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In emergency situations, actions

Category: Educational process
Date: 2021-10-27 09:02:50
In emergency situations, actions
Actions in emergency situations, educational and training work was carried out in all classes of the lyceum school. Bruising of the outgoing call signal to the forwarded one; Evacuation routes when the alarm is turned on; during the terrorist attack, exercises were conducted on actions inside the training room. Explanatory memos were also distributed.

The second stage has started within the framework of the city competition "Zhyl Mugalim".

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-10-27 08:17:59
The second stage has started within the framework of the city competition
The second stage has started within the framework of the city competition "Zhyl Mugalim". Mukhitova E.Yu., a teacher of Russian language and literature, conducted an educational event with 6th grade students on the theme "Independence is a dream come true. Kazakhstan's way". The event was held in the form of TV shows, dur...

On the occasion of the week "on the wave of history"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 17:36:19
On the occasion of the week
October 7, 2021 In honor of the week "in the stream of history", a Thursday of glory was held on the theme "Akhmet Baitursynov - Ult Zhanashyry". Valuable information was given about the life and work, translations, literary heritage, historical works of zhanashyr Akhmet Baitursynov, who fought for the fate and history of the Kazakh people. "Akhmet selflessly served...

A meeting was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic" family history, Customs and Customs".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 17:18:22
A meeting was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic
Date 7.10.2021 Within the framework of the regional week of historical literacy "on the wave of history", a meeting was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic "Family history, traditions and customs". Responsibility of parents for the moral education of children during the meeting Life lessons that shape a child's worldview The deputy director of the lyceum...

"Take care of the school textbook!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 16:58:30
October 6-7 at the lyceum school "Take care of the school textbook!"the action has passed. Under the guidance of the senior counselor and the head of the library, the deputies of the "school parliament" checked the condition of school textbooks. RULES FOR THE CARE OF THE BOOK, CONTENT Carefully glue the textbooks. Add a bookmark to the tutorial. Take care of the s...

Historical Literacy Week "on the wave of history"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 16:26:33
Historical Literacy Week
06.10 as part of the Week of Historical Literacy " on the wave of history ", a scene of the Korean folk tale " Honest Boy" and " Stork and Nightingale" by Vladimir Berestov was staged in order to stage fairy tales of the peoples of the world. The event was attended by students of grades 4a and 4B.

"Do you know your native country – Kazakhstan well?" republican children's reading contest

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-26 16:24:29
26.10.2021 as part of the implementation of the Roadmap for the transition of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program to the stage of national modernization, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 09, 2021 No. 50 and dated May 31, 2021 No. 354 "Tugan Elin – Do you know Kazakhstan well?"The republican contest of children's readin...
Author: School №5

Балқаш қаласы білім бөлімінің ұйымдастыруымен Республикалық «Үздік өзін - өзі тану мұғалімі» байқауының қалалық кезеңі өтті.

Category: Новости
Date: 2021-10-26 16:03:41
 2021 жылдың 26 қазан күні Балқаш қаласы білім бөлімінің ұйымдастыруымен Республикалық «Үздік өзін - өзі тану мұғалімі»  байқауының қалалық кезеңі өтті. Мақсаты: «Өзін- өзі тану» РАББ бағдарламасының идеяларын жүзеге асыру бойынша озық педагогикалық тәжірибені анықтау және тарату, өзін-өзі тану педагогтері еңбегінің беделін қолдау және арттыру. «Үздік өзін...
Author: School №25

Drawing competition "My future profession"

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2021-10-26 15:56:43
Oh, what a miracle! Well, choose a profession: What profession can I get, I have a lot of choices. Connected to the world as a song, Some famous tarlans. First, the swan flew It's an impressive sound Amir and Kulyashtai, What is my dream to become a singer? If I were an entrepreneur, The scientist's path is amazing! I travel all over the world: Let's learn a lesson, Without thinking o...
Author: School №6

Within the framework of the Week of Historical Literacy "on the wave of history"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 15:28:54
Dramatization of fairy tales of the peoples of the world.   Fairy tale: " Honest Boy " Korean fairy tale   To view the video clip, go to the section below:   https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUtlurNo3Ze/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Within the framework of the Week of Historical Literacy "on the wave of history"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 15:25:11
Dramatization of fairy tales of the peoples of the world.   Fairy tale: "The Stork and the Nightingale"   To view the video clip, go to the section below: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUtj9jCoDe-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link   https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUtj9jCoDe-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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