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"Childhood without cruelty and violence", a debate was held between students in grades 7-8

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 12:58:07
On November 17, as part of the activities dedicated to the information campaign "Childhood without cruelty and violence", a debate was held between students in grades 7-8. During the debates, information was exchanged reflecting polar points of view on the same issue, the problem of child abuse and forms of parenting, a red thread was traced in the debate "the child must be protec...

"Childhood without cruelty and violence"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 12:56:14
As part of the information campaign "Childhood without cruelty and violence", raids were carried out through the streets of the Konyrat microdistrict. The purpose of the raid was to control the location of the students after 22 pm. At the time of the check, the children at the HSC were at home with their parents. Children on the streets were not seen. A raid was also carried out...

As part of the information campaign "Childhood without Cruelty and Violence"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 12:52:55
As part of the information campaign
As part of the information campaign "Childhood without Cruelty and Violence", a school-wide parent meeting was held, at which Nesipbayeva G.S. spoke for SD, who introduced the results of the 1st quarter, gave recommendations to parents on how to help children from parents in educational activities.  There was a conversation with a doctor - an epidemiologist of the region. AIDS C...

On November 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, a line was held, at which the results were summed up and the guys were awarded with certificates for active participation

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 12:48:45
On November 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, a line was held, at which the results were summed up and the guys were awarded with certificates for active participation
On November 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, a line was held, at which the results were summed up and the guys were awarded with certificates for active participation

"Rainbow of Talents", where students showed their abilities in different directions: "Young Artist", " Best Vocal”, “Best School Poet”, “Best Choreography”, “Skillful Hands

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 12:42:19
On November 17, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, in order to create favorable conditions for the manifestation of children's initiative and the realization by children of their abilities and talents, according to tradition, our school held the event "Rainbow of Talents", where students showed their abilities in different directions: "Young Artist", " Best V...

“My Favorite Land”

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 11:59:49
“My Favorite Land”
On November 16, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, middle-level students took an active part in the exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Land”, and the elementary level children prepared crafts

“Rules of etiquette

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 11:57:18
 “Rules of etiquette
On November 16, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, with the aim of developing the skills of cultural behavior in everyday life, mastering the basic ethical requirements in behavior and communication with people, class hours were held on the topic “Rules of etiquette. Culture of communication. Primary students remembered and told how to behave in a cinema, theater, transport, librar...

"The honor of a free country and the Constitution"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2022-11-21 11:55:13
On November 16, a lesson on the topic "The honor of a free country and the Constitution" was held in the Kazakh language and literature class with students of the 9th grade. Students received information about human rights, including children's rights, in the national language. It was explained that everyone should know their rights and not violate the rights of others.

Демалыс күн клубында...

Category: News
Date: 2022-11-21 10:40:21
Демалыс күн клубында...
    20 қараша күні Михаил Русаков атындағы мектеп-интернатының оқушылары тәрбиешісімен бірге Балқаш қаласының орталықтандырылған кітапхана жүйесінің № 3 филиалына барды. Мақсаты: оқушылардың демалыс уақыттарын көңілді әрі тиімді пайдалануға жағдай жасау.

On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme "Bouquets and Leaves" was organized for 1-2 classes.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-21 10:10:04
On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme
On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme "Bouquets and Leaves" was organized for 1-2 classes. Purpose: To train students in dexterity and flexibility. During the work, students performed tasks and worked with research.                  


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2022-11-20 18:01:32
В детском саду «Күншуақ» согласно плану городского отдела образования прошел городской семинар. В рамках данного семинар музыкальный руководитель Борисова Л.В. провела в предшкольной группе «Новаторы» организованную деятельность, согласно изменениям в государственном образовательном стандарте. Для построения организованной деятельности педагог использовала различные метод...

Сейсмотренировка и тренировка по аварийным ситуациям

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2022-11-20 16:21:50
Сейсмотренировка и тренировка по аварийным ситуациям
В соответствии с Планом проведения учений и тренировок в области гражданской защиты утвержденный Акимом города Балхаш от 27.12.2021 года и в целях повышения безопасности детей и сотрудников в КГКП «Детский сад «Куншуак» было проведено учение по теме: «Первичные средства пожаротушения». Учебные цели: Общая - проверить готовность «Детского сада «Куншуа...

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