
He took part in the tournament "chess", organized in honor of the trade union Day, and took the III prize place

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-13 15:18:57
He took part in the tournament
The teacher of physical culture of KSU "Secondary School No. 5" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region Kazhen Alikhan Serikbolovich took part in the Chess tournament organized in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence and the Day of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was awarded the III place.
Author: School №5

«Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-10-13 14:37:18
«Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»
In connection with the 30th anniversary of the flight of the first pilot and fellow countryman T. Aubakirov into space, familiarization with his life path was carried out with pupils of the middle group. In the course of organized educational activities, the children dreamed of becoming a pilot, felt a sense of pride for their fellow countryman.

On October 13, on the basis of school №10, the city stage of the "Clever" Olympiad among 4 classes in the subjects Kazakh language, mathematics, English, Russian was held.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-13 14:30:25
On October 13, on the basis of school №10, the city stage of the
On October 13, on the basis of school №10, the city stage of the "Clever" Olympiad among 4 classes in the subjects Kazakh language, mathematics, English, Russian was held. The total number of participants is 4. We are waiting for excellent results and Good luck to all participants of the Olympiad!
Author: School №10

План по краеведению

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-13 11:39:15
Цель: создание условий для усвоения детьми дошкольного возраста краеведческих знаний, знать историю своей земли, формирование духовно-нравственных основ и ценностей, воспитание патриота  своей Родины. Задачи: 1. Воспитывать у детей любовь к родному городу, к его прошлому и настоящему; учить видеть историю вокруг себя. 2. Приобщать к культуре и традицияммалой Родины,города. 3. Формир...
Author: School №4

Journey to the world of masters

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-13 09:52:42
Journey to the world of masters
  The second day of the week of artistic and aesthetic literacy "A Journey to the World of Masters" was held under the theme "City of Masters". Thematic events were organized by class. • Exhibition "Gifts of Autumn" (vegetables, fruits) - 3 classes; • Drawing competition "Rich music" - 2 classes; • Lesson-competition "Journ...

"Secret of the Red Book"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-13 09:47:01
"Senior group Erkemai" conducted an organized educational activity "Secrets of the Red Book". Children expanded their knowledge, having received information about plants and animals of Kazakhstan listed in the Red Book.

«Путешествие в мир мастеров»

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-10-13 08:22:33
«Путешествие в мир мастеров»
В рамах недели эстетической грамотности «Путешествие в мир мастеров» во второй день под названием «Город мастеров»   первоклассники на уроке художественного труда сделали аппликацию «Цветы и листья» и представили свои работы  на выставку.  Учащиеся начального звена с интересом разгадывали кроссворды и ребусы  на темы «Музыкальные...

Нұрсұлтан қаласы ALASH өнер орталығы ұйымдастырған "ALASH STAR" Халықаралық өнер байқауына "С.Сейфуллин атындағы 7 мектеп гимназиясы" оқушысы қатысып, "Вокал" номинациясы бойынша үздік өнер көрсетіп, 11 сынып оқушысы Абентаева Дильназ бас жүлдеге ие болды

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-12 17:18:02
Нұрсұлтан қаласы ALASH өнер орталығы ұйымдастырған "ALASH STAR" Халықаралық өнер байқауына "С.Сейфуллин атындағы 7 мектеп гимназиясы" оқушысы қатысып, "Вокал" номинациясы бойынша үздік өнер көрсетіп, 11 сынып оқушысы Абентаева Дильназ бас жүлдеге ие болды.30 қазан күні Нұрсұлтан қаласында өтетін өнер байқауына жолдама ұтып алды.Жетекшісі: Абельдинов Т.С.

The challenge " Long live a peaceful day in the world " is sent to KSU " School No. 5 " MOE SOSH!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-12 17:04:24
Click on the link below to watch the video clip:

21-23. 09. 2021 among primary school students

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-12 16:57:33
21-23. 09. 2021 among primary school students
On 21-23.09. 2021, in order to create an atmosphere of cooperation between primary school students, psychological games were held with students. Exercises "four phenomena", "head and legs".   The games "Crocodile", "Prince, Princess, dragon" were held.

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