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"Work is the source of success, the light of happiness"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-20 11:01:40
09/24/2021 in honor of the holiday "Labor Day", approved for the last Sunday of September in our country, an essay contest "Enbek –yrystyn bulagi, bakyttyn shiragy" was organized. Grades 5-7 took part in the essay contest on this topic. The purpose of the competition: to give an idea of the importance of work in a person's life, to educate students' diligenc...

"Internet security"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-20 10:15:52
On 09/24/2021, a psychological hour was held for 8th grade students on the topic "Internet Security". Video about the place of the Internet in a person's life; Internet security measures; The topics of culture in the social network are touched upon.

Historical and educational competition among students in grades 10-11 ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-20 09:40:39
Historical and educational competition among students in grades 10-11 ...
On October 19, according to the plan of the week devoted to the identification and development of gifted children among students in grades 10-11, a historical and educational competition "Talent Competition" was held. The competition, organized by the history teacher I. Zhaksygeldin, consisted of 5 stages using new teaching methods and techniques: "Arrange in order", "Vi...

Competitive lesson "Amazing Mathematics"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-20 08:18:36
Competitive lesson
On October 19, within the framework of the intraschool subject week for the identification and development of gifted children, the primary school teacher Kazbekova MT held a competitive lesson "Amazing Mathematics". The purpose of the lesson: to develop students' conversational skills, ingenuity, to increase interest in the subject. The competition was attended by two teams of 3rd...

Day of Spiritual Accord

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-19 16:52:56
Day of Spiritual Accord
October 18 - Day of Spiritual Accord. The importance of spiritual harmony holds a special place in a harmonious and prosperous life. On this day, an information hour "Dini kelisim - birlik pen turaktylyk kepili!" Was held for students in the school library.

On October 14, as part of the Aesthetics Week, the Golden Autumn fashion show competition was held. The long-awaited "Golden Autumn" has arrived. The twelve-month year is divided into four seasons in which the creation of nature is inherent in it. Every s

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-19 13:45:36
On October 14, as part of the Aesthetics Week, the Golden Autumn fashion show competition was held. The long-awaited "Golden Autumn" has arrived. The twelve-month year is divided into four seasons in which the creation of nature is inherent in it. Every season impresses with its beauty. Including in the autumn season, when a yellow carpet falls on the ground, a golden color is pai...

19.10.21 стартовал городской этап профессионального конкурса "Жыл мүғалим"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-10-19 13:38:43
19.10.21 стартовал городской этап профессионального конкурса
19.10.21 стартовал городской этап профессионального конкурса "Жыл мүғалим". От нашей школы в первом этапе этого конкурса приняла участие  учитель русского языка и литературы  Мухитова Евгения Юрьевна. Она достойно. согласно всем требованиям конкурса, провела урок русского языка в шестом классе. Все ребята хорошо поняли тему и закрепили правила применения знаков препинания при...


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 10:17:11
For participation in the city competition of readers “Elin syigen erdin izi”, organized in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet, Candidate of Philological sciences Byrkit Yskakov, among students of grades 5-9, a student of our school of grade 5A Rzakhanova I Inzhu awarded a certificate. Head: Akhmetbekova A.S. 9th B grade student Ashil Zhanerke was awarded a certificate. Head:...
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 10:04:45
For participation in the city competition of readers “Elin syigen erdin izi”, organized in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet, Candidate of Philological sciences Byrkit Yskakov, among students of grades 5-9, a student of our school of grade 3A Kalkenov Nurali was awarded a certificate. Head: Nygmanova S. T. 4th grade student Zhaksylyk Sultan was awarded a certificate. Head:...
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 09:57:32
In the framework of the program for the implementation of the language politic in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the Grand Price of the city competition of Abay readings “Ulylar ulysy - Abay” was awarded to a student of the 10th grade Beksultanova Zhibek. Head: Kalykova A. Zh Congratulations #wesupportourstudents
Author: School №16

Drawing competition "My future profession"

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2021-10-19 09:50:51
There was a drawing competition for grades 5-7 on the theme "My future profession". Following the results of competition winners were awarded with diplomas.
Author: School №6

Рухани келісім күніне байланысты сынып сағаттары

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-10-19 09:17:40
Рухани келісім күніне байланысты сынып сағаттары
Every year on October 18, all our compatriots, gathered under the blue flag of the independent Kazakh people, celebrate the Day of Interethnic Peace and Spiritual Harmony. The Day of Spiritual Harmony is a symbol of spirituality, morality, tolerance and understanding. Classes dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony were held at the KSU "Secondary School No. 16" of the Education Dep...
Author: School №16

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