrai(Ibrahim) Altynsarin, who holds "Alipe" in his hands and reads "Kel, balalar, okylyk". This year marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the National Teacher Ybyrai Altynsarin, who devoted his life to public education, opening a school, publishing books and teaching children. There is every reason to believe...
Author: School №6

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