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Жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы

Category: Ата-аналар жиналысы
Date: 2022-01-24 10:51:04
Жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы
On January 15, 2022, a general parent meeting was held through the ZOOM platform for parents of students in grades 1-11. The director of the school S.T. Syzdykova, who spoke about the features of the third quarter. In addition, the speaker of the city polyclinic for vaccination, oncologist Karamanova Saltanat Sakenovna, announced the vaccination. Parents asked questions about the rules of th...
Author: School №16

The raid "Children in the night city!"

Category: Рейд
Date: 2022-01-24 10:44:51
The raid
The raid "Children in the night city!" was carried out. It was organized to identify violations of children's rights, the use of child labor and the prevention of neglect and homelessness of children.
Author: School №16

The Reading Family 2021 competition

Category: Байқау
Date: 2022-01-24 10:30:03
The Reading Family 2021 competition
The end of the year was marked by success.. The Reading Family 2021 competition, organized between educational institutions of the Karaganda region as part of the One Family - One Book campaign dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has come to an end. According to the results of the competition, the Khalabaev family, representing KSU "Seconda...
Author: School №16

New Year - 2022

Category: New Year
Date: 2022-01-24 10:15:34
New Year - 2022
The New Year is our favorite holiday, which always instills new hopes in the heart of everyone and gives wonderful dreams. On this day, all of humanity wants to think about the past, analyze it and start the New Year with pure intentions, confidence in the future. Let the coming year please you only with positive changes, unforgettable moments and interesting meetings. We wish peace, tranquility...
Author: School №16

Meeting within the framework of the project "Ethical life"

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2022-01-24 10:04:45
Meeting within the framework of the project
Meetings within the framework of the Ethical Life project, which illustrate the life of successful people in our region, continue. Master of sports in boxing, bronze medalist of the 2021 Asian Championship, four-time champion of the Karaganda region, two-time champion of Kazakhstan in 2020-2021, talented young athlete Buribaeva Gulnaz Bakhtiyarkyzy. During the meeting, athlete Gulnaz Bakhtiyar...
Author: School №16

Meeting within the framework of the project "Ethical life"

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2022-01-24 09:59:15
Meeting within the framework of the project
Meetings within the framework of the Ethical Life project, which illustrate the life of successful people in our region, continue. Tlekeeva Aray Daurenovna, a young specialist, an exemplary graduate of our school, an English teacher at the Eurasian Technological University, was a guest of the meeting on the topic “Intellectual youth is the backbone of our independence” at KSU “...
Author: School №16

Meeting within the framework of the project "Ethical life"

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2022-01-24 09:56:14
Meeting within the framework of the project
Meetings within the framework of the Ethical Life project, which illustrate the life of successful people in our region, continue. Sagymbekova Altynshash Nurkydyrovna, a young individual entrepreneur, owner of the Solido_Collection store, became a guest of the meeting on the topic “Intellectual youth is the backbone of our independence” at KSU “Secondary School No. 16”, B...
Author: School №16

2021-2022 оқу жылының 21-ші қаңтарында БП «Сырттай алынған жоғары білімге қарсылық» тақырыбында мектеп гимназяимыздың 9 сыныптар арасында пікір-сайыс отырысы ұйымдастырылды. ✓ Ойын санитарлық талаптарды сақтай отырып өткізілді. ✓ Ойын барысында екі тарап

Category: News
Date: 2022-01-24 09:47:33
2021-2022 оқу жылының 21-ші қаңтарында БП «Сырттай алынған жоғары білімге қарсылық» тақырыбында мектеп гимназяимыздың 9 сыныптар арасында пікір-сайыс отырысы ұйымдастырылды. ✓ Ойын санитарлық талаптарды сақтай отырып өткізілді. ✓ Ойын барысында екі тарап қарарға байланысты дефиниция аргументтер, факттар, мысалдар келтіріп, статистикалық мәліметтер ұсынды. Ойын кезінде спикерлер ж...

Meeting within the framework of the Ethical Life project.

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2022-01-24 09:33:53
Meeting within the framework of the Ethical Life project.
Meetings within the framework of the Ethical Life project, which illustrate the life of successful people in our region, continue. Diana Abilmazhinova, a young individual entrepreneur, Vanilla, @trendy_accessories, owner of the Karamel chain of stores, became a guest of the meeting on the topic “Intellectual youth is the backbone of our independence” at Balkhash secondary school No....
Author: School №16

"Prevention of teenage pregnancy"

Category: Психология
Date: 2022-01-24 09:25:18
December 8, 2021 in the education department of the city of Balkhash psychologists of polyclinic No. 2 held a lecture on the topic "Prevention of teenage pregnancy" with students of grades 9-11 of KSU "Secondary school No. 16". The lecture was held to explain early pregnancy and ways to prevent it. To bring up a girl as a well-mannered, polite, comprehensively developed girl,...
Author: School №16

"The support of an independent country is an educated generation."

Category: New
Date: 2022-01-24 09:20:00
17.01.2022 In the CSI "Boarding School No. 24" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, within the framework of the week "XXI century - the century of a literate generation" in the 5th "A" class, a class hour was held on the topic "The support of an independent country is an educated generati...
Author: School №24

"Beware of scammers!"

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2022-01-24 09:09:14
December 21, 2021 in the education department of the city of Balkhash Senior Lieutenant Abenov Bakhtiyar Abilevich, school inspector of KSU "Secondary School No. 16", held a conversation with students in grades 9-11 on the topic "Beware of scammers!". He introduced Article 36, paragraph 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 132 of...
Author: School №16

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