
"Қазақ халқының ұлы ақыны – Абай Құнанбаев" – оқырман сауаттылығы апталығының 5 – ші қорытынды күні ұлы ақын, жазушы, композитор-Абай Құнанбайұлы шығармашылығына арналды.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-12 14:22:30
"Қазақ халқының ұлы ақыны – Абай Құнанбаев" – оқырман сауаттылығы апталығының 5 – ші қорытынды күні ұлы ақын, жазушы, композитор-Абай Құнанбайұлы шығармашылығына арналды.  Мектеп жасына дейінгі ерекшелігі-таным процесі және ол ересек адам арқылы жүреді.  Біз, ересектер, үлкен әдебиет әлеміне жас оқырмандардың жолсерігі болып табыламыз.   Әр...
Author: School №10

List of debate clubs"Akikat"

Category: School news
Date: 2021-11-12 13:52:08
Members of the debate club" akikat" 2021-2022 academic year Head: Zhanaydarova A. B. 1. Dayana Narimanova Zhurgentayeva 9B 2. Serikpayeva Adelina Talgatovna 9B 3. Kukeeva Karina Kanatovna 9B 4. Kasymkhan Enlik Nurzhanovna 9 B 5. Rashitova Adina 9a 6. Tleubekova Nuray Dulatovna 10A 7. Rashitova Rashida 10A 8. Baimenova Nuray 10A 9. Iztuleuova Ayym Maratovna 10b 10. Tolysbaev...
Author: School №6

"Clean City Starts with You" video competition as part of the ProEco republican environmental competition.

Category: Олимпиада
Date: 2021-11-12 12:51:49
Abiken Diaz, a student of grade 8A, took part in the city stage of the "Clean City Starts with You" video competition as part of the ProEco republican environmental competition.  Scientific adviser: Raikhanova Aigerim Kazhymuratovna, teacher of ecology.    
Author: Lyceum №2

between grades 5-7 "Do you know your homeland - Kazakhstan?"

Category: Олимпиада
Date: 2021-11-12 12:48:04
between grades 5-7
between grades 5-7 "Do you know your homeland - Kazakhstan?"  The third place at the regional stage of republican children's education was taken by a student of grade 5A of our school-lyceum Sara Algamzhanova Subject teacher: Karibzhanov E.T.  - teacher of history)
Author: Lyceum №2

"The rights of the child are the responsibility of parents. Education of tolerance in the family"

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2021-11-12 11:01:20
10.11.2021 " the rights of the child are the responsibility of parents. A general parent meeting was held on the topic:" fostering tolerance in the family On the agenda: 1.results of the first quarter. 2. "childhood without cruelty and violence. Anti-bullying" 3.ways to prevent suicidal behavior of minors. 4.about the organization of autumn holidays for students.
Author: School №6

As part of the events for the week "Reading Literacy"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-11-12 10:29:34
As part of the events for the week
As part of the events for the week "Reading Literacy", preschool children visited the library of the Konyrat microdistrict. In the library, the guys got acquainted with new art books, learned about the sights of our Kazakhstan.

План мероприятий посвященных 30- летию Независимости РК

Category: Тәрбие жұмысы
Date: 2021-11-12 10:25:23
План мероприятий посвященных 30- летию Независимости РК
План мероприятий посвященных 30- летию Независимости РК

Regional competition "virtual museum excursion"

Category: Museum
Date: 2021-11-12 09:07:43
Author: School №6

Museum departments

Category: Museum
Date: 2021-11-12 09:06:50
Author: School №6

Layout of the Sayak village mosque

Category: Museum
Date: 2021-11-12 08:54:17
Author: School №6

Tamgaly Tas gorge

Category: Museum
Date: 2021-11-12 08:52:02
Author: School №6

School leaders and school graduates

Category: Museum
Date: 2021-11-12 08:46:30
Author: School №6

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