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Оформлен стенд на тему: "Безопасные зимние каникулы".

Category: New
Date: 2024-01-02 11:40:16
Оформлен стенд на тему:
В КГУ «Школа-интернат №24» отдела образования города Балхаш управления образования Карагандинской области был оформлен стенд на тему: "Безопасные зимние каникулы". Так же был размещён план мероприятий во время зимних каникул.
Author: School №24

Қысқы демалыс-көптеген балалардың көңілді және сүйікті уақыты.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2023-12-29 14:45:38
Қысқы демалыс-көптеген балалардың көңілді және сүйікті уақыты.
Қысқы демалыс-көптеген балалардың көңілді және сүйікті уақыты. Демалыста 8-сыныптардың сынып жетекшілері (Якушенко Т.В., Иекенова А. А., Жұмагелдинова У. Т.) және дене шынықтыру пәнінің мұғалімі Ю. В. Пестов "Көңілді старттар"өткізді. Іс-шараның мақсаты-салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау,балаларды спортқа тарту.Балалар күш-жігерімен татуласып,Көңілді эстафеталарда тапқырлық пен ептілік т...
Author: School №10

On December 28, 2023,” the long-awaited New Year’s holiday was held for students in grades 8-11. New Year is a wonderful time, which is always associated with hopes for the best in the coming year.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:38:56
On December 28, 2023,” the long-awaited New Year’s holiday was held for students in grades 8-11. New Year is a wonderful time, which is always associated with hopes for the best in the coming year.
On December 28, 2023,” the long-awaited New Year’s holiday was held for students in grades 8-11. New Year is a wonderful time, which is always associated with hopes for the best in the coming year. The 11th grade teachers organized competitions and games for the best Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each class presented its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.   The participants too...

On December 27, 2023, in order to reveal the creative abilities of children through various types of activities, create a festive mood, an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, create conditions for the development of communicative qualities, artistic, and

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:37:15
On December 27, 2023, in order to reveal the creative abilities of children through various types of activities, create a festive mood, an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, create conditions for the development of communicative qualities, artistic, and
On December 27, 2023, in order to reveal the creative abilities of children through various types of activities, create a festive mood, an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, create conditions for the development of communicative qualities, artistic, and musical abilities for elementary school students, New Year’s matinees “Hello, New Year!” were held. The children took part i...

On December 25, 2023, communication hours were held for schoolchildren on the prevention of bad habits

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:34:42
On December 25, 2023, communication hours were held for schoolchildren on the prevention of bad habits
On December 25, 2023, communication hours were held for schoolchildren on the prevention of bad habits. The guys learned what a habit is, which habits are considered useful, and which ones interfere with being healthy. In a casual conversation, girls and boys talked about the causes and consequences of bad habits. During the anonymous testing "Can you resist?" Each student learned how...

с целью формирования казахстанского патриотизма, активной гражданской позиции, патриотического сознания учащихся прошел историко - познавательный урок, посвященный декабрьским событиям 1986 года.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:31:25
 с целью формирования казахстанского патриотизма, активной гражданской позиции, патриотического сознания учащихся прошел историко - познавательный урок, посвященный декабрьским событиям 1986 года.
On December 15, 2023, in order to form Kazakhstani patriotism, active citizenship, and patriotic consciousness of students, a historical and educational lesson was held dedicated to the December events of 1986. During the conversation, the guys listened to historical information, watched chronicles of the December events of 1986, and talked about achievements in the economy and culture of Indepe...

as part of the “Onegeli Omir” project and the week of historical literacy, a meeting was held with the master of sports in archery, physical education teacher of our school, Mukhametzhanov Zh.T.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:28:46
as part of the “Onegeli Omir” project and the week of historical literacy, a meeting was held with the master of sports in archery, physical education teacher of our school, Mukhametzhanov Zh.T.
On December 15, 2023, as part of the “Onegeli Omir” project and the week of historical literacy, a meeting was held with the master of sports in archery, physical education teacher of our school, Mukhametzhanov Zh.T. The main goal is to remind teenagers how important it is to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Zhumagazi Tursynuly spoke about himself, how he was able to achieve...

as part of historical literacy events and events dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students took part in the exhibition of drawings and essays “My Independent Kazakhstan”, “Sacred Places of Kazakhstan”.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:24:03
as part of historical literacy events and events dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students took part in the exhibition of drawings and essays “My Independent Kazakhstan”, “Sacred Places of Kazakhstan”.
On December 12, as part of historical literacy events and events dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students took part in the exhibition of drawings and essays “My Independent Kazakhstan”, “Sacred Places of Kazakhstan”. The schoolchildren, in their drawings and essays, were able to express their love for their native land, for the Motherland, and...

s part of the week of historical literacy “Along the Waves of History,” a assembly was held at which students were introduced to the work plan for the week

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:22:15
s part of the week of historical literacy “Along the Waves of History,” a assembly was held at which students were introduced to the work plan for the week
On December 11, 2023, as part of the week of historical literacy “Along the Waves of History,” a assembly was held at which students were introduced to the work plan for the week. Schoolchildren will enjoy intellectual games, conferences, and debates in order to consolidate knowledge about our country. Also, a mini-conference on the topic “Great Sons of the Great Steppe&rdquo...

hours of communication were held in all classes on the topic “Kazakhstan - a single land, a single people, a single future” with the goal of developing civic and patriotic feelings, cultivating a respectful attitude towards the symbols of your country, it

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-12-29 13:08:32
hours of communication were held in all classes on the topic “Kazakhstan - a single land, a single people, a single future” with the goal of developing civic and patriotic feelings, cultivating a respectful attitude towards the symbols of your country, it
On December 11, 2023, hours of communication were held in all classes on the topic “Kazakhstan - a single land, a single people, a single future” with the goal of developing civic and patriotic feelings, cultivating a respectful attitude towards the symbols of your country, its history, traditions, and your fellow citizens. During the class hour, students consolidated their knowled...

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