
Steppe Star

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 09:21:41
Steppe Star
In the school library, the head of the school library K. Makhashova introduced students to the book exhibition on the theme "Dala zhuldyz", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin.From the stories of the field star, a booktrailer and a booklet were shown. The purpose of the event: to give students an idea of the great Kazakh scientist, educator Ibrai Altynsarin, his work...
Author: School №5

Book exhibition "unity and harmony" was organized

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 09:16:00
Book exhibition
The purpose is to give an idea of tolerance in interreligious relations in Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan module of interethnic and interreligious harmony, the policy of establishing peace.   Spiritual harmony is the common values inherent in our nation, such as respect for elders, respect for family, caring for children, hospitality, peace, friendship, cohesion. The peace and unity of our...
Author: School №5

At the weekend club.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-24 22:43:39
At the weekend club.
On October 24, an hour of acquaintance with newly received books and magazines took place in the weekend club. From these books, readers will get acquainted with funny and fascinating stories from the history of Kazakhstan. Books that contain many secrets that children need to know can only be successful if they read, search. The children took turns reading, sharing their impressions of what the...

pedestal of native land

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-24 20:43:16
pedestal of native land
Action "New exhibit for the Museum"

Pedestal of native land

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-24 20:41:43
Pedestal of native land
Photo exhibition to the corner "My hometown is Balkhash".

Pedestal of native land

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-24 20:40:00
Pedestal of native land
Photo tour to the monuments of the era of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pedestal of native land

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-24 20:37:18
Pedestal of native land
Classes in all age groups on the topic: "The Red Book of Kazakhstan"

Pedestal of native land

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-24 20:06:32
Pedestal of native land
The second week of history and local lore began with a series of classes "Cultural Heritage". The purpose of the classes is to familiarize with the culture of the Kazakh people. Also in senior and preschool groups there were classes on the topic "The Red Book of Kazakhstan". In the classroom, the children consolidated their knowledge of the Red Book, learned a lot of new and...

"October 1 is the International Day of the Elderly"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-23 14:29:56
On 29.09.2021, on the eve of the holiday "October 1, the International Day of the Elderly" with the participation of the groups "Agybai Batyr" of 2 "A" and 5 "A" classes, an educational hour "Karttarym-asyl kazynam" was held on the Zoom platform. The purpose of the educational hour: the bright future of Kazakhstan is the formation of the noble...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-23 14:21:08
27.09.2021 in order to educate students of patriotism, morality, faithful service to the Motherland, the people, respect and veneration of the flag, coat of arms, anthem of the country, knowledge of the surname, history of the people, a survey of students of grades 7-8 was conducted.

I stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-23 12:29:39
I stage of the competition
On October 18, the city stage of the “Teacher of the Year” professional competition started. On October 20, the computer science teacher of our school Alieva Shynar Aybatyrovna took part in the first stage of the competition, giving a lesson in the 8th grade on the topic "Network Security". During the lesson, students completed practical tasks and consolidated their knowled...

regional seminar"dynamics of history"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-23 12:18:03
On November 22, 2021, the regional seminar "Tarikh serpini" was held, in which teachers of the history of the Karaganda region of the city of Balkhash took part. Teachers of history of Lyceum school No. 2 Karibzhanov Yerzhan Turarovich, Dosybaev Nursultan Kalserikovich, Meyrkhanova Madina Zhumazhanovna history teacher of OSH No. 4, history teacher of Lyceum School No. 17 Eshzhanova Ass...
Author: School №4

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